General Discussion


'96 Neve Campbell

    Ok but for reals why does dotabuff show LC has having a 50% jungle presence when I havent seen this hero played out of lanes for a year?? Where is this 50% coming from?

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    Ritsu x boni = 0 IQ

      Ofc on the low mmr brackets(sub 2k)


        i do


          Only heroes which bring something from jungle to lane is allowed to be played jungle and LC bring nothing from there

          I prefer WK jungle =D


            lc woods sir
            why would u ever doubt it
            its free mmr

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            Michael Mew

              ^ free mmr click here for woods midas legion

              i have 5 reports to use

                huh lc woods is like a free ticket to vhs


                  I played vs jungler once in 2019 (and dont remember it happening in 2018 at all).

                  One of the best games I remember. I spent half the game just blocking enemy jungle by sentries, so their 4 core lineup didnt have any farm from jungle, because it was just all blocked. So even if they dewarded once we won teamfight I blocked it again and again. All their team was under 9k networth. Me as position 5 support had 9.6k. They didnt have anything to do on the map but deward or push. They were weaker all along, so they couldnt push or fight, they couldnt farm.

                  So much fun!

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                    Lc woods sure win


                      Ofc on the low mmr brackets(sub 2k)

                      no, they recently playing drow jungle and rushing maelstorm for farming faster (omega lul)
                      they are not pretending any more :)))


                        If the support are rich and safe enough to spam sentries to block enemy's jungle, his team should have been strong enough to destroy enemy barracks

                        RIGGED games

                          lc woods is viable now that midas is back in the meta! amazing i must say haven"t lost a single game with it on my team yet 5 min midas every game


                            i think that jungle at lane presence thingy was reffering to all games on dota lol


                              I used to have 600 games with 66% win rate on legion jungle back when Iron Talon existed. It was so legit that you could easily get level 6 by 5 min and blink by 7 min while everyone else was still level 4.

                              Then again, times changed.

                              I think those are statistics from all time in dota, not recent only. Just like my statistics say 50% jungle even though I havent played lc jungle in years.

                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                people only pick lc when they want to jungle. otherwise they dont pick the hero at all because she is bad


                                  Only noobs play LC jungle while there is WK jungle available which brings more from jungle (ganks+push+farm)

                                  WK get some 5k @10 min even while u still help your lanes

                                  LC just afk


                                    bad players lc is a golden god of clicking enemy heroes


                                      only idiots pick LC, any team with LC always 100% lose the game period

                                      Hatrið mun sigra

                                        It's because of 2ks, Guns'n'Roses and me when I'm extremely tilted


                                          LC jungle is underrated actually. It's good but I do prefer Lycan over that.
                                          @op probs because you're in a meme bracket that's my only explanation

                                          Yami Yugi



                                              It shows jungle probabaly because she is one of the few heroes that can Jungle very early so a lot of dual offlane LC"s will hit lvl 3 or 4 and then jungle and since they spend 3-10 in the jungle the Dotabuff counts it as jungling.


                                                She? LC was a male back in dota 1

                                                unbreakable spirit

                                                  Okay is the best strat against jungle LC in your own team is to buy six sentries and place them in your own jungle? I had two jingling lcs in my calibration matches! I really thought of doing this!

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                                                    I mean you can't expect op to know the power of lc woods since he's legend scrub..

                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                    Dark Hunter

                                                      most of those stats remain from previous patches. When jungling was viable, the stats dont shift much because people still play her jungle (for whatever reason) and she's not very viable right now so not played very often (causing slower shift). No idea if any of this is true but that's my best guess.