General Discussion

General Discussionwhat the fuck do you do against brood

what the fuck do you do against brood in General Discussion


    '96 Neve Campbell


      flourishing new leaf

        You can pick sandking mid or alche or so many other heroes..


          depends on your hero
          if u melee and actually winning vs her and she goes jungle chase her on her jungle,dont let her get any farm

          if u range and literally getting crushed just jungle or swap lanes from min 0 like a sane person


            first pick brood next game, get stomped, then pick that hero every time you encounter a brood.


              you pick techies and then you mine multiple jungle camps around mid


                @Boeing 737-MAX
                I believe the problem is 10th pick brood, other than that, just counter pick it.

                Tento komentář byl upraven
                Pale Mannie

                  double stout :laugh:


                    swap offlaner with midlaner

                    Today I won 2 exact games where we did just that.

                    Even if its WR, its better than Invoker mid.

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                      crushing her in laning stage (as improbable as it is since it's always fucking 10th pick) doesn't solve everything thanks to agh rush

                      once she gets agh she's nearly impossible to catch unless you throw 5 people at her and even then it's not guaranteed, you just need to keep several people around midlane constantly while enemy team freefarms uncontested and even then, brood just eventually shits down your neck even late game which i'm not sure why's allowed

                      if all else fails just run down on buildings and break a lane of rax in 15 seconds lmaoo skillful hero

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        you cant do anything, she will outfarm you. just try to protect your tower.

                        ez katka

                          10th pick no solution , just try to buy time , if they pick it 6th or 7th you can counter her




                              brood is a strong independent woman and you want to say she is broken because she makes more money than you? are you fucking sexist or what?


                                Well, if you can hold in early and midgame then congrats, you won the game or so you have a high chance of winning the game. Btw, es is still really a hard counter on broodmother though.

                                GRANT MACDONALD

                                  Brood doesn't even need ags. If she's having to drop webs everywhere in order to farm then she's behind. By 10 mins, she should have 3-4 kills and 2 towers. I climbed from 3-digit mmr hell to a high of 2.6k just brood mid, win lane, then rotate offlane and tell offlaner to 4-man in the safelane. If they TP 3 heroes to deal with you, just kite and hopefully your teammates are making space on the other lane.
                                  Most of the games i lost was when our core wanted to afk farm for 30 mins and didn't understand how brood works.

                                  You die once or twice after a 12-0 start and solo-killing 4 towers and the enemy is right back in the game and possibly ahead. A brood needs her team to not be autistic in order to win. At higher mmrs, probably not a big deal.


                                    Almost nothing rofl. Hero wins most lanes, even if she doesn't she's going to have 2-3 items at 20 minutes, then with her Spider dmg and Spider HP talents her lategame is also strong as fuck.

                                    I like how unique her playstyle is, but this hero is broken by design.


                                      get stuns and catch
                                      kunkka wins lane, catches and stuns till bkb


                                        Once brood hit lv 3, swap with ur offlane. U dont need to swap at lv 1 i think, brood useless at lv 1


                                          Pick LC.
                                          Call down arrows.


                                            Get heroes that have strong aoe that kill broodlings all the time. Kunkka, tiny, etc. if she’s stupid she will feed you. If not, she will jungle and let you free farm mid. The second you’ll leave mid your tower will die. So you always have to have someone with aoe and ideally escape mid. In the late game she’s strong vs teams that let her regen. Strong disables like pudges ultimate or ss are actually really good. Void, axe, legion are good if she can’t use her ulti. You need someone with aoe vs her early and 2-3 heroes with strong stuns /hexes later with strong damage. Like tiny+ss+ursa. Or ta, pudge ulti, monkey. The issue is 22 pick and you have no aoe or it’s super costly like tinker. I’ve seen some guides on how to counter her - delay her push, delay farm, get better tempo. End when she becomes irrelevant or with late game hard carries like void or heroes with nulli+ orchid + long stun.

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                                              BB is a really rough counter to Brood... Just turn your back and take no damage and spam quills, her spiderlings will at least die and she won't make a dent on you alone. Have played this a few times and basically there is nothing the Broodmama can do in that match up. She has no lock down to prevent you from turning your back and and the damage mitigation from the ability and stout shield basically means the little ones do zero damage to you.

                                              Last pick Brood is always a tough one. You may not have a good hero to throw in her lane, but you have to switch it up so your best (often durable) hero is facing her. If you can stay alive and keep the creeps away from the tower, you are doing good. Someone usually has some type of an AOE ability in the game...


                                                Hero has around 55% win-rate in Divine+, and that's mostly from last picking. In TI she is in the middle of P+B heroes with just 52% win-rate. Also if you check Brood spammers, even the best players rarely are higher than rank 1k (I don't count people like monkeys_forever that only pick it in perfect games as last pick, but those that pick her consistently). I don't think hero is as broken as some of you make. It's broken if there is no AOE in enemy team, but that rarely happens nowadays. If anything I think she might get nerf to lvl 20 & 25 talents, rest is fine. In late game she really suffers due to low BKB charge. She is still strong, but gets outcarried by most carries if doesn't have farm advantage.

                                                Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                Glimmer of Dawn

                                                  LC, Axe, DK, Tiny, Timbersaw are standout heroes for laning against Brood.

