General Discussion

General DiscussionTerrorblade

Terrorblade in General Discussion

    Hiya guys, recently I've been watching the AniMajor and been seeing Terrorblade enter the meta. Was wondering if you guys had any advice or a guide you could link me? I struggle to understand when I should be use Metamorphosis in lane, and when I should abandon my safelane to go farm another lane/triangle.


      yep they're for around a year ago but the basics of tb didn't change much, I started with this bsj's guide

      Hexy Rose~

        the problem with BSJ videos is they are fckin too long


          It's literally insane to me how zoomers don't have the attention span to watch a 40min video on a topic they are interested in.


            Yea i used to watch bsj coaching videos when i was in school.. it helps a lot to watch someone break down replays for you when you are not good enough to understand and analyse replays yourself, just watching his anti mage coaching got me from 2k to 4k