General Discussion

General DiscussionRecalibration

Recalibration in General Discussion

    Hey my dota friends.

    We going into a new season at dota. My question is when are we going to recalibrate our own rank this season?

    // OPSA


      I would like to know the same.. o.o' I regretted having recalibrated, in the past I was a 5-star archon, I recalibrated in crusader and never came back, I just went down.. =/

      another day in paradise

        Recalibration literally doesnt matter... just play good and you get mmr, play bad and you lose mmr. Simple as that

        '96 Neve Campbell

          I would like to know the same.. o.o' I regretted having recalibrated, in the past I was a 5-star archon, I recalibrated in crusader and never came back, I just went down.. =/

          If you were even anywhere close to archon then you would be winning 80% of your games in herald. You are where you belong. I suggest you seriously change up your game by watching how pros play or even with stacking with higher ranked friends. In Herald you can literally win the game instantly by picking a scaling mid like Templar, OD, Viper, Tinker or Lina.


            sometimes I think is harder to win in low-ranked matches because of players in this rank seems to be more like childs. If it goes bad for someone in the team he starts to flame and sometimes leave or feed on purpose. But maybe it can be like this in every ranked category?

            another day in paradise

              Its same everywhere. No one knows how to play dota even in divine and there are still crybaby losers everywhere. That's just dota. Only variable is you yourself.

              '96 Neve Campbell

                ometimes I think is harder to win in low-ranked matches because of players in this rank seems to be more like childs. If it goes bad for someone in the team he starts to flame and sometimes leave or feed on purpose. But maybe it can be like this in every ranked category?

                I used to feel the same way but what you have to remember is you are the one constant in all your ranked games. Your team will have incompetent apes on it, but the other team is also your rank. Your team are apes, but so are the other team. You are the difference in your games unless you party up with a stack of reliable friends.


                  I buy what u say. But I can feel in this lowrank guardian/crusader that many player does not know how they will build the hero to counter enemy heroes. Do u have that problem in legend/accient?


                    ^Funniest part about your comment is that you assume you are the "better one" in your games. You are never gonna improve till you acknowledge that you suck at the game.

                    20IQ idiots on both sides, all you have to do is play like a 40IQ idiot and you win games in your bracket.
                    All you low mmr dogs want is free win, without putting in efforts.
                    Right now, If I watch any of your replay, I can make a meme video about you just roaming around aimlessly on map, dying in the most obvious spots, or afk farming at your power spike. LOL

                    Have you ever bothered watching your own replays?
                    I remember some low mmr guy came to forum, claiming they "play good" and then someone saw their replay, made a video and pointed out how shit they play and then the classic "but you should see how others played". Like, someone gives you free analysis and you low mmr animals can't even use that to improve. hahahahaha



                      похуй мне)

                        players in this rank seems to be more like childs

                        This happens on every skill bracket, trust me


                          You can always try to improve your gameplay, but therell be always certain pigs that decides to ruin the game for you. Dota 2 is a team game where every person needs to play as a team. Whoever says you're the losing factor needs to relearn basic 5v5 strategy games. Yes, you might be the person that losses the game but you've other 4 people to help you.

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                            low ranks are worse then high ranks to me (well im low rank now xd) but rly below like 5000+ dota is literally BORING, its so slow and shit paced i just wanna go amulet and do something else, i experienced this when i got mmr decay and a bad calibration, id rather uninstall then try to climb from 3k again, u can be better but I recall shit like 1 and 18 void that fed 10+ deaths to a LC in 20 minutes at 3k MMR, some games are unwinnable to complete and utter ruiners at those MMR, at 5k+ at least people ruin for more relatable reasons and overall games are better.

                            Also check my first games, I was literally Herald min and rank 4k max in my Dota journey let me tell u low ranks are hell, the trench is real just most people who complain about it belong there, the rest climb out if they have patience but its still hell, especially if you are particularly good at strats and teamwork based play and not so much at solo carrying.

                   See that? U wil not win with this creature, there is no explanation why this guy has 9k net and 5k hero damage in 30 minutes on pos 1, why he went bkb first item and never finished mom, but this is the type of braindamage u get at these mediocre MMRs, the disparity is wild and games are boring, I go from 30-0 on mid cause the game was relatively even, to not being able to solo carry cause my side lanes feed a death per minute on each side, eventually u can climb out but its too time consuming if you have a life.

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