General Discussion

General Discussionwinstreaks feel good

winstreaks feel good in General Discussion
macrodata refiner

    nothing better than the high you get from a proper winstreak in dota 2

    better than sex

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      just 5 stack in ranked with a crusader playing the ward b*tch so you can stomp legend mids bro :)

      macrodata refiner

        what ward bitch lol... everyone is playing their favourite role


          My Ursa best win stack is 13. :lick:

          macrodata refiner

            apipe i hate you, stop playing ursa 3


              can we get high


                Yeah wish I could have a winning streak, but the game puts me in bad teams or I struggle. It's demoralizing and irritating at the same time. Half the time I end up with bad teammates I want to kick their asses. Who the hell goes safe lane as Night Stalker?

                Seems like if I try to play support I lose. I ward all game and try to heal as Dazzle... but more than likely another lane is feeding hard carries. I think I need to back away from the game for a few days, is that something I should do to take care of losing streaks?

                Tento komentář byl upraven

                  I can give u a win streak if u want @eric


                    And my lose stack is 14 stop hating my Ursa :lick: