General Discussion

General to boost your behaviour score... to boost your behaviour score... in General Discussion

    Pick mid, wait 30m queue, win lane, game, get commended after game by everybody. Feed=report


      help me bambooni, boost my archon acc. ty

      brain damage

        The behavioural system is broken, its a big steaming pile of shit that icefrog and his team put together


          well unlike ranked mm the behaviour system is working to me. Lower beh score = playing with more toxic mates = longer queue imo. I dropped from 7.5k to 5.6k around, but after i played a couple of games mid i expect mine to get a little bit higher.

          exit code 0 (gl;hf)

            Can you imagine the amount of time we've all wasted waiting that long for a match to start? I only recently have been making progress on fixing my behaviors...

            I usually read or do math problems during this time so it's not completely flushed down the toilet.

            Also the behavior score is bad; it forcibly segregates human beings into pools based on legitimate foul behavior, further fomenting and thus perpetuating toxic behavior.

            But, nobody cares about the 95% of players that 'suck' at the game apparently. Besides, anyone who actually knows what DOTA is will know it really is a team game. You lose when you outperform everyone anyway, because one guy wasn't there, or another guy was afk, etc. It reminds me of how I felt when losing money in blackjack or poker, preying for a card to come out to 'win.' Preying for good teammates, preying for a rotation from my teammates, preying for an indication of an effort from my teammates. That uncertainty reward being fed to weak brains like myself, get them to keep putting their time/money into the bank accounts of the real winners.

            Spent alot of time playing. Alot of that time, my brain was polluted by drugs and other bad behaviors, so most of that time was wasted because of me. I take responsibility for that, but then about 2 years ago I did the research and learned the fundamentals and mechanics all that. And when I learned what the game actually is, what you have to do to 'win' at it, well it lost its appeal.

            I used to spend hours playing DOTA to meet new people, I realize now, because I'm lonely, and don't have any real friends except my family, which I'm grateful for. Also for the great graphics and colors and visuals, I still feel the same way but the appeal isn't there. I don't get excited anymore like I used to. It's very straightforward and repetitious, down to the hero choices. When I reduced my hero pool from 100 to my best 20, I started to win more. And it's boring, because the matchmaker has forced me in the support role for almost a year. I'd say 95 percent, 5% I get a core role. Same things, stack, harass, zone, etc. And when you're playing with assholes, those are the heads you have to rely on to ' win .'

            It's pretty bad to imagine playing DOTA irresponsibly. I'll regret the time for a long time, until something better comes my way, if it does. Have to make it happen.

            I don't blame the game, blame myself for being weak brained and getting hooked like a fish to things like this that are not good for the future.

            Tento komentář byl upraven

              i blame the game for ranked roles (even as much as i play it i hate it the most). Valve doesn't care if you're core or support. No matter what if you queue 5 roles to gain 4 ranked games 99% of the time you'll play as pos 5 (imagine yourself if you're carry/mid player) you'll suck so hard and lose a lot of games. The other 1% depends on what time you're playing and eventually you'll queue 1-2 games as pos3/pos4 the rest is pos5. Valve DOESNT care if youre core player or support. The game will put you automatically on the role that the other 9 people are missing without carrying if you're carry/mid player or not. That's why now my thoughts would be to seperate core/support roles again. If you want to gain 4 ranked roles games queue as 5 positions and get pos 5 (but this counts as your support rating not your core) play a couple of games and then go back to your main role. Not like now: Win 300-500 mmr by playing core then play 5-6 games as support lose half of it (there's no fun in playing/losing on a role you're not good at). Also the queue time is pain in the ass knowing that i have to wait every time 10-20m in order to get a match as mid (the queue is just longer... because all wants to be the star). The other way for ranked roles is: Game found (you're playing as a pos5 do you want to play? Yes/No -> if yes continue -> if no -> queue longer for the desired position you want. Also you can chose these 5 position and for example mark 2 position you want the most to play. I played like 10-15 +- games as 3 ranked roles pos5,4,3 and from all these games around 1-2 games i played as pos3,4. Valve just doesn't want you to have fun. Even before ranked roles was a thing (you needed to purchase TI battlepass or dotaplus to play it) the queue time was the same as now. Nothing has changed since then and this was like 1-3 years ago. I don't know if you've 10k beh score if search time is shorter as mid/carry. Either way valve is doing nothing for its matchmaking. The community makes the game not fcking pro players who whines all the time that they get placed with ranked 1000 and they're ranked 100 or else. If community is happy more people will come, but this is one of the most toxic games i've ever played. Youve way too much time writing/talking in game just focus on your tasks and do your best. You dont whine all the time when you're playing call of duty, apex and battlefield games right? There're whiners there, but you focus on yourself and do ur thing. I'm whiner myself, but i try to abstain myself as much as i can, but some times i can't and here we go again.


                gitgud kekw

                pissfuck shitass gaytard

                  eww crusader :blink:

                  exit code 0 (gl;hf)


                    Ewww. Might get infected by that. Better wear a mask.

