General Discussion

General DiscussionNo regen offlane builds?

No regen offlane builds? in General Discussion

    Been seeing a lot of offlane players in guides, just rushing boots with nothing but a stout. Why's that?


      boots = escape
      u need regen items tho otherwise you'll just do the walk-of-shame thing (base - t1)


        so are boots first the item to go in a lane youre expected to lose?

        i was playing tide and they had safe lane mk and an ursa support so i got zoned at 1. what should i have done?


          jungle 4Head why would u pick tide into ursa tho


            i didnt pick into an ursa, i picked first phase cos the second support didnt, and mid and safe should usually get the later picks. i dont mind getting put into a bad lane if it stops carries babyraging about having a bad laning stage

            i did jungle though it was pretty slow with ursa following me around,i was just wondering if that was the wrong choice. i tried to enter lane when i could, though mk was like 3-4 levels ahead i could still cs but not deny him farm, idk if that was the wrong choice and if going jungle the entire time was the correct decision.


              idc you just dont fp tide no matter what


                so whats a reliable offlane pick then? beastmaster? doom? truth be told i just pick heroes i like playing


                  axe brew




                      isn't ursa chasing a low level tide instead of hitting creeps or pushing tower a good thing


                        this happened at level 1 and it was a pos 4 ursa

                        '96 Neve Campbell

                          so whats a reliable offlane pick then?

                          Doom, Axe, Slardar, Brewmaster, Sand King, Magnus, Undying

                          this happened at level 1 and it was a pos 4 ursa

                          Pos 4 ursa lol what


                            ive got a 5k friend who also plays / played pos 4 ursa before frequently. its kind of like pos 4 monkey back when solo offlane was more prevalent. you can out trade and zone most offlane heroes at lv 1 and also transition into a core hero. yes some situations the pick doesn't work but that applies to every hero.

                            niche doesn't mean it's bad. 2B is a 6k player that gave roaming AM and troll a lot of attention - inventing the strat is probably untrue, popularising it seems more apt. utility weaver as a support or offlane was a thing competitively, so was PA support.

                            it's just that an idea of how a hero should be played is so ingrained into most peoples heads that most are slow to accept the fact that another way is also viable e.g. support bounty before C9, offlane void before sadboys, alliance support naga + higher farm priority on supports, mek SF, you name it.


                              'so was PA support'

                              I would appreciate a link to a competetive game (or several, if possible) with support PAs.


                                @ntp.schadenfreude In the small window that dagger had a big range at level 1 it was picked a few times.

                                Here's one I could fine:

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                                  the only player i can remember is 1437. the games were played on 6.88c, dagger cast range was nerfed in 6.88e and 6.88f which was only like a 3 month period between c and f.

                                  basically you'd just start with oov and blight stone and spam daggers at the enemy mid laner.


                                    what do u all think about enigma as an offlaner?


                                      i dont really play him but i think hes a safe pick, guaranteed deny every wave and you can always fall back onto the jungle. super annoying to play against as a safe laner even if all he does is convert ranged creeps.

                                      '96 Neve Campbell

                                        Enigma is rly powerful tbh, hes now the only hero that has a reliable deny since they reworked lich, and eidolins are the most fucking annoying thing in the game to lane against


                                          @VIØLETS pos 4 ursa is pretty good. you can easily get tanky carrys of your lane. the other support will then just do the heals and stuff, while ursa just goes chasing after kills, and zoning potential risk carrys (like axe) from the lane. this way you can get your carry (am for example) to have a good laning phase and a quick bf. and we all know, am earlygame that has a battlefury can farm way easier


                                            bro i think it won’t work in ancient to divine brackets... no regen build as offlaner is more suicidal. imagine supports like dazzle, lion, lich, ogre, undying who loves to trade hits and spend all the resources just to zone out you.

                                            probably can work on lower bracket where supports afraid to trade hits. if im a support and seeing uou without regen, i would definitely trade hits and spend all my consumables to you as dying at low level doesn’t mean anything much in this meta. it will only gain equivalent of 2-3 creeps experience, but if you go back to lane due to low health, you will lose
                                            XP and oppportunity for enemy carry to snowball early than your own carry.

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