General Discussion

General DiscussionDUMB IDIOT question about meta carries

DUMB IDIOT question about meta carries in General Discussion
oogly goo

    Is it that carries like jug/pa/am/slark are OP or is it that they're fine but every other carry is complete garbage-trash right now?

    Player 281121816

      Making passive n active in 1 skill is fuckin broken. Leashed mechanic is fuckin broken. Making ability to steal enemy stats with another perma steal is fuckin broken. Making 3scd cd spell reflect with another passive abilities is fuckin broken. Making 1.4 base attk time with ton of agi is fuckin broken. Making 450 soell dmg at lvl 1 is fuckin brokem, thx

      o`hanra hanrahan

        for me its just PA and AM, PA is just retarded, you only need lvl 3 ult to hit for 1300, and 2k crits costing only 30 mana every 7 sec or whatever, and AM i say because you just AFK farm for 20 min, never help your team, do anything, just 24/7 afk farm untill get 4/6 slotted, and even a blind person can play AM then, its just dumb meta heros, i pretty much take anything over AM and PA at this point


          And no matter what still TB destroys all.

          Inflation Agent

            so far if the enemy team has pa/am/slark/TB and your team dont have the meta carry, its always pretty much a lose game, as a support main account Nothing i can do even after picking meta support hero

            Tento komentář byl upraven

              I agree with malaria except replace am with jugg. I only play heroes that push so if they pick am I just end game in 25mins before he can do anything.


                Yes yes tb is trash plz dont nerf him next patch ty

                Ritsu x boni = 0 IQ

                  Jugg is the most broken carry rn lol, tell me can u win against jugg+lich lane duo? Jugg>all other carries

                  Arctic (Strawberry Blonde)

                    There have been a lot of changes lately... Slark particularly is very strong i do agree, his scalability (although very strong previously in teamfights solely based on essence shift) has been amplified so much with the permanant agi steal. On top of that, Slark thrives at the moment because of the prevalance of tanky offlaners like Beastmaster, Tide, centaur, Underlord etc. Slark loves these lanes as he can trade freely and steal agi off these tanky heroes wanting to grab cs. And usually he steals enough stats that he can get a kill in lane.

                    Just like any other meta tho heroes change and the power of certain heroes do to. this is just one of those times.

                    I remember losing so much mmr when alchemist was buffed years ago, and every game i would get destroyed by an alch with manta radiance when it was new.

                    Have a good day!



                      tb insane this patch even though he got nerfed. hes good against pa am slark jug and he also destroys meta offlaners like bm