General Discussion

General DiscussionArc warden sucks.

Arc warden sucks. in General Discussion

    No damage, no health, no stuns, no kill potential, no counter play tools of any kind. Idk how to counter stuns they seem to be point and click and 10 seconds and have no way to counter. So what is the point of this hero. Why does Chaos knight get all that stuff like teleporting ENEMIES to his team with one button for cheap kills. What is arc warden useful for other then feeding. Feels like a joke, Easter egg character that has no reference to anything. Wtf is Q for, It does LESS damage then most abilities and doesn't work if target is near any ally. Seems pretty useless. It's a team game, there is never going to be a time where you are not next to an ally. I can't think of anyways to outplay. Normally I can say, "what could I have done to win that engagement?" well in this case, idk what I could have done. I get clicked on and killed. No way to break the stun, no way out to use my abilities.

    Characters that need "a High degree of skill, coordination and timing to execute" aren't viable because clicking one button and winning the game(through shear gold advantage) will always be faster and more efficient then having to click 5 and getting just one kill. I can't even set up my ult and switch between my arc clone to use items and spells before I get clicked on and stunned where I can't win the fight now.

    going to sleep I reply in morning

    I feel like I should be able to defend my self. Counter play should Always be possible. I want to be able to make cool outplayes with arc warden, but I can't if there is no way to get out of a stun. BKB is useless because you will be stunned and killed 10 times before you get it and even then game is already over.

    I am trying to practice maneuvers with arc in Overthrow, but I can't because I just get stunned and killed. That's their out play. I don't have any way around that, there is no weakness to that. Can't dodge it because they always get the jump on me. If i fight back my attacks are so puny it's useless. I had like 3 full items in overthrow and my attacks did unnoticeable damage it was so low. Seems like this hero needs a lot of work. W should block spells, and stuns, and should STUN people who try to enter the field while you are in it. That would provide counter play. What is the counter play to the W? idk, just don't walk into it and just wait. Arc can't kill you anyways his attacks do nothing.

    Ult is useless because you can only control one thing at a time, how the hell am i supposed to control 2 things at once. I can't break the laws of physics. If I control one the other dies. So i just use ult and send it off with an attack move.

    So arc warden sucks. No damage, no strengths, only weakness.

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      arc warden is weak? go watch some cuki videos ty

      drumk driver

        bad troll


          nice book

          Machado98 #xatubaking

            First things first: you leveled the wrong talents and started with Magnetic Field. It probably ruined your lane phase.
            Skipped mael/sb/BoT for a pike
            Your team needed a Silver Edge but your build forced Rexxar and Shaker to build it
            Somehow you managed to get less cs than your earthshaker lol

            Arc is a good hero. You just have to be good at arc. Don't expect to pick it whenever you want and carry games as if it was an easy hero

            I am not that good at arc, but I know it is about high efficiency at everything you do, resulting in high reward mid-late game. Your team had advantage until 20min. Either you were inefficient or dumb. Only explanations I can find for such a low farm. (I am assuming you didn't feed as much before that abysmal net worth advantage drop)

            A Wild Pikachu Has Appeared!

              I would consider arc as a situational hero and a hero very hard to play with, play it if only if you know how to


                Arc is probably the best hero to smurf with tbh

                A Wild Pikachu Has Appeared!

                  Meepo is the best hero to smurf if you know to play


                    After my recent game vs 50k dmg mid io in 30 min game im pretty Sure io is best hero to stomp 4k dogs like me.


                      I can't think



                        He is too slow and low impact for my playstayle,i would rather pick meepo/storm


                          Meepo and aw are too different. Meepo is amazing for the first 30 mins, aw is one of the strongest hero’s after 25th minute. It can kill almost any hero with 0 risk. It can push towers other heroes can. It defends towers really well. Farms like crazy. Yes. His skills don’t scale and mid game aw is terrible

                          Leafclubb🍃 ♫

                            No Damage, no health

                            He has amazing damage against lone targets, you just gotta figure out his positioning and ideal play style. With his attack range and Spark Wraith zoning and scouting, lanes are manageable unless dealing with heroes with summons ofc. By placing a ghost on the pathway, You can force the other hero to either trade hits or suck up the Spark Wraith. you trade better having a level 1 Magnetic Field in the laning phase but that's a personal preference. And who doesn't like a minimal risk hero that you can just yolo to the enemies while dealing decent damage. Plan ahead! Mind your positioning! and remember to scout with your 3rd.

