General Discussion

General DiscussionHeroes who are strong/busted, but you can't play

Heroes who are strong/busted, but you can't play in General Discussion

    Heroes who you see on the enemy team and just groan knowing you're about to get wrecked, or see on your team and smile knowing easy win is coming, because the hero is pretty damn good.
    But when you play the hero, it's so badly done that the entire server laughs at you for somehow losing the game with awful K/D/A and impact.

    For example I haven't won with Zeus in how long, not even while tryharding on my alt account. This is despite the hero being top 10 winrate across all brackets under Ancient, and still above 50% in Divine-Immortal

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      damn, i thought zeus is very noob friendly. it was one of my fav heroes when i start playing this game. 90% winrate as a guardian pleb

      its drow and jugger for me. very strange heroes


        Ember , ta and some more mid heroes .

        Chill we got this

          as a long time player since beta. i cant play invoker anymore. I dunno if its lack of confidence or i enjoy other heroes nowadays.

          Kabir singh's bo0ster

            Morphling players piss me off sometimes.

            Tento komentář byl upraven
            卍pudge king卍

              morph wr void tb are broken as fk


                tb is very broken, level 20 his armor is 40, like wtf


                  basically any 10th pick hero e.g. morph / brood / meepo / lycan / huskar etc. I can't / don't play them but god is it infuriating to play against.

                  anal enjoyer

                    Sf and Brood for sure


                      Tinker and ArcWarden

                      picking fun heroes

                        pango, morphling

                        unbreakable spirit

                          Morph/lycan/am/ its not that hard to play around am and morph but I get anxiety when enemy team picks this heroes. Am is annoying coz you've to constantly ferry in clarity, morph is the most unpredictable bullshit ever, once he starts popping off game is hard. And Lycan, still don't know how to stop a farmed Lycan ending the game before 25 minutes. I suck at these heroes too


                            Wow fuck me I have a 22% winrate with Terrorblade
                            I get rekt when I'm against a TB, I get carried when I'm with a TB (or y'know the TB might be ass sometimes, there's a reason the hero is sub 50% all brackets)
                            But when it's me, I go 1-17 when I'm the hero. Spectacularly bad. Then again I haven't played the hero since 2018, maybe I'll do better nowadays

                            Where is my Hu Tao

                              heroes like am and tb often do not require any skill to play. Yes there are times where a good am or tb will pull a win out of impossible games. Like he played out of his mind. But 90% of the time there is a certain point where it is just an unkillable strongest hero in the game period that most line ups just cant deal with. Like even if an archon took over the hero at that time the game is still won.

                              Against physical line up tb 60 armor is just stupid. He might as well be apex mage at that point.


                                Wow fuck me I have a 22% winrate with Terrorblade

                                60% here. The goal is avoid maxing W if you can stomp your lane by maxing E and Q and just harassing the offlaner. Dumbshits for some reason think it's a good idea to be a passive TB who goes to jungle with W while the offlaner gets farm and then gets perma stunned into the mid game. It's not.
                                Just build HP, Drums, Dragon Lance, Manta. Pick the move speed talent (never the evasion talent, it's a MKB meta) and the HP talent. Done, you're an unkillable machine of eternal pushing. Do a Skadi if you're feeling generous and unless you're a retard you should be almost impossible to kill if they're not chain stunning you. TB is a braindead pick if you're not a retard or a peruvian, it's simply pushing lanes, farming when you can't push, building HP and defensive items, attacking people, and sundering when low on hp. There's no mistery

                                I can't understand for the life of me how do TAs get so farmed and stomp so hard. I got like 33%

                                Tento komentář byl upraven
                                Kabir singh's bo0ster

                                  ur bad ^ max W if u have brain


                                    Yes, will do that 47% smurf uncalibrated who hasn't played terrorblade on that account on ranked

                                    Kabir singh's bo0ster

                                      Its not even something to argue about. Just open a dotabuff guides tab for terrorblade, and find me one player that took more then 1 point in Q before illusions were maxed.

