nice tips. btw kabir booster, can u teach us how to pro clinkz like u kabir booster. i need to get out of herald by spamming clinkz like u kabir booster
So if I follow exactly what you said I can go 0-6 and abandon games as Lycan too? I want 33.33% winrate on Lycan just like you.
Anyways nice job stating the obvious Lycan strategy and regurgitating what 30 different youtube videos and reddit articles already explain.
Not going to lie this attention gives me a lil stiffy xD
If you did the obvious u wouldn't have 5k games and archon medal in 2021, why do u even talk about skill just talk about dota anime or something, I'm more then double your MMR with half your games idk why u even want to compare yourself to me.
this is so funny lmao. u started 2 fking topics just for him what did he do to u
More than double my mmr with half the games? You got 11 games bro and your uncalibrated xD xD xD
The funny thing is you think im 2k and you claim your double my mmr. But my mmr is currently 3.5k so are you really on a second account trying to brag you have 500 more mmr than me?
Archon 5 is 2900 mmr, 3500 is Legend 4 ur just blatantly lying do u just imagine that to yourself to feel better?. Im 6.4k MMR clown, got my second acc to 6200 in like 100 ranked games.
Imagine not understanding Dotabuff doesn’t track mmr when account information isn’t exposed xD
Your brain: Just pretend it didn't happen, reply to something else, maybe he doesn't notice.
Anyways nice job stating the obvious Lycan strategy and regurgitating what 30 different youtube videos and reddit articles already u watched and read all of those and u are still archon on fucking NA?
u are literally brain dead, stop talking on internet u sack of shit. u hurt ppl brain with your annoying trash existence
i dont know buddy
only thing who got abused is me
beautiful top 1% game
and i always gonna wonder, what exactly it means to be ruski!!!! how can someone party with another subhuman degenerate who follow pl whole game and feed like trash in lane
so hard to perma ban these scums, its so hard!!!!
Pro psaní komentáře se přihlaste.
First u buy the sages mask this is so we can have manas. U can also go stick vs spell spam heroes Lycan doesn't like stats so stick is nice to keep up high mana and hp. U can also buy that 2 armor item i forgot the name of if vs something like Mirana or WR 4 that will click u forever.
Now u summon the wolves and send them shits to mid lane to check for wards, send one of them to deny a rune on enemy hg maybe they are stupid enough to let u. If you are a real **** summon another set of wolves after runes then send them behind trees on mid lane and try to kill enemy mids courier.
Now lets go to lane, take your wolves and last hit creep, idk u have like 100 dmg level 2 how can u even miss cs, if wolf get low then murder him yourself or send him back behind your tower so enemy doesn't get xp and gold from them.
If you are a big boy and u know pull timings u can send your wolves there and then stop the pull, or help your support trade enemy support best if its like Dazzle or Jakiro with slow of some kind, just few hits and blocking will help.
U should have your necro by now at like 6 min, and u should be level 5 unless your support is leeching all xp. Now u can send your units to bite enemy, use one of the wolves to block them as they try to retreat this lets u get more dmg then if u just try to attack. This is under used tactic, keeping your enemy away from the wave like that is super cancer.
By level 6 u have few choices. Either stay in your lane and get a kill with your support if he has a stun, but usually there is some fat fuck there like Tide or Bristle so maybe better idea is to jungle your way towards mid or enemy safe lane then get a kill there and hit tower.
When your ulti is CD go farm ancients, when you are ahead use your Necro and units to push waves and farm enemy jungle u can rape without ulti even, take control of enemy area and out farm them buy your own wards and scout with necros if no one else will.
Final thing u gotta do is take rosh and go HG, don't take it yourself cuz u don't do anything without ulti, let your mid go in for you like a man with 2 hp and mana pools. Lycan is best if enemy used their first round of spells on your team and u can just go in and clean up.