General Discussion

General Discussiont4 aghanim quick guide

t4 aghanim quick guide in General Discussion

    ww viper omni disruptor/sniper

    ww - max q -> diamondize -> everything else
    viper - neurotoxin talents -> aura skin -> snakebite -> spellamp -> anything else
    omni - angelic flight -> repel refraction -> cdr q/r -> everything else
    disruptor - kinetic field 4 lyf
    sniper - shrapnel blast -> purge and sprint -> anythine else

    ww build: orchid deso mkb bot2 +2 slots
    viper build: kaya arcane boots shiva octarine bot2 +2 slots
    omni build: vlads bot2 +4 slots
    disruptor build: veil bloodthorn bot2 +3 slots
    sniper build: pt maelstrom pike mkb bot2 +3 slots

    kite the shit out of the enemies, coordinate if you're going clock or counterclock wise
    focus portals against potm and bears
    always go with gary, hes good fam
    never step onto the bridge against warlocks
    omni boss attacks can be dodged by going inside omni, will not work when hp < 25%
    learn trap patterns, do not do rng/traps past 2nd boss, all traps <9th wave are free to clear

    hard waves: drow, wk, clock+gyro, roshan, morphling, spectre
    anything else is free, just don't be dumb


    get 3hp on all characters prior to the fight, 2x dragon potion would be nice for ww / 1 arc. potion for raptor/omni for better ga/ss dps
    prioritize survivability over dps, dodge spears at all cost
    sunray can be dodged by getting bot2 + any ms talent/aura secondary item
    kite golems into nethertoxin/kinetic, don't destroy shards.
    if you're running out of mana/hp/core abilities are stolen - suicide
    you can dodge ability stealing by euling yourself at 2.4s. timemark b4 the finish
    ignore everything at bullethell

    Toto téma bylo upraveno



        do you know how much speed you need to outrun the lasers?


          around 480, bot2 is sufficent in majority of the cases


            also why is viper corrosive skin aura considered so good? do you get spell lifesteal from your teammates skin? or is it just the magic res aura is valuable.

            Where is my Hu Tao

              can someone explain why disrutor is good? I havent played him yet but his base spells seems bad. like what would be the purpose of glimpse


                Disruptor is mainly used for the kinetic field, it has 4% heal/sec + dual ring blessing. It also helps to kite enemies


                  Strong disabler and AoE. Can even turned into right click build with proper aghanim blessing. Also situationaly very strong against crowded stage (Naga siren, chicken, Shabaku, etc.). Glimpse also has many purpose as AoE attack or even strong dis-innitiation tool. But my personal favourite would be Mars. Very stronk, great potential but limited dis-innitiation tool.

                  100% la creatura

                    tank 4 dis