General Discussion

General DiscussionPPD is a pretty good captain

PPD is a pretty good captain in General Discussion

    Everyone always talks about Kuroky and Puppey as the best captains in Dota and i agree but im kinda amazed how PPD took OpTic to a 7-8th place last ti and this season he has qualified with NiP to ti.
    He forms a team and sticks with it and in the end the outcome is two ti's in row. Many other teams shuffle/switching players after bad results while NiP keep the players win the minor and place 5th in the major.

    Obviously its not a fluke, PPD knows how to make a reliable dota 2 team.

    low prio master

      I love Puppey and Kuro, ppd have worst personality in dota scene in my opinion


        PPD definitely up there for one of the best drafters I've had the pleasure of watching

        Pale Mannie



            ppd a good drafter

            smurfs = no balls

              good captain but horrible human being (judging by the interviews he does)

              TANG INA MO VIO

                The best captain is currently in the best team at the moment. Watch the last Major and see how Puppey bounced back and destroy Liquid with his counter drafts.


                  VP and Secret is above everyone else right now thats quite clear but im talking about PPD ability to basically take two teams with what most would say is ok players to two ti's. Except Zai no one in either optic or nip was/is considered top 5 in their role yet optic took a 7-8th place in ti. NiP 4th and 5th place in two of the majors this season.

                  Many people hate and love the salt lord but he obviously knows how to captain a team.

                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                    VP above everyone else?



                      I dont know, VP either won or placed second in most big tournaments these last 2 seasons. So i yeah i would consider them being above everyone else with Secret.