                                      In 4 pages I found 2 players that leveled reflection but only 1 point, out of 4 pages every single player maxed illusions.

                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                        meepo and earth spirit meepo is not that good now but I wish I can play that hero

                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                          Its not even something to argue about. Just open a dotabuff guides tab for terrorblade, and find me one player that took more then 1 point in Q before illusions were maxed.

                                          Literally the first person you find when you look up terrorblade on dotabuff with the highest winrate and amount of matches
                                          Guess what he maxes first

                                          edit: do you even understand the difference between winning your lane and not letting the offlaner get any farm and losing your lane and having to level up your W so you can keep up with the farm and having illus to scout and farm? Do you even understand that you're supposed to level up your illusions in a coordinated team so you can flash farm and be more effective but if you're a playing a pub it's your responsability to not let the offlaner get anything done?

                                          Tento komentář byl upraven
                                          Kabir singh's bo0ster

                                            Might explain why hes 4.6k MMR after playing 11,000 games of DOTA 2, i'll stick to following human ranked players.


                                              winrate and amount of matches in 4k god tier mmr. :axe_laugh: :axe_laugh:


                                                hold up, the guy maxing Q and E and going for W on lvl 10????
                                                i dont know why he doesnt skill talent on lvl 10 tbh. thats why he stuck at god tier bracket i guess :axe_laugh: :axe_laugh:

                                                Kabir singh's bo0ster

                                                  By the way that is not even the guides tab which is mostly high rank immortals or pro players, this is "hero rankings" where half the players have 5000 games on a hero and stuck in 4k MMR, the few high ranked players I opened all max illusions like human beings.

                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                    are you actually talking shit to me when your highest mmr account is legend 3?
                                                    edit: or the fact that the smurf you're currently posting in was going to calibrate on Crusader 5 but you stopped that by not playing the last game of calibration.
                                                    If I'm an ape with my ancient 4 opinions what exactly do you think I consider a crusader 5 opinions? Honestly. Take a gamble.

                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                      dont disrespect ancients like this. they are not "ancient 4 opinions", they are "your opinions" and if you had any clue how stupid are u, u would realize why it sounds like "an ape opinions"


                                                        you gotta pick a strategy when you're gonna talk shit about others: either pick the mmr, the amount of games or the logic of the opinions. You can't just nitpick when you wanna talk shit about me because of my games but not my opinions or my opinions but not my games, it doesn't adds up or it makes you look like you're stirring shit just to fuck around.

                                                        And to be fair, anyone's stupid compared to you based on your posts kowa. Or everyone, really. Have you ever seen the chat on your games? "subhuman" "animals" and whatnot. I'll keep on using Reflect so long it works against offlaners and you can show me how to play terrorblade when you can break 600 GPM on him kowa.

                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                        '96 Neve Campbell

                                                          Pretty sure u have to be a retard to put more than one value point in Q until you are level 14. Also the cooldown of metamorphosis is so long that half the time its pointless putting skill points into it in lane unless you know your timings well enough. I dont really see any scenario where you wouldnt max your W first every time though.


                                                            look buddy, stop pretending, im not gonna fall for this and write a long text. i did it before and u gave me no response.
                                                            do as u wish, nobody gives a damn shit about it LMFAO

                                                            '96 Neve Campbell

                                                              Notice how there is a strong correlation between maxing W and winning the game. People who prioritise Q consistently have a 2-5% lower winrate.


                                                                600+ gpm gameplay ladies and gentleman, watch and learn from dota verteran

                                                                imagine being this clue less. intelligent living being my arse


                                                                  you actually went and looked for my games? I'm honored. You got soft skin then, even after all that trash talk you do on the forum.


                                                                  '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                    Ok so ignoring the fake immortal imbecile ape who is incapable of forming a sentence or producing an original insult; can you please form a coherent argument as to why you would ever max anything other than W unless you are a retard who skills whatever you want like me or you are laning against anti-mage. You literally do more damage to the offlaner by skilling illusions, farm faster, take towers quicker and can stack and pull more reliably.