                    Also, @bambooni, I'm certain at this point DOTA is THE most toxic online multiplayer game, probably because of behavior score and how it affects the matchmaking formulas.

                    You're absolutely right their system needs an overhaul. It's no different than racially segregating people into what bathrooms they can use or not. Only in DOTA, it's segregating people based on their behavior. Very nasty lol, dunno what's worse.

                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                      u got it wrong brother, if there were no behavior system, u would get matched with high behavior players every game cause they are 99% and u are 1% , cause of that u would get reported for your shitty behavior every game and getting into lp afterwards. do u like to play on lp frequently??? NO

                      behavior system is a gift to you. if u put a wild animal in a town, the animal will get killed by humans. its not racist to put him where he is belong and u are doing a favor to him :)

                      Tento komentář byl upraven
                      exit code 0 (gl;hf)

                        I have 700 behavior score because of abandons. Instead of beating my face in with my own two fists, or polluting my body and brain with drugs, or losing the little money I have to rigged online blackjack games, or any self-sabotaging behavior short of killing myself, I chose to leave the game instead.

                        I just wasted 60 minutes of life and lost a game because one guy, who I've been losing with since 2014, still tries to play solo, with the farm and gold concentrated on him. I did everything I could for this asshole to not throw the match, and he did anyway.

                        And respectfully, I have no idea what you're trying to say with the animal metaphor.

                        I sat through the throw for 60 minutes, embarrassed myself, wasted my time, and left quietly.

                        Additionally, here's another fun fact about behavior score:

                        I had 100 behavior score last week, and can't use communication (disabled for players with 3000 or under). When I unmute communication, it's always flaming, racism, homophobia, and general vile text being spewed in the chat. As a logical conclusion, these players MUST have AT LEAST 3000 score to be able to use strings in game. That means that everybody in the game upwards of 7000 score is potentially a mentally challenged, vile human being.

                        After the last match, and with the above information, there is no way I'll ever continue playing this game if this kind of time wasting behavior persists without 'behavior score' being a variable (10000).

                        I anxiously await uninstalling this diarrhea from my life.

                        P.S: I know I have to undo the delusion of 'streaming' and 'pro dota' from my brain, which has as a thought pattern persisted in my neural pathways for 10 years. I don't have a job, I'm poor, and therefore no future. I won't play any more video games until this DOTA bullshit is removed from my life, and I'm recording everything so other people don't waste their time like I did, or perhaps the programmers change their code so it's a little more fair.

                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                          ^You have more matches than your MMR and your behavior score added together. Yep, I think it's best that you uninstall, and enjoy other aspects of life. Good luck to you good sir.


                            Couldn't you just queue as a 5-man for 20-30 games to increase your behavior score? Because reports and abandons bring down your BS, not getting reported brings up your BS, commends do nothing.


                              20-30 games increases your behavior by 700 xD
                              maybe 200-300 do the job
                              below 8k behavior is the same dota experience, u just have better queue time


                                i just queued 40-60m as mid 6.5k beh score. RIP


                                  how you guys can get so low lol

                                  exit code 0 (gl;hf)


                                    @ ET

                                    I have no friends, so no. I just turned off all the sound and am using anonymous mode. This time I'm following through with the plan. I don't see myself changing anything until 10k score, I truly want to stop playing dota forever, and this is the only way.

                                    Trying to carry games as a position 5 for the last two years, has made me better at the game, which doesn't help my future at all. It's sad, the more I play dota, the more I hate myself

                                    2 years ago, if you told me I'd be averaging 250 cs on jakiro and enigma as position 4/5, I wouldn't believe you. And the sad part is I'm losing some of these because the cores feed one by one for about 45 minutes, makes me fucking sick.

                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                      Why are you abadoning?

                                      exit code 0 (gl;hf)

                                        You should watch the games I'm playing, and see for yourself. Remember what Purge said? I can't control other people, just myself. How would you feel if the people you're supporting, the people responsible for carrying the game later, feed one by one, for 45 minutes straight? Check the last enigma game, the position 3 is an invoker who is 1-20.

