General Discussion

General DiscussionShould I Start a New Account?

Should I Start a New Account? in General Discussion
Bles Bridges

    Hey guys, I've been playing a few years on and off and recently started playing after about 2 years. I almost exclusively play pos 5.
    3 years ago I calibrated archon, but with MMR decay and bad calibration I am ALL the way down to Herald.

    It's quite hellish down here, and I find it hard to support in particular.

    Would it be of benefit to rather start a new account? Or is that also not going to help?
    I believe I have enough skill to be better than where I am. But there is a lot of frustration in this bracket.

    Please give me some constructive criticism!


      You can reset your MMR one time per account. I would do that.

      another day in paradise

        It doesnt matter if you make a new account. You will get same mmr. Just recalibrate and play better

        another day in paradise

          The fact that you have less than 50% winrate indicates you are not playing well. Its not your teammates' fault, its you...


            There is no point making a new account unless you have a new computer because the smurf detection system will flag you then you could end up in a worse position.

            You could try doing a clean install of windows and then creating a new account, I'm not sure if that would work, but it might be worth a try if you defo arent going for a new PC.

            Once you have either new PC or new windows it is VERY important that you never ever login to the old account on that PC again.

            When choosing options at first time game bootup probably choose "I have played dota 2 before" (although some people claim this puts a minor flag on your account as in like, "could be a smurf, wait for more data").

            Honestly you really should learn to play at least one core role, preferably mid, it's twice as difficult to climb out of herald as a support.

            I would ignore any and all advice from people in Ancient, Divine, Immortal bracket about this issue. They can only see the world through their own eyes. If your actual skill was immortal you'd climb out of herald almost instantly, but since your actual skill is quite likely crusader it's gonna be a long and painful grind with LOTS of thrown games by completely retarded teammates. The main thing is to make SURE in every single ranked game, that YOU are not the retard!

            Forget your days of archon, that shit is behind you. Grind hard and hope for crusader. I'm not saying don't try to improve, I'm just saying the skill floor on DOTA 2 has moved ENORMOUSLY in the last few years.

            Basically most of the complete trash in Herald, Guardian, Crusader quit playing the game while the top players continued... that's why people in Divine and Immortal can't really see any difference while those of us at the bottom are seeing a HUGE difference. I used to be Legend 3 I'm now crusader 1 and the skill level of play at crusader nowadays is similar to what High Archon or Legend USED to be 3 or 4 years ago.


              Also, after checking out some of your games I see you died a lot in some of them. First and foremost you need to work on positioning, next on itemizing for survival. I see you buy glimmer cape a lot which is fine, but learn to buy ghost scepter (also, USE IT! - LOL I see lots of noobs with ghost in their inventory and they never use it).

              Constantly be asking yourself, "Am I an easy target right now?".
              As a support you should never be the first person the enemy team goes on, and if they did, you were in the wrong place. (Obviously this does not apply if you are playing support Tidehunter or other initiator/support hero).

              If I was you, I would watch replays of every game where you died more than 10 times and look for every instance where you should not have died... I guarantee there will be at least 5 in every game.




                  it's a shame that fran is only here to xD rather than offer some insight into the smurfing process.

                  However you'll notice he plays mid most of the time.

                  If you are genuinely stuck below your actual skill level the easiest way to climb out is through the mid role, becos:

                  1: Being the first person to level 6 is a huge advantage and (if you are genuinely better than your herald teammates) you'll be able to snowball most games.

                  2: You're not reliant on a lane partner, who in many MANY cases will be absolute trash and can easily grief your entire game.

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                  Feeding in progress

                    I'm herald too and its really a very good bracket to play in. Just ignore the rest and play all the POS by yourself (carry, ward, utility, etc.).