General Discussion

General DiscussionJust something i wanna say

Just something i wanna say in General Discussion

    Be very selective about the content u consume on the internet. I don't know what it is exactly in these times but its been truly filled with some of the biggest degenerates, hateful and bitter people on most social media where people are allowed to voice opinions. Seriously stay away from politics, corona talk, online hate groups, ANY COMMUNITY THAT LIKES TO WHINE OR HATE OR BE UPSET ABOUT STUFF, shit like 4chat, reddit, YT comment section. Do yourself a favor and do not even stoop as low to have any of that loser shit enter your brain, let alone participate.

    Clear your brain u guys. Don't even open some threads on this forum, I see already "rigged ranked mm", "corona measures" have 2 pages, I will not even open and reveal the cesspool in those threads, let alone take them seriously or try to argue, just keep that shit away from your brain guys, read stuff that helps you grow, that shit decays your brain.

    [ZT] Conz

      Well said 🙌

      '96 Neve Campbell

        Tbh its important that people are politically active otherwise you get a situation such as we are seeing in the UK where a prime minister who is unfit for office clings onto power for months with 30% of the electorate still supporting him. Refusing to engage with political content will just see 'democracy' spiral further into the pit.


          I find it hilarious tbh, don't really see the issue.

          Tento komentář byl upraven

            God forbid we engage in intellectual debates, challenge our own views and those of others, look for clarity and elaborate the complexity of reality. Better bury our head in the sand, away from disagreements, unconfortable topics and heated discussions. Those threats might make us question that false but safe space that is our world view, which isn't even actually ours but fabricated for us by those above, since we refuse to shape it by ourselves.
            You remind me of my best friend, who's very different from me both in views and personality. When talking about the corona farce she told me "yeah but you need to understand that not everyone is interested in digging for ultimate truths in life like you are, I for example put my own well being first. Some things are too big for me to do something about them, so why bother?". But you can't have peace under your tree if you don't keep the whole forest in check. If somene starts a fire somewhere away from you you can ignore it for some time, 'cause it's not threatening you yet, not directly, but rest assured that it will slowly expand and devour your tree aswell one day.
            The opposite is also true, I tend to constantly watch over the whole forest to the point that I forget to take care of my own little tree. That's detrimental too.
            And if anything, the reason why you see so much baboonery is precisely because people have been actively discouraged from thinking critically, in abstract and in depth, kept away from discernment and from contemplating the ugly truths of the world, no matter how complex they are. That's why there's so much emotional reactivity, people are not used to intellectual discomfort. You see, in the end the fire has already gotten to you. What you refuse to acknowledge will chase you and what you don't wanna bother digging into will be taken care of by someone else. Must be why people are so confortable burning away their rights and freedoms in exchange of a false sense of security for their small personal tree.


              I read first sentence, "So I shouldnt watch porn?"