                                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                      typical miserable behavior of a manchild
                                                                      constantly changing subjects over and over when ppl shitting on him. trying his best to be a winner in his sad life.

                                                                      P A T H E T I C

                                                                      just fuck off already dude :))


                                                                        parma finally found someone stupider than herself and trying to beat the guy by arguing, this is gold :axe_laugh: :axe_laugh:
                                                                        2k vast knowledge vs 12k godlike play time. lets see who is right


                                                                          Simple. You take out the offlaner by maxing out E and depending on how much utility you can rake out of the Q, you either go for one point or you max it or you don't. It used to be much better and now it's an empty husk of the amount of harass you could dish out with it. The issue is that the current offlaners that go on meta against TB are Legion commander, DK, Nature or Beastmaster. Of which those three and maybe the fourth are fucking pointless to go for a Q build so you either go full ape E and W or there's no point in playing Terrorblade whatsoever.
                                                                          You max out your Q and E when you got a support that can set up kills with you that needs the slow, it's that simple. And most games on pubs if you're not taking out the offlaner on this fucking meta, it's gonna bite you in the ass in the next five minutes.
                                                                          I'm 90% sure on the games I lost my lane I should have focused on maxing out the illus and taking out as much farm as I can but to be honest at that point most games are lost.

                                                                          constantly changing subjects over and over when ppl shitting on him. trying his best to be a winner in his sad life.

                                                                          Did I ever change the subject? You pinpointed my last game where a Pangolier completely shit on me and making more illusions on lane against his Maelstrom would have done a lot, I'm sure.
                                                                          typical miserable behavior of a manchild

                                                                          Do you know the definition of manchild though? It's being whiny, petty, insulting others instead of recognizing own faults, and overall insecurity instead of assuming own faults. I keep telling you should go to theraphy because it's clear that you reek of insecurity on your posts, I don't know if it stems from being an antisocial pariah who doesn't knows how to approach to others or form connections and chooses to say everyone's a retard but me. If I know I'm dogshit at the game given the amount of hours I got, I recognize it. Ever have. Ever will. But facts are facts, you ain't got games of terrorblade on ranked and you're talking out of what exactly again? Theorycrafting experience? Either show me with games or don't talk at all.
                                                                          edit: And taking things to heart really makes you look like you're petty I'm afraid. I don't think I ever talked about your "sad life" at all, despise the fact I did point out several times your insecurity is too obvious. I don't even need to talk about your life, Iran does rank pretty badly on the happiness scale doesn't it?

                                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                            did u literally named every offlaner who is bad against tb as tb counter??????????

                                                                            mind blowing


                                                                              darling stop wasting your time, im not going to fall for that. :axe_laugh:
                                                                              u are literally brainless

                                                                              NP, BM, DK, LC the TB counters



                                                                                It never fails
                                                                                I make a thread, Kowa starts off civil and actually answering the topic, as do others
                                                                                Someone comes in with a controversial/stupid opinion
                                                                                Kowa goes in on him
                                                                                Parma joins in, while making sure to take a dig at Kowa whether agreeing or disagreeing with his position
                                                                                Thread goes to shit


                                                                                  I mean, the guy tells me i think "every body is stupid and not me" while in his very first comment he starts like this

                                                                                  Dumbshits for some reason think it's a good idea to ...
                                                                                  This snaky hypocrite projecting behavior is so fucking disgusting. miserable shits

                                                                                  The fact that from the start i can see how retarded this animal is making me pissed off aswell. fucking dog says NP,DK, BM are good against TB. LMFAO
                                                                                  12k fucking times played this game to say this =)))

                                                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                    What the pont of maxing q agaist lc? She can just purge the shit off. Furthermore you max w not just to dominate lane,you use it to jungle with it with your high armor whenever your meta is cd or the lane is too hard.

                                                                                    Kabir singh's bo0ster

                                                                                      Why is all this personal stuff even important to you tho, just go look at any high MMR tb spammer and see for yourself, don't bring up yourself or some 4k scrub that has a high dotabuff ranking cause they played 10k games of him.

