General Discussion

General DiscussionAbandoned but counted

Abandoned but counted in General Discussion

    1 of my recent game said it was safe to leave but it counted and i lose the game. How is this possible

    bomb mother

      You only play turbo anyway rofl, how does it matter if a game counts or not

      d e l i r i u m

        safe to leave only means you dont get punished, not that it doesnt coun as a loss


          "The game is safe to leave"
          "The game will not be scored. It is safe to leave"
          Learn the difference.


            It literally says if the game will or will not be scored depending on your ability to read more than 3 words.


              If dota players had the mental capacity to read, I wouldn't have to spend 15 mins explaining to a teammate that spectre 3rd spell blocks damage.(which is the broken component of that passive)

              "It says damage return, not damage block, you noob. Idiot thinks spectre 3rd spell blocks damage LOL" ~Average 2k animals.


                Last time, a guy abandoned before 5 mins in my match, it only say "The game is safe to leave" but in the scoreboard it says "Leaver detected, this game is not scored"


                  well, i was just spectating the highest mmr game hours ago and the rank 300 Darkseer was queuing a greaves while his chen already had mek and HE BOUGHT IT.
                  i think monkeys are evolved dota players.

                  is that all u got ?

                    Even in pro games they built 2 Cuirass and Vlads even Mekansms. Shit happens. U negative nancy go masturbate to some hentai or some shit u pathetic prick


                      why so aggressive tho? are u the ancestor of the next monkey generation or sth? :))

                      is that all u got ?

                        Dota version of Karen, does not even make any sense