General Discussion

General Discussionhow to farm behavior score

how to farm behavior score in General Discussion

    Its simple. Be the best player in the game and don't be toxic. Afterwards commend everyone if you're happy with their performance or commend the players who you're happy playing with it. There's nothing wrong with spreading positivity.


      yes and i managed to get 9k beh score but i dropped again. Now im at 8k again


        and i dont use a smurf


          Party que


            Simple, Bambooni?

            Yeah, that's right. You have to carry regardless of the role you play, generally be better than 9 other people, and hope you don't get a single report, which perpetuates and resets the whole thing. You can't call out people who don't rotate, defend towers, who pick sniper offlane, lycan support, and TA hard support. You have to, win the game, regardless of how absurd the conditions of it are. Otherwise, an arbitrary, automated system robs you of weeks, if not months, having to play 15 games of dota 2 with people who are autistic and/or are on drugs or have some form of mental illness.

            Yeah that's right, I did that as weaver a few hours ago. Simple? You call that winning? I call that brain damage, self inflicted.

            Apparently dota isn't what I thought it was, and the idea that I've been clinging to since 2012. That is, a team game, where your teammates help you and you help your teammates, and it's a 5v5 mess of spells and combos.

            No, sorry. What I've been playing apparently is a 1v9 simulator, where you have to farm 300+ CS, and literally kill the entire team until minute 50 when the bots can A click ground and walk into base after I did all the work. And that's, according to my game's histories, less than 13% of a full conduct summary (15 games), where I get to play a core role, meaning I get the gold and not these excuses for players who are glued to NPCS for 60 minutes.

            yeah no thanks, not the game I thought it was. I dont' get paid for it, i don't even get a fucking follow in my chat or a hello or a pat on the back in my stupid twitch bullshit.

            God help me quit this stupid behavior before it kills me or lands me in jail/mental institution

            Thanks to DOTA 2, I feel like I want to never play video games again period, considering at the end of the day, they're a giant waste of time apparently, that don't lead anywhere,

            Here's a present for you all, check out this really well thought out picks in ranked dota 2 matchmaking, 1k mmr, 7000 behavior conditions:
            Bet you can imagine how fun it must be playing position 5 jakiro with people like this yeah? Right pros? Oh yeah i bet your 6k games are like this for sure.


            Know what i'm saying bros? I mean, that's why I spent nearly 2000 hours in the last 3 years at least being miserable and feeling miserable and being a loser all this time and not accomplishing ANYTHING at all.... so I can play with, Offlane Ancient Apparition, in ranked dota 2....that's right. That's exactly why I've been spending all time here....remember?

            Tento komentář byl upraven

              my lowest behavior or so was 4.2k and this was way before people were focusing on it. My recent lowest was 5.4k before overwatch system (on every lose streak i was getting send into low priority just because we lose, i die a lot and so on) and highest 9k. Right now im sitting at 8.5k beh score but ive dropped from 9k to 7.6k beh score. So for sure it is possible to increase it.

              In the end it come with all your personality and how you handle the toxicity. The other suggestion ive found on tweeter was muting your pos 1/2, but what i find better is if someone is starting to arque i will MUTE them no matter the minute in the game in order to focus on my game. Ive noticed for myself muting all allies helps me concentrate on the game and playing better rather than watching them fight.

              macrodata refiner

                How to farm behaviour score: stop being an asshole. Very simple :)