                                                                                      Look up BSJ TB guide, almost the first thing he says is how crucial it is to decide if you will take even just one point in refraction, cause even one point can have impact on your farming capability which is TB's biggest strength as he has some of the best early scaling illusions in the game.

                                                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                        this guy plays mid TB... all the shit about applying pressure on the offlaner is crap, i dont like his skill build either way he puts himself into a corner by not skilling illus.


                                                                                          i think i would rather copy someone who plays dota professionally than someone who is number 1 on an arbitrarily ranked leaderboard that values quantity over quality of games.

                                                                                          dota 2 pro tracker is a better resource for learning than dotabuff's "top players" page and for the most part, the players there max w first.

                                                                                          You pinpointed my last game where a Pangolier completely shit on me and making more illusions on lane against his Maelstrom would have done a lot, I'm sure

                                                                                          leave the lane and go jungle then. tb is one of the fastest farmers and the hero is balanced around being strong late by his weak early game due to his low str gain.


                                                                                            Look up BSJ TB guide, almost the first thing he says is how crucial it is to decide if you will take even just one point in refraction, cause even one point can have impact on your farming capability which is TB's biggest strength as he has some of the best early scaling illusions in the game.

                                                                                            How nice of you to quote that. Here, let's laugh at you together. 1:20. And up ahead 5 minutes. "If you wait to be aggressive when you get to level 5, you're gonna lose that lane".

                                                                                            What the pont of maxing q agaist lc? She can just purge the shit off.

                                                                                            Reading comprehension. I said literally "leveling up refraction against those 4 is useless" and you literally understand the opposite? Lmao.
                                                                                            how retarded this animal is making me pissed off aswell. fucking dog says

                                                                                            there it is, obligatory third world country insult about animals and dogs. What is it with countries that say dog and animal like it's an insult? Is it the Islam and some sort of belief that it's supposed to be insulting to be a dog? I can understand China and their fascination and hatred toward dogs or Romania where they just outright kill some animals but it's honestly interesting if you call people subhumans, animals and you're from Iran my man.
                                                                                            edit: actually just gonna spell it out, I could be herald 1 but holy fuck thank god I'm not you.

                                                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                                            Kabir singh's bo0ster

                                                                                              As I said open up any high level TB spammer profile and see for yourselfl I don't see how what BSJ said confirms what you say quite the opposite.

                                                                                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                                "Why is all this personal stuff even important to you tho, just go look at any high MMR tb spammer and see for yourself, don't bring up yourself or some 4k scrub that has a high dotabuff ranking cause they played 10k games of him."
                                                                                                >Literally point you to a professional game where arteezy outright gets Reflection as a second skill and goes so far as to level up to 2 against a venomancer

                                                                                                AS I SAID OPEN UP ANY HIGH LEVEL TB SPAMMER AND SEE FOR YOURSELF
                                                                                                >throw you the biggest TB spammer with 65% winrate who maxes out Refraction

                                                                                                WOW YOU'RE DOGSHIT LOL XDDDDDDD

                                                                                                Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                                                Kabir singh's bo0ster

                                                                                                  Bro hes 4k mmr it doesnt matter, he doesnt even play carry TB eeither lmao. Find high rank immortal carry player not 4k mid terrorblade lmao.

                                                                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                                    for fuck sake, u literally going from stupid ass person tobecome stupid racist ass person?


                                                                                                      thank your for only responding to my insult comments, you are so smart actually. u dont take fights u cant win. for a person who probably got insulted by every living being on planet, u know thats the area u might have a chance to win an argument based on experience.
                                                                                                      but sadly, just like your 12k pogchamp dota experience it seems u are retarded in every aspect of your life :axe_laugh: :axe_laugh:

                                                                                                      keep talking about iran and islam, bery smart, i like your new nickname aswell. noticed how manchild you are :))

                                                                                                      Ayaneru   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                                                                        Natures Prophet.

                                                                                                        Good players can farm so fast with him. And the treant body block is way too cool if done correctly.