General Discussion

General DiscussionNew Alch

New Alch in General Discussion
Faded Spade

    Skywrath mid



      Faded Spade

        Nurmul skill lulz

        Skill Build
        4-1-4 and exp talent @ 10 flare @ 11 then max 2nd
        Build null > null > null > null > mango here and there > wind lace > kaya > bot > kaya yasha > SOV/ROD (preferably SOV) > Dagger/sb > Aeondisk/linken > Blessings > divine rapier > moonshard > bottle > teleport scrolls > clarities > ironwood branch
        Game should pretty much be over by the time you get BOT 4 null kaya yasha
        enjoy free MMR

        Gard Pedersen

          ancient 3 lulz


            2736 lulz


              Easy to counter the hero though and falls off after early power spike


                im just getting sad when i see i have same mmr with this dudes
                am i actually this retarded? :(


                  Hero is pretty trash. Very situational pick.

                  Pale Mannie

                    fuck skyсuсk players

                    '96 Neve Campbell

                      No. Hero is only semi viable in turbo. In normal games he only excels in the laning phase but is easy to counter pick and dissolves to any gank. After that he is super easy. He has a power spike when he first builds rod which is completely countered by items which are cheap such as euls and force staff. He is countered by basically half the items in the game lol.
                      Blade Mail
                      Aeon Disk
                      I refuse to believe that anyone can honestly say this hero is powerful when he is simply so easy to counter and is a complete glass cannon that gets killed by any burst damage or rotation.


                        hero is very powerful when u play against same brain lvl enemies as OP tho.


                          In'st the next alch of this patch Nightstalker?


                            or lycan
                            u can reach 800 gpm ezly with building aghs


                              No. Hero is only semi viable in turbo. In normal games he only excels in the laning phase but is easy to counter pick and dissolves to any gank. After that he is super easy. He has a power spike when he first builds rod which is completely countered by items which are cheap such as euls and force staff. He is countered by basically half the items in the game lol.
                              Blade Mail
                              Aeon Disk
                              I refuse to believe that anyone can honestly say this hero is powerful when he is simply so easy to counter and is a complete glass cannon that gets killed by any burst damage or rotation.

                              ShitPosting at its finest

                              Cheap Laugh Guy

                                Sky's really good right now. A shame no one played him in TI9.

                                Ritsu x boni = 0 IQ

                                  i br00d your skymage ty


                                    No. Hero is only semi viable in turbo. In normal games he only excels in the laning phase but is easy to counter pick and dissolves to any gank. After that he is super easy. He has a power spike when he first builds rod which is completely countered by items which are cheap such as euls and force staff. He is countered by basically half the items in the game lol.
                                    Blade Mail
                                    Aeon Disk
                                    I refuse to believe that anyone can honestly say this hero is powerful when he is simply so easy to counter and is a complete glass cannon that gets killed by any burst damage or rotation.

                                    just copy paste the whole thread like you usually do buddy


                                      hero is only good in 3k trash or below, because people are iterally too dumb to buy a bkb/manta/force.

                                      I had a game where my slark got killed 1 combo for 40 minutes in every fight, because he refused to buy a euls or bkb. despite the whole team tellling him to do so. bkb/manta deal no damage so those are forbidden items. All you need is shadowblade, it gives you immortality


                                        brood is alch 2.0

                                        Glimmer of Dawn

                                          Skywrath is a tempo hero because his kit is entirely nullified by BKB. So he needs to get ahead and steamroll a game to the point he can get Hex or Aghs or whatever item it is to not care about the enemy's defensive options.

                                          If he doesn't win a game in this way he's gonna struggle in the mid to late game, at least till BKBs get low duration.