General Discussion

General DiscussionHardest Ranged hero to play as Pos 5

Hardest Ranged hero to play as Pos 5 in General Discussion

    We dropped melee heroes out because there would be a ton of horse shit melee pos 5.

    Cheap Laugh Guy


      Marko Bulat

        Oracle, the options you can do with that hero and playstyles are limitless. If you play it good, team will love you, if you fuckup you gonna get WW treatment. :)


          Marko Bulat30 minutes ago
          Oracle, the options you can do with that hero and playstyles are limitless. If you play it good, team will love you, if you fuckup you gonna get WW treatment. :)

          WW like winter wyvern? Why oracle is so hard to play as pos 5? It have 620 att range and ok 295 movement

          @One True Merchant yep morph might be most useless because low att range.

          Maybe we should focus in this thread more to heroes which usually could be played as support some how.

          Marko Bulat

            As with WW, you can single-handedly fuck up entire teamfight if you wrongly read the situation.


              ^Yep done that. Low IQ games WW is lousy hero


                CHEN, Oracle, WISP, Oracle and WW


                  Got to be Sniper, Medusa, Drow or Tinker right? They'd all suck as position 5


                    Techies and io


                      cm, techies, warlock, sky
                      specially wr, that hero is so fucking hard to play


                        Warlock and Skymage are braindead easy heroes with a very simple gameplay pattern, which you repeat until the game is over.
                        How is it fucking hard to hit Q like a retard in lane?

                        I'd say WW.

                        1. Low base damage and at the same time Q has a very long CD at lvl 1, which means that if you somehow fuck up the starting harass, the lane is lost.
                        2. W can fuck up the lane equilibrium, so you can't really spam it as pos. 5 or you can ruin the lane.
                        3. E has the potential to kill your teammates. E.g. you heal your carry, when your team's retreating → carry is disabled by you and dies.
                        Or you start healing when the guy is about to pop cheese/Satanic. You can destroy your own game with 1 button.
                        4. R is another way to destroy your own game with 1 button — you can save the enemy with this spell.

                        So for WW you have low base damage/armor and 4/4 spells can ruin your game.
                        Probably the hardest pos. 5 to get right.

                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                          imagine being so dumb to get any jokes and sarcasm

                          imagine thinking WW is hardest pos 5 to play, LUL
                          obviously its chen


                            Chen in horse shit IQ bracket is pretty simple to play.

                            After laning u just hoard ton of creeps and push while your team mates "make space" (team fight in line formation with 100m spaces)


                              i was kidding again, but im afraid u are wrong mulli
                              hero have higher winrate on higher mmr
                              and as a chen player, its better to play with someone who have brain rather than someone garbage who cant even draft properly.


                                yeah pos 4 Kowareta's Chen is so guuuuud <3

                                edit. had typo kurwareta's changed to kowareta's

                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                  still mad about sth happened months ago? OmegaLUL

                                  rather than someone garbage who cant even draft properly.

                                  i guess u misunderstood my point, there wasnt any hidden message here,


                                    Ofc Chen is hero which might be pretty good if played 100% efficiency with good team but my point was that Chen could win dog shit games just by pushing when opening is there.

                                    When's My Lucky Q?

                                      yes, WW is one of the hardest to execute pos 5. one wrong move and u cost the game


                                        but it has lower winrate, even sub 50% mulli
                                        ppl have opinions, and they check it with data, thats how reasoning and science works
                                        u have an idea
                                        F = ma
                                        u check it by experimenting, u wont running around saying every body thats a fact without any prove, thats retarded :)


                                          pos 5 venomancer spammer passed by


                                            WW indeed the hardest pos 5 to execute properly, but rewards you greatly for executing it properly.

                                            Ritsu x boni = 0 IQ

                                              Chen is the most difficult pos 5 to master, you need great knowledge of how the game works(timings, etc.) need to learn how to micro effectively, letting your creeps die is a waste of resources for the team, because it would mean that you have to rebuild your creep army


                                                I had great success with chen even I have to admit I'm pretty shit with it.

                                                Maybe I'm pretty ok to see where is openings and i'm win oriented not fight oriented. I just don't enjoy all that micro at all what Chen need to be played probably.

                                                I have lately played pos 5 Veno which is really hard bec that hero doesn't really have "att damage/att range/mvm speed/disable" but why I like to play Veno as pos 5 is to learn more crucial positioning etc.


                                                  letting your creeps die

                                                  its worst feeling in game when someone use midas or mirana arrows ur creep

                                                  but the best is when u faking it and doom eats the useless creep. braindead anshits picking doom 4 to counters u but they dont know how to do it :))


                                                    Oracle is not that hard,also his E is insane I would say he is more annoying than sky ,WW is hard.

                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                      I have lately played pos 5 Veno which is really hard bec that hero doesn't really have "att damage/att range/mvm speed/disable" but why I like to play Veno as pos 5 is to learn more crucial positioning etc.

                                                      att damage: poison sting help ur damage output quite a lot
                                                      att range: this is the weakness on veno, compensate it with movement speed items
                                                      mvm speed: buy euls + tranquil, get another windlace or force staff if u need more
                                                      disable: get euls or atos to cancel channelling, otherwise gale + poison sting slow is good enough

                                                      I play pos 5 veno due to these reason:
                                                      1. harass enemy core pretty easily, unless they have a ridiculous support that can win at trading hits with you (example here would be WR as she got longer range, higher movement speed, lower BAT)
                                                      2. scale well into late game with lv25 3x ward damage/hp talent + gpm talent
                                                      3. farm fast, wards deal 1.5x damage to creeps and poison sting helps a lot. You also able to jungle near your lane if your core doing well
                                                      4. item versatility, build whatever your team needs (in my rank 2k~3k range, offlane does not always get item that benefit team), normally i go euls + tranquil (change to gg boots at late game if no one else buy it), get mek/pipe/force staff/vlad/lotus as you see fit
                                                      5. vision that ward provided sometimes give u info that you need to win fights, also help at dewarding

                                                      Yami Yugi

                                                        Hell, WW is very dangerous double edged hero IMO, even pros can go wrong with her.

                                                        As long as her ult made her enemy invulnerable that is, and is not controlled by AI team 5 bots, because bots :)

                                                        Easily delete enemy's pos 2/4/5 even with linken (just break it with your W), a WW with an Aether Lens is dangerous af.

                                                        Has long range wave clear, comfortable scaling heal, and pseudo escape/chasing mechanism (the former two is all double edged skills)


                                                          Low IQ games WW is lousy hero

                                                          Tu tayta

                                                            Winter Wyvern is not exactly hard, it's just easy to fuck your own team with her.
                                                            Chen is harder to play, but you can't really screw your teammates with him, save for specific circumstances, like bodyblocking your teammates, teleporting them when they don't want to or clustering your army next to them when there's an enemy earthshaker.