                                                  Broodmother has good laning with spiders, good push, good neutral game, good diving with spiders, but suffers from a single target issue going into late. Also her lategame isn't that great, as her steroid is limited compared to harder carries. She also thrives on being able to kill mid T1 and mid T2 if you lose lane hard.

                                                  So there's a few things you can do to make it easier to beat her.

                                                  1. Kill her directly.

                                                  Tiny is a good example of this. The nuke that he brings, combined with cleave and AOE and tree toss, means he's good at nuking a relatively squishly broodmother. Broodmother is reliant on the web regen to get ahead in lane and straight AOE burst is devastating against her early on. The fact that Tiny has mixed damage on his burst is even nicer (Tree Grab being physical), since the spiders will not be that hard to clear.

                                                  LC also works with Overwhelming Odds. Broods will tend to get a lot more out of lane against LC than Tiny though so it's important to chase her into jungle and use Overwhelming Odds on her and her spiders if she is not properly microing or aware of your rotation. Chasing after her and giving up a bit of freefarm is generally a good idea if you can contest her safely, since Broodmother often leaves tricky lanes in order to accelerate in jungle and will accelerate past many other mid laners.

                                                  2. Don't leave lane, protect your own tower. Kill her tower.

                                                  DK, Timbersaw and Axe are good examples of heroes that can do this. Broodmother will often respond to these heroes by creep skipping between your T1 and T2, so you can do the same. The idea is that Broodmother often focusses on her own efficiency and try to pressure your tower by creep skipping, but you yourself are too tanky to bully especially with a stout shield.

                                                  In this scenario, a well micro'd brood will be too annoying to chase around so you can creep skip the exact same way between her T1 and T2.

                                                  The idea is that Broodmother often gets ahead by killing your T1 and T2, but if instead you kill her T1 because she's off jungling to be efficienct, that's a huge win for the team against Broodmother, because she's losing mid T1 instead of killing your mid T1. In the same way as it being really bad for DK to lose his T1 instead of killing enemy mid T1.

                                                  3. Have multiple counters to Brood. Don't send supports to die.

                                                  I see a lot of supports try to TP mid and die one by one to Brood. Don't do it. Have a clear plan and gank a broodmother whilst she is doing efficiency, using smokes to help if need be. Catching her by surprise and killing her when she's on the way to big is a huge win because her lategame is not the best and she's snowball heavy.

                                                  Repeat: do not tp one by one and all die to brood. That's how you lose quickly.

                                                  4. If you are desperate, block jungle camps with sentries.

                                                  Whenever there is a hero that is reliant on jungle camps to get ahead and bully you out of the game, it can be economically viable to suppress them by blocking lots of jungle camps using observers and sentries. If you are the 5 it is generally worth it to do so against something like an Alch, but Brood can also fit this bill.

                                                  I don't expect this to commonly happen in lower mmrs though.

                                                  pak u dota

                                                    get hero with aoe and block brood player i can pick her 9th, but idk in higher lvl im just divine 1, brood wont work if ur team doesnt push their lanes and decide to go jungle instead of pushing..but nowadays party is better than solo so yes i always win with her i have 17-3 wins in 20 games.


                                                      Play near your teammates, don't split push too far if you don't see her on the map, if you have a hero who can't escape. Stuns will make your life much easier, that's obv. Also protect your towers. Mid tower is most important tbh, so don't let it fall too early. Honestly it's mega cancerous hero, can't do much about it when it's picked as 10th pick. Just try not to feed and protect your towers and hope for the best.

                                                      Glimmer of Dawn

                                                        Well there are a lot of 10th pick heroes that are really hard to deal with. Which brings us back to the point that often putting the offlaner into mid is the way to go.

                                                        Mid tower is huge though


                                                          Treant is nice support vs brood. After lvl 6 u have enough lock down to your cores do their job

                                                          idk how to play dota

                                                            Do you guys know that if u got grimstroke support he can go mid and help your mid against brood. Tried it twice against fucking grim. He just 1 hitted me with his first skill. More spiderlings = more damage.


                                                              You better be careful if you don't have lastpick and have Windranger in offlane (in example), then you can be crushed even by not brood-spammer, because you won't be able to swap lanes.
                                                              Pick MK, Alche, TA, ember or Kunkka, at least you won't feed her and stay comfortably against any other hero. Always stay near your lane, otherwise you can lose your tower very quickly.
                                                              Playing with 2 supps around against her will be your lose, especially if brood can kill your supps only with spiders


                                                                If you first pick ember mid every game they probably wont pick brood

                                                                < blank >

                                                                  Kys br00d pickers


                                                                    brood lategame is pretty crazy,dont think u can win by just holding midgame and early game lmao

                                                                    anyway if you pick heroes like ember or lina you can at least win some retarded trash broods out there,unless you're picking shit like zeus or tinker
                                                                    in which,reconsider your heroes lmao


                                                                      Last game VG vs TNC showed why Brood is not as strong as people here think. Hero has below 40% win-rate in TI. Most offlaners can lane vs her well. It's v. rare nowadays to not have answer vs her. Hero is strong, but balanced. Only imba vs bad drafts.

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                                                                        That was fast @vishnu

                                                                        Tenshi Yurippe

                                                                          I always pick a hero, keeping in mind the enemy can last pick a brood or meepo. One trick I use is to block the camp nearest to mid and just fight the ward denying game. Usually in pubs, courier is always busy so she can't readily deward lulz.