                            He also has one of the highest str gains as an agi hero. Just get a feel for him, he's more flexible than you think aside from the fact he can barely farm without midas.

                            Strange how I like both Arc AND Pango though, maybe the micro just gets to me :D.

                            Tento komentář byl upraven
                            Super Ring

                              Arc is good man.
                              Just too good if u know how to use it.
                              +Best for smuft ✌🏻

                              Leafclubb🍃 ♫

                                He is too slow and low impact for my playstayle,

                                If he gets a good lane then purchase a Necronomicon. He can push highround with his team in the midgame while scouting out with his Spark Wraiths, effectively dissuading the opposing side from engaging. Not that I'm recommending Necro EVERY game especially if the tempo is against you. But it's rather hard to deal with, not that I've seen another arc picker abuse that(aside from myself). Especially like it with NP <3.

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                                  I'm ignoring all comments that essentially say "if you know how to use it hes good" or anything along those lines because he clearly isn't good. Low success rate across all elos

                                  A Wild Pikachu Has Appeared!

                                    Check my profile, my games should serve as a good guide for players who want to learn arc warden(i have 1.4k games of arc)


                                      OP has 42% win rate lol stop buying accounts


                                        Nice joke OP, maybe stop picking the hardest heroes in the game, it's not for you, looking at your abysmal win rates, that should be pretty obvious...

                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                          Just taking a quick glance at your match history... you die. A lot. Way too often, on pretty much any hero you play.

                                          If you die that often in your skill bracket with "easy" heroes, how do you expect to succeed with Arc who is clearly a complex hero? A 2.36 KDA on Zeus, who is a global hero who tends to get many free kills and assists throughout the game is abysmal.

                                          A Low average KDA like that is acceptable on heroes who don't have much AoE spells or who are very effective split pushers, as split pushers tend to spend more time fighting smaller groups of opponents and have less opportunities to slam entire teams with AoE to rack up a high assist counter.

                                          Master simpler concepts first, as your holistic understanding of the game grows, so will your ability to play a greater range of heroes.

                                          It's entirely normal to suck with X hero, then go improve your game with Y hero(es,) and then be able to go back to X hero and perform far better with X without having even played any X recently.

                                          It's your mastery and knowledge of the inner workings of the other heroes that enabled you to understand the parts of the game that are needed to adequately perform as X.


                                            42% winrate in normall skill cant have 50%+ winrate even in 2k bracket,maybe even less ,and you are telling that arc warden is shit? You have no clue about Arc,and stop embarrasing yourself writing such nonsense. bruh


                                              Pez just because you suck with this hero does not mean the hero is bad. Having below 50% win rate in low MMR brackets does not mean he has "low success rates", it means bad players are bad at using a difficult hero. Just like you!


                                                you are suck. just like me.

                                                supp0rt picker

                                                  Dude , just try this build: 3 bane midas mael travel mijonil hex . Talen is 35 as 300 hp 125 ATK rng. Or try topson build : 2 bane book 1 midas mijonil. Etc.

                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                    Arcwarden and invoker sucks, until the one that play it is divine level. Never felt so agonized going against arcwarden, especially when he is lvl 25 and get spark wraith dmg talent. I accidentally triggered them when using nature prophet and just 5 wraith is enough to deal 2250 dmg after reduction


                                                      is this a copypasta or a genuine tale of a 2k player trying to play on a hero with more than 1 unit
                                                      please check out my profile or even better some professional players on this hero and you should relatively see how this hero is played
                                                      his timings are super weird - in early game you stomp enemies, mid-game you have to farm because enemies got escape tools, and in late you block those escape tools with control (hex/orchid+nulli)
                                                      of course you can join midgame fights with your team but be sure you have a reasonable amount of stuns otherwise your spells wont do shit




                                                          Bro zet is a high risk high reward hero, just like alch if you left him unchecked on the midgame and yes picking him is very situational


                                                            And wtf your talking about? No damage? Dude his damage at level 1 with 2 circlet 1 slipper branch and faerie is something like 64, you should have no problem getting the range creep with the spark wraith + auto attack

                                                            Yami Yugi

                                                              Normal Skill
                                                              2 months ago
                                                              All Pick

                                                              This guy is cancer