                                        How do you think that feels, for 60 minutes forced to sit through it? Instead of putting my head through the wall, or my fist through my teeth, or doing drugs that rot my brain and cause premature death, I leave the game instead.

                                        I'm missing out on life because of this behavior.

                                        more than half of the games i've played in the last 12 hours my teammates (cores) are afk farming and don't rotate to towers and team fight against team psg lgd. This game is more rigged than gambling, and I have proof I'm recording it on twitch.

                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                          You should start a new account for the sole aim of getting a higher behaviour score so that you can get better quality games. And remember, don't abandon anymore in future. That's my suggestion to you.

                                 can continue down this merry path where you meet toxic teammates (cos of the BS you are in), proceeding to abandon, keeping your BS low...and getting matched with these people again. Rinse and repeat.

                                          The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

                                          exit code 0 (gl;hf)

                                            You're right. I've got serious problems. I'm trying my best to fix them by myself, I have no friends or therapist. And my parents can't help me because they've been begging me to stop playing DOTA for at least 5 years. I'm ashamed to even think about asking them for help with regards to this.

                                            Thanks for trying to help though :D.


                                            Also wanted to add at least half the games in the last 12 hours (losses) are against parties of 2 or 3. Rofl. And my teammates are usually afk farming and never rotate in these instances. Crazy stuff.

                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                              And you might wanna calm down and chat less.... maybe it's what got you low behaviour score in the first place.

                                              Check out what you say in all chat..


                                              And that's in all chat. I wonder what you say to your teammates.

                                              exit code 0 (gl;hf)

                                                I can't say anything, and haven't said anything since the 24th. You can't use strings or voice when you're < 3000 behavior score.

                                                Oh, and by the way, I'll open up the chat to prove that in more than 50% of the matches, the afk farming players that don't play dota are raging and flaming the chat, just as bad as that word cloud.

                                                Actually no I won't. I won't be able to hold in the anger/frustration if I see my teammates are human.

                                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                  'Also wanted to add at least half the games in the last 12 hours (losses) are against parties of 2 or 3. Rofl.'

                                                  There's an easy solution to this. In options, select solo queue matchmaking so you never have to play with parties again.


                                                    "Oh, and by the way, I'll open up the chat to prove that in more than 50% of the matches, the afk farming players that don't play dota are raging and flaming the chat, just as bad as that word cloud."

                                                    Yes, that's the point of this whole BS thingy. They 'TRY' to match you with people with similar behaviour styles. We've all had games where you meet this guy who never admits he's wrong, moves from topic to topic and curses when he runs out of salient arguments. Well after a while, all these people are grouped into the same behaviour scores and find themselves playing against and with one another. So you can imagine what all chat will be like as all of them are stubborn gits who 'MUST' have the last word. If you don't want to play with them, change your behaviour.


                                                      if you cant trust your teammate why the hell you queue for support man
                                                      but well any build on any hero work on guardian so goodluck

                                                      exit code 0 (gl;hf)

                                                        I don't care about rating anymore, I care about my time. Having only core checked off takes 15-30 minutes, having all boxes takes a few minutes. I can complete more conduct summaries at this rate, that's the idea anyway.

                                                        I'm trying to get this done as fast as possible. I'm not doing anything else. Not eating, not leaving the house, I just want this to be over.

                                                        I just played a match in 1k mmr where the enemy team was grouped up as five @ minute 11. Sure enough two of them are in a party. I checked the strict matchmaking option, and hope it helps. This is supposed to be 1k mmr, noob level, not 5k mmr. I've spent the last 3 years trying to have teammates that group up and help each other and don't need 70 minutes of free farm to cast a spell.

                                                        I wish i had the control to just stop a behavior that does no good for me, and makes me suffer.

                                                        I had more success playing blackjack online than this. It's really sad.

                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                          u can stop pretending and make a new acc pal
                                                          oh wait u did it many times already and u dropped to very low behavior afterwards


                                                          exit code 0 (gl;hf)
                                                            Tento komentář byl smazán

                                                              We've all had games where you meet this guy who never admits he's wrong, moves from topic to topic and curses when he runs out of salient arguments.
                                                              im glad an stupid person who tries to argue this guy have this opinion about me xD

                                                              the guy is talking about quitting dota and writing long texts about it while queuing for the next game and u are trying to help him :axe_laugh:

                                                              he is just using you to fill his gap between queue times darling

                                                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                I honestly believe that you can't fix your behavior if you ever fall to 6-7k. I was 3k behavior years ago and I still have my old account that is 5k behavior. I literally played games focused on my own game and talked to no one. Within a couple months or so, I got to 10k and It's been 10k behavior for more than a year now. I don't understand how it could honestly fall below 9k unless you truly are toxic or you have a trashy computer and have too many abandons.

