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33 komentářů

    Clockwerk, maybe? What about Dark Seer as well?

    zoi | hoodi

      A lot of heroes have inverse relationships with their competitive performance vs pub performance which overall is a bit of a problem. Performance will always differ between skill brackets, and between immortal pub play vs comp play, but there are several heroes that perform well/poorly at the highest pub/comp level. It's totally understandable to balance the game based on competitive play, but I feel with a bit of effort this could be fixed. On the base level though it makes sense to buff heroes that aren't performing well in either area though, so qop and grim are decent choices for this article.

      Ar1se Fan Club

        Shadow demon ?

        Ar1se Fan Club

          Shadow demon ?


            monkey king is just a joke in mid. if there is a competent range hero on mid(70% of games) you are gonna either lose mid or tie it and go gank.


              monkey king is just a joke in mid. if there is a competent range hero on mid(70% of games) you are gonna either lose mid or tie it and go gank.


                monkey king is just a joke in mid. if there is a competent range hero on mid(70% of games) you are gonna either lose mid or tie it and go gank.


                  monkey king is just a joke in mid. if there is a competent range hero on mid(70% of games) you are gonna either lose mid or tie it and go gank.


                    I agree with QoP : I used to play her a lot before the 7.32, with both talents lvl20 (zone dagger and scream dmg) + old aghanim were very powerful.
                    Since then, she became almost totally irrelevant indeed :(


                      I agree with QoP : I used to play her a lot before the 7.32, with both talents lvl20 (zone dagger and scream dmg) + old aghanim were very powerful.
                      Since then, she became almost totally irrelevant indeed :(


                        what about void spirit? he is very weak and irrelevant rn


                          what about void spirit? he is very weak and irrelevant rn


                            Shadow Demon is still great. Just needs to buff his 2nd or change it completely.


                              I would put Pugna in the list as well. He is suffering a low pickrate and winrate, was picked only one time in TI2022 (less than QoP and Grim), with 0% winrate. The hero got trashed after the removal of -% spell damage on Nether Ward, with no compensatory buffs. Since the max level cap increased from 25 to 30 and free +2 stats after level 15, the dagon5 build barely has an impact. And since the Ethereal Blade rework being a upgrade from Kaya, it's safer to pick Zeus or Lina caster for nuking an enemy instead of Pugna.


                                monkey king is just a joke in mid. if there is a competent range hero on mid(70% of games) you are gonna either lose mid or tie it and go gank.


                                  monkey king is just a joke in mid. if there is a competent range hero on mid(70% of games) you are gonna either lose mid or tie it and go gank.


                                    I feel like bane needs a boost bc he's a very intresting hero in this meta

                                    Player 96006461

                                      "Heroes Who Desperately Need a Buff"
                                      1) Mirana now. The extremely low magic damage, bad physical damage, the worst hp bar, one of the worst aghanim's shard, one of the worst aghanim's scepeter, extremely mediocre talents (only the evasion is really good) and meh cooldowns. The arrow at 1-3 levels is a hoax with an average stun duration less than the Chaos's knight's stun or the Storm Spirit's Electric Vortex. The Leap does not save you from the Arena of Mars now. It does not rescue from you the effect of fear, because it is faster than the Leap, even if the Leap is pressed earlier (for example, when a lame Shadow Fiend can't into timing of the Requiem of Souls after using of the Eul's Scepter. In all roles except for the 4th, Mirana is weak, but even in "her category" she is below average.
                                      2) Enchantress is bad in all ways now. The hero who strikes manually, not with magic, cannot hit properly heroes with the immunity of magic. A million ways to dodge her spears. Slowing down the attackspeed to to the 6th level is the most useless ulti in the Dota. No need to mention the fact that it doesn't work against Ursa, PA, Lifestealer, Juggernaut etc. You cannot capture catapults = a trash hero. Weak talents, new Aghanim's scepter is a joke.
                                      3) Chen. See the reason about Enchantress's catapults, plus the very good skill "Test of Faith" is gone.
                                      4) Earth Spirit. He doesn't leave lists like that since 2014 for obvious reasons.
                                      5) Pugna. Overall Pugna is okay, but the Nether Ward is not. Should be completely reworked.
                                      6) I guess Beastmaster. I don't see this hero at my low mmr frequently so i can