Half way to legend 5 after 11 wins a row and the forced losses charade starts again. Anybody partayyyyyy
Let me rephrase that.
11 games Matchmaking rolled the dice in your favor. "I play so good, I belong in upper mmr bracket"
Now the matchmaking is not rolling in your favor. "Matchmaking is punishing me"
Inflated ego over 11 wins. OMEGALUL XD
well considering there are far less ruskies in this forum i immediately taking back my claim. u are on the right path
i dont really understand why u are legend tbh
your inventory looks more like a wondering archon
just ask yourself how many times u lost cause your amazing carry with high kda didnt bought a bkb
thats literally what u are doing on your games
having a good lane on slarder -> buying vladz instead of dagger
having a good game on AA -> buying vessel(!!!!) mana boots(!!!!!) aghs(!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
when i was legend, i would disassembled my goddamn mana boots to buy a lotus and dispel drow silence on my retarded cores instead of buying aghs and flaming my teammates why they cant carry my ass =))
9 3 22 as pos 4 in the losing team, that's all I gotta say, no midas no stolen cs no nothing just positioning, higher dmg than my afk farming carry piece of shit who farmed for 40 minutes and was never in fights so what I was supposed to dispell idk, also lane was beyond trash, I'm waiting for the day they'll nerf drow to the ground
What's up with vessel on AA? Sometimes I wonder how bad my itemization would be at higher ranks but in 3k it's almost the last of the problems and mine paid off until now, I have no way to know how to adjust until I reach higher brackets and experience different games, aghs was bought out of desperation in the last minutes 'cause i had no idea how to win that game anymore
About Slardar I did have a gut feeling I made a mistake when buying vlads over blink, like it wasn't right, so that makes sense, but don't come tell me I lost 'cause of that or a missed lotus, this is literally nitpicking to not admit I'm playing with bots
frame that kda and hero damage on your wall just like other miserable crusader archons
literally itemization is straight forward in lower brackets and its harder in higher
Hey I performed super well in one game against other 3k players. I definitely belong in 6k mmr bracket. OMEGALUL XD
I actually watched the game, funny how scores mean jack shit. Lets SD pull small camp 3 times. FUN FACT: Only form of harass was 2 auto attacks on Drow the entire laning stage, doesn't take Q and lots of mangos to Spam cold feet and mess with CS and bring Drow low for any kind of kill threat, doesn't block small camp, doesn't pull the hard when lane is pushed and give Snap some solo XP, doesn't contest a single power rune when both mids have bottle, when TP-ing mid doesn't bring any sentries to de ward, Never smokes behind Sky and kill Mars who is predictably pushing lanes or making plays. First item vessel at min 26, total of 1.5 minutes to do anything with it before enemy cores get dispel or BKB. Absolute dogshit play, ruin your teammates game, play like some semi support carry frag chaser, and then flex your score as if it means anything after u ruined your teams game completely, gave enemy carry the free-est game possible, and have to play from behind the entire game.
yeah, i was about to say your dogshit itemization is just comes from your SUPER dogshit gameplay. hopefully someone wasted his time watching your dogshit gameplay
I'd really think I'd buy amulet first item if I had to play offlane with you. This Drow could miss 1-2 CS guaranteed every single wave just from proper cold feet spam. I'm pretty sure she didn't need to buy a single salve, the last time I played vs AA pos 4 my support had to bring like 5 salves to sustain through the lane, and I had 20 cs at 5 minutes fucking obnoxious hero, but this Drow is just chilling on full HP last hitting everything and taking solo XP cause u don't block the small camp, u never pull the lane back, and u never harass. You don't do the bare fucking minimum as a position 4 and you are crying about teammates, in my book you are lucky you are even at the MMR you are right now.
Oh really? I thought in 3k nothing mattered 'cuz at lower brackets people are just so bad that anything goes, isn't that the thing you wrote multiple times? Now all of a sudden any small bullshit cost us the game hmhm interesting, it's not the beyond dogshit feeding 4 teammates it must be that one item or the missed pull at min x.
NINE THREE TWENTYTWO as a squishy support in a lost game among bots, inflated mmr my ass you inbred
The lies. Idk what game you watched as I did contest SD, harassed and gave sky a fuckton of kills by gathering with him as 2, saved his ass a million times with force staff and imagine how good I must be to go 9 3 22 without items until min 26 lmao
Ofc you will find mistakes, even 6ks make them so imagine me, but going out of your way to blame the losses on me at all costs is ridiculous
Might aswell admit you're nitpicking shit just to flame 'cause that's what apes like you do on the forum, not that it changes the fact that I'm objectively a 4k player
How is completely ruining a lane nitpicking, its not about your score or damage, but did you do your job as a pos 4, and you did not, not even the bare minimum. So Idk what you expect, your team to just magically be better then the enemy and win? Keep dreaming, it won't happen, it won't happen at any MMR, and if u play like this at 4k, u will go right back to 3k in like a 100 games, cause this shit won't fly, this is why you are 3k in the first place, u won't even do the bare minimum your role requires.
I gave u actual good advice too, try it and see for yourself. Block the small camp as a 4. USE YOUR SPELLS, imagine taking E level 1, u could have used your Q on Drow 5 times on the first 2 waves in combo with Snap's strong nukes, she would have to eat so many salves to not die to you and Snap and miss several CS, u understand how oppressive u can be in lane with that hero? Just look at how happy Drow is just chilling at full HP all lane.
