General Discussion

General DiscussionIncrease mmr as a support Player

Increase mmr as a support Player in General Discussion
i am noob bro

    Hello friends, hope all is well.

    Can you give me tips to win a match as a POS 5/4 player?

    Sometimes my carry even with a nice network buys the wrong items.

    Example: Skip BKB when the enemy team has a lot of disables/stuns


      Maybe under ancient rank there is 60% chance you would success gaining mmr with that pos, btw simple tips is pick support hero that can also contribute a lot damage to tower like Shadow Shaman. Use ulti only 2 condition, for tower or guarante kill.Try buy a lot of sentries for block any camp for enemies. In war situation position yourself that somehow your pos 1 or 2 may survive later. utilize smoke of deceit. imho any hero would work under small rank if you master it.


        when i was 4k mmr silencer workes well for me ecen tohugh it used to be off meta. global can change poor decision making of the team to be fine allot of the time. maybe you can find the stream vods of dubu coaching grubby or just watch some dubu streams to learn allot


          1) Buy Force/Glimmer/Both every single game. Optionally a late game ethereal against heavy physical cores.
          2) Always stay behind your core. If p1 is farming jungle, you stay behind the core that is ganking. Once pos 1 starts taking fights, you stay behind him. Pos 1 is pushing lane, you stay hidden behind him.
          3) If your core skips bkb / refuses to make bkb, don't engage in argument during the game, just focus on game. You have post game to flame the idiot. Sometimes, you can use your core not having bkb, as a bait- a well timed force + glimmer can change the flow of the whole game.
          4) Don't be stingy when spending gold on wards, dusts, etc. It's ok for pos 5 to have only tranquils + force at 30 mins.
          5) "It's okay to die, but don't die unnecessarily" ex. Don't go to ward/deward a uphill when all 5 enemies are missing on map.
          6) Not limited to 4/5 - Forcing random strangers to play according to you is never going to work. Just try to adjust to the best of your abilities, but don't hesitate from giving suggestions (keep them as suggestions only).
          7) Also, Supports don't win games - Support just create the best scenarios for the cores to win games. If you can't accept this fact, you will tilt yourself.
          From my experience, I didn't care if I won/lost, all I cared about was how I played. Analyze game-> identify mistakes-> correct them-> improve. Let mmr track your progress, instead of you tracking mmr. Simple as that.

          i am noob bro

            Thank you all for the valuable tips.

            According to your analysis, am I playing well?

            Check my Items, KDA, etc


              That's one problem with support gameplay. Unless someone watches your replays it's very hard to see if you had any impact or not.
              KDA, stats, etc don't include game saving force/glimmer or well-timed rotations or good laning, etc

              It's easy to spot bad supports, but it's impossible to spot good supports just by looking at the overview of game.
              Buying wards/sentry, force, glimmer is just the bottom line for not being a terrible support.

              As I said multiple times on this forums, regardless of what the 10k hours guardians claim, if you keep improving you go up the ladder, as simple as that.
              Just be your own strict judge.

              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!