General Discussion

General DiscussionMK

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MK in General Discussion
Синячий патруль

    Why do ppl say he's good while he has ~44% among all ratings?

    ame wo matsu

      overestimated self-esteem as fact


        He always wins the lane lose the game.


          Their teammates hold them back


            u need to be good at the hero and its really strong
            its easy to throw as mk, kind of like sf or lina


              teach me mk kala the frog

              Синячий патруль

                pls tell me why its actually so, no rofls


                  he actually has significant possible counterplay (including shitty starting stats so a good stats hero can straight up outtrade him lvl 1 with just autos even with jingu) so noobies picking mk for ez mmr end up diappointed and lose super hard.


                    i think monkey is still strong idk

                    i win with him so idc


                      name one hero that can trade with a mk who has jingu. Maybe a level 2 ursa with overpower and fury swipes.


                        almost always win ur lane, roam around kill enemies
                        but you will always be squishy and easy to kill
                        in last patch the best mk spammer (was eu top 1 mmr for a while) always played it mid, bought echo and almost always went straight bkb after that, then skadi because its just so easy to die as mk

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                          Hes great with mag. Someone marked support magnus and then I picked him offlane into a hard matchup and fed 4 deaths before coming back and leading with damage. Says more about mag than the hero I suppose but he’s good at early fights and if you know when and how to innitiate


                            monkey takes a decent amount of practice too


                              Slardar, didnt even need bash, crush lvl 1 is fine. Basically any str offlaner i think; and not just str tbh many heroes can trade with him even like maybe venomancer with sting.

                              Of course you already start trading before he gets the jingu stack, though. I think slark literally beats him lvl1 face to face trading.

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                                MK is very strong in 1v1 against certain enemies, so he sometimes excel mid very well.

                                As a safelane carry, he gets fucked real hard by a lot of STR offlaners +1 though. While jingu is strong when trading hits, he doesn’t have any disables to help him in 2v2 situational at sidrlane. Especially at lv1-3, if the enemy sideliner duo play very aggressively, MK can’t do anything against them.


                                  i tried to play mag sup, then i realize it was a mistake to play