I bet the list of you failing at your role just keeps piling up if I kept watching the game, but the first 10 minutes and the terrible itemization was enough, and I don't even play pos 4 yet I'd set my team up for a win x10 better then you just off some basic knowledge, but u can keep expecting they will magically win the game for you, all u have to do is exist in the game, and then cry on forums.
Btw walking up to a camp that is already fucking pulled is not contesting pulls, you already fucked up if that happened, wonder why Drow was 7 when Snap was 5, must be some rigged valve shit, or you just don't know how to contest pulls or give solo XP, or do fuck all actually.
I really hate this kind of supports. Blame me for not cs-ing well, when they dont pull camps when lane is pushed. I keep getting harassed by their supps and the best thing my supp can do is to leech exp.
yeah clearly you played like 5k mmr and your teammates were so bad
now go suck a dick and enjoy your miserable life in 3k mmr
hope u back to where u belong tho, CRUSADER
I'm objectively a 4k player
But your mmr says you are a 3k player. Am I missing something??
If I can go from 2.8k to 4k in one season, why is it so hard for you to go from 3.3k to 4k??
At low mmr anything goes, but it also depends on what hero you are playing. AA support is a hero that can't solo carry the game. On other hand play techies, defend base for 90 mins and most cases enemies just rushes uphill and dies, and then the brain dead cores can go mid push end.
The fact that you responded that way to a critical analysis of your game, just proves that, you don't wanna improve. You want free wins without putting in effort. You don't wanna adjust to the game, you don't wanna acknowledge the most obvious flaws in your game. Now you even hid your match data and just nitpick the games where you had good scores and when someone pointed out your mistakes in your "best games" you can't handle it. LUL
Well at this pace, sooner or later you are gonna hit Archon, and I can't wait to see the rage post about that. OMEGALUL XD
Also, it's not that hard to go 9-3-22 on a hero like AA. Check this out pleb.
A hero with long range nukes + a global nuke. You don't need items to have that score. Notice how I barely make any offensive items, still I have better stats overall, in both winning and losing games.?? As a support my job is to use myself as a meatshield for my core no matter how dumb the core is. Abandoning your cores, to brag about KDA LUL
EDIT: Also, Scep on pos 4 AA when you have no defensive items for team. YIKES
My mmr says 3k 'cause I tilt but it won't last mr. 50.04 to 50.02% winrate lmao calling other people plebs
Best games?! Lmaooo those were two examples of lost games I did wonders in, what best games. 5760103481 these are my best games in which I play my main role, solo triple kills and making enemy tilt. Funny how the chen spammer inbred talks about inflated mmr btw.
I can't handle bullshit and the obvious attempt at shutting people down by nitpicking shit, not criticism, learn the difference. I myself said I made mistakes, that vlads was wrong etc., but between making mistakes and still having huge impact in 1v9 games and "omagad crusader ruined the game" there's a huge difference.
As a support you don't feed like a braindead dipshit, you create space for your carry with your team and give others chances to get kills/save their ass which is what I did. Again, 9 3 22 WITH NO ITEMS as Kabir pointed out lmao even left all the farm to my teammates, you see how kind I am. Just admit I played with 4 braindead animals each game despite doing very well, you won't die if you don't make up bullshit just to flame people for once it's ok.
Yes I'm SLQ
why u want others admit u played with 4 braindead animals??
thats how ranking system works, u play with 4 braindead animals because u are a braindead animal yourself
No, as a support your job is to be a meatshield and saving your core from dying, even at the cost of your own life.
I'd rather have 10 deaths on me than on my carry, cause I know they are gonna be 70% of the offensive power of my team in clashes in most cases.
My mmr says 3k 'cause I tilt but it won't last
Good to know you finally accepted that you are gonna drop to 2k soon. OMEGALUL XD
You already dropped all the way from 3.7k to 3.2k(Legend 5 to legend 3) in just last month and after that drop you even decided to hide your match data. OMEGALUL XD
Also, Imagine Mr. 50.02% winrate has more MMR than you, even though Mr. 50.02% winrate started at 1.4k MMR. While on the other hand, you started at 4.6k and dropped to 3.3k with 50.6% winrate. You trying to flame me or yourself. OMEGALUL XD
^ indeed. He was giving good advice. Its like a free coaching and op still thinks hes doing the right thing the whole game.
Wow china actor btw, ik who u are. U are top 200 sea.
Kowadogshit spamming chen and telling other people's mmr is inflated lmao you belong to those 4k bhs russian filled games 'cause you're a fucking ape
My PA was literally afk on the other side of the map or getting caught alone when farming so idk what I had to save exactly. Meanwhile hitting 3.7k from 3.2k after 3 days. I started at 2.1k, the lies lmao mr. 50.02% monohero getting carried every game
@china actor I do take notes of anything that seems to make sense, problem is these inbreds beg to be flamed and I gladly do it
No I still think I did wonders and don't deserve 3k
i really dont understand what is wrong with first pick pos 5 chen
and im really happy cause if i had any idea what are u talking about i would be as braindead as you are
A 2k shitstain thinks he belongs at higher level OMEGALUL XD
Goes to show how inflated your dogs' mmr is lmao talk about flaming yourself
Stop projecting 50% flat monohero ape getting carried every game. "You have to manipulate your teammates into carrying you" hahahah omegaretard the shit you have to do to barely hold that winrate. "You started from 4.6k" things literally nobody ever said nor are true, imagine constantly lying and twisting facts to try and win arguments, but you're the teammate manipulator after all lmaooo
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