I often play as NP and I agree with th OP with some extent. But in some games I get really humiliated by good supports and dust-carrying carries. But still the space created is often enough for your team.
Just dominate the 4v5 team fights, and push to finish lul
pepega army, wins fight, then tps back base to defend twr against 1 pos 5 NP XD
I dont how to play NP. But I have play with NP countless of time. So I will give you some information about it.
- If NP with your team, just keep it in mind you have a fat sup, jungle or core NP. So you will have advantage in late game.
So just don't seek for team fight if you might lose (playing safe).
- If NP with enemy team, your team will have advantage earlier game (Landing stages).
The rest no need for me to tell you what to do. Just keep it in mind that NP is always seeking building.
So don't forget dust if you want to kill him
Oh one more thing don't kill him first when the game reach late game (Buy back advantage)
Np has a 49.3% wr in divine and immortal. My issue is you can win games as np pos 5 with just a meteor hammer and not join a single teamfight in the entire game which imo is not how dota should be.
You can win games with techies by forcing enemy to play minesweeper. That's the fun part of dota, there's no set way to play it.
Yeah but at least techies actually kills hero’s and occasionally joins fights. I lost to a pos 5 prophet once who was involved in 5 kills in a 40+ minute game
This is NOT league of legends. There’s a reason why stuff like this exists in Dota and that’s because you are allowed to find ways to win that don’t just involve farming, grouping and team fighting. Unconventional ways of winning are healthy to the longevity of Dota. Get better.
it's annoying, but what's stopping you from just walking over and killing him? in my experience the people running this strat just end up feeding 20 deaths and 10000 gold from treants and lose the lategame anyways, it's just frustrating to play against
i am like 99% sure you played the map incorrectly to lose against np 5, maybe watch replays of those games and analyze it yourself. 👆
i tried a np support game. You really just get all the towers with this meteor hammer and boots of travels build. Can meme it up more with a dagger.
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I’ve seen multiple np spammers lately, all immortal who just buy meteor hammer and boots of travel and do nothing all game but split push. It’s legit so cancer winning every fight for 30 minutes but still losing the game to a pos 5 prophet. They’re not even playing dota at this point, they don’t join any fights at all. Pls delete this shit