                                                                exit code 0 (gl;hf)


                                                                  Thanks again for trying to help me out. I checked off the party bullshit in settings, and it's helped so far (1 match). 2nd match now, and like the one before I'm playing with brand new players. ( I know because I have the majority of my bracket muted/marked)


                                                                  It'll take months definitely. I know what has to be done. You have to sit through every single match, and expend every ounce of effort even when it won't make a difference. And also not say anything for months, as you said.

                                                                  I'm not saying anything, and I'm not abandoning. I just have to now sit through the rigged matches without breaking my items to try and leave sooner. I'm pretty sure there are checks that make you lose score when doing that.

                                                                  Have to remember that none of the above is enjoyable, beneficial, or anything positive. It's a whole lot of dog shit for nothing in return haha. It's mad stupid bros. I wish I wasn't stupid haha. Sucks bad, I feel bad for my parents/family when they find out what I've been doing this year.

                                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                    1. ewww just dont be toxic then, apes
                                                                    2. just find a support friend and party with them for ranked roles token lol. in my friend list, its harder to find mid or carry role than the pos 3/4/5
                                                                    3. my beh score is constantly at 9-10k, queue mid for like 7-8 min max and safe lane 10 min max
                                                                    4. nope, my smurf is have like 5-6k beh score due to my friend keep abandoning game in that acc, still ez to grind to 10k


                                                                      my last abandon was due to stopping electricity (not my fault) and it was a couple of months ago and after that who knows when was my last abandon. For my low beh score is toxic/playing bad imo. For that i mute chat and i hope to keep my cool and do well in games. Some times now i unmute chat and if it gets toxic i mute it again. I just wish valve to make to mute pings from certain players in game and when u MUTE CHAT to mute the hole chat and not someone says Well Played to tilt you... And being toxic for me is just really hard. Its easy if im not tilted, but if someone starts pinging, talking sh*t in game, doing weird things i dislike then nothing can be done about my complaining.


                                                                        You're not the only one "skull" person. For myself i've been talking to my dota 2 personality flaming, complaining and whats wrong with the hole community with my family and they say that i shouldnt be doing things like flaming, complaining or start looking at myself more. The thing you meet in your games don't think you're the only one. In ANY bracket there're game ruiners, feeders, complainers, boosted people's and so on. Separating dota 2 and real life are 2 different things. Take a break. Stop playing dota 2 for 19 hours from now. Take breaks between games, stretch a little, go out side with your family members a couple of times for the week. Like shopping for food, going into the wilds or some parks in your city, go into the mountain, take a walk with your siblings or mom,dad. Its nothing to be afraid off. In your current state i assume that uve BIG MENTAL problem that it can easily fix by start doing normal things. Communicate with others more, grandparents, family, siblings, go outside more. Start training somewhere outside you know you can. Ride a bike in the park, go into school, university more often unless you've finished those. Try to find a job. What im saying is just try different stuff in life. You cant carry the team if the carry player aint feeling good in life right? This is dota 2. This is competitive game and expect the toxic return when 1 person from your team doesnt communicate. You're looking at the apes from your team right? They feel the same way towards you. A person who is not comminicating and not trying for the greater good. Abandons will ALWAYS be worse than dying. I prefer someone to be 1-10 and playing the game as much as he can and not abandoning, flaming that includes into report and going into LP. Fix your real life problems first then go into the game. This game won't leave. But youre ruining your and others life by doing these smalls mistakes which u can fix just by going outside more often.

                                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                          you've forgotten the basic rule of games. If the game aint fun just stop. If you get tilted for the smallest little mistakes done just take a break for a while and go again. Im telling you from experience. Nothing good will come out if you sit all day and game for hours. Even when you start working you'll work less than gaming imo.


                                                                            5 ranked game and stop whatever the result is.


                                                                              ^I tried to follow a "2-loss rule" but lord was it frustrating, there were days I'd go 6-2 and be happy and other days I'd go 0-2 and just be so frustrated at not being able to cut into the MMR I lost for the day


                                                                                but why would u follow such a rule if u dont tilt?