Try genshin impact. Gameplay is more fun. Lot of cute girls too with one of them has horns if you are into that (Ganyu).
Persona is cool too. Start from P3 to P5.
Trail in the Sky, Zero no Tesike, Trail of Cold Steel are rpgs worth your time.
Classics? Legend of Legaia, Lunar 1 & 2 or Valkyrie Profile is worth every second.
2 mins queue most games. 10 mins max.
What you talking about. lul
Almost all of these games took multiple queues too.
There is a separate queue for new accounts, there was update from valve that said smurfs and new accs now will be matched with other smurfs and new accounts mostly.
u cant find a game 7 am on a smurf acc in a dead region
crazy stuff
get a life fucking loser
Try not making new accounts everytime your mmr goes to herald.
Also, I was referring to my own queue times. The reason you are getting long queue times is pretty obvious. LUL
1. You are queueing US
2. You are queueing at 3 am
3. You are queueing on a new account
Do none of these next time.
Apipe how do you not get bored playing the same hero,also wow you are not toxic it's rare to see that.
I think you play single player :/
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I have 9.7k bh, every game is a 30 minute queue and frequently someone doesn't connect and I need a second 30 minute queue