General Discussion

General Discussionso the 3.5k max is no longer active in rank calibration 7 loss 3 win

so the 3.5k max is no longer active in rank calibration 7 loss 3 win in General Discussion
yo dogshit

    got 3,680

    rice farmer

      4k is the max


        if u win 7 games and 3 loses mybe u will get 4k up. just a badluck calibration


          but u can recalibrate now


            6k is a max

            yo dogshit

              yeh im try recalib its a very bad calibration but the first and other games we're divine brackets


                done recalibrate?

                W key



                    its never been a max cap.

                    yo dogshit

                      yah done recab 7wins + 300

                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!