General Discussion

General DiscussionOP heroes list

OP heroes list in General Discussion

    Clinkz, can kill supports with two items, or almost kill core heroes with two buttons

    Arc warden, can fight without risking anything. Always pushing lanes

    Tinker is more skill based hero, but if you know smth about positioning and have some experience playing tinker, you will be a total pain in the... you got it

    add your suggestions in comments!


      AA - A support that can break the most core mechanic of almost all heroes- Healing/lifesteal.
      Techies - Slow+Burst+Aoe Silence+disarm - add 1400 gold - Slow+Burst+Aoe Silence+disarm+stun.
      Spectre - Core with global presence+bulky af

      Tento komentář byl upraven
      Hexy Rose~

        Vengeful - can swap + stun enemy hero - bring them to your team and even if they try hard and kill you first, you have another hero with full potential and if they ignore you, you still have high impact on fights with E passive spell

        personally I hate to ply against PL, drains mana too fast and it's hard to notice his main hero among illus


          CM still most OP buffed heroes man..stun, aoe slow,global unlimited mana, slow aoe pucking burst damage not channeling

          Pepe Le Pew Pew

            I play a lot of Bristle and Drow
            Drow i have 62% winrate overal, 69% in last 40 games
            BB i have 61% winrate overal, 65% last 20 games
            depends also heavily on lineup of your opponent, but Drow you can still pick vs a lot and still win the game later, with a bad start

            I find SF also very OP at the moment, very hard to play against if snowballed


              I agree tinker can still win the game even he lost in the lane. He just need to do good rotation skills