General Discussion

General DiscussionThe team with pipe plus greaves first usually wins the game.

The team with pipe plus greaves first usually wins the game. in General Discussion

    Been experimenting with multiple builds as offlane and I found that the team that has greaves and pipe first can usually just plow down mid and throne. Anyone that engages with you are usually just going to feed. Even though this is almost the easiest way to win dota it still amazes me that you often see supports still try to buy useless shit like dagger and aether lens or worse try to rush some agh.


      Getting both these items "before" game is decided seems hard.


        dazzle on my team: desolator & crit
        dazzle on enemy team: greaves & force staff


          i hope you can prove "team with networth advantage most likely win the game" has no correlation with what you saying buddy.


            I can give you lots of examples of team has networth advantage but buys stupid items like dagger, agh, that lost when they would have won had they brought glimmer, force, vlads pipe or greaves with the same gold. Do you want them?

            Take this game for example.

            Between 10 and 22 mins dire is leading in networth, towers etc. But pudge pos 3 choose to buy a dagger where as I choose to buy a pipe. That started to swing our networth and win fights. by 28 mins I finish greaves and we pushed mid rax cuz they do not have pipe or greaves.

            Tento komentář byl upraven

              you are changing subject buddy. it was about "pipe" and "greaves", but now you talk about "stupid" support items and "typical" support items.


                not really changing the subject those "stupid" items could easily be a pipe or greaves. I was just giving examples. My main point is recognize if your team is missing pipe or greaves and if you are fill the role doesnt matter the position. It is probably more useful than anything else you can buy.


                  first, its just one game!
                  second, you played clock against lesh and pl. of course that hero goes those items against those combination of heroes.
                  you cant play alch (in broken times) and come here saying oh god this radiance bkb assault rush is so fucking broken!!! every team make those items winning!!!
                  maybe go make those two items on uncommon cases then came up with this idea!
                  like i tried buying pipe on beastmaster and always regret my decision afterwards! when i have necro3 i can do 10x more.
                  of course sometimes an sky mid owning game and you supposed to do that but generally its not a good idea to make greaves/pipe on that hero!!!!

                  its more like you saying "if you itemize properly you most likely winning", at least to me. i cant see the difference


                    Why does Kowareta try so hard to argue with everyone on every single thing?


                      he has no life


                        he has no life


                          he has no life


                            does he has life though


                              Why does Kowareta try so hard to argue with everyone on every single thing?

                              His goat doesnt even make noise anymore after doing it so many times.

                              So this is the only place he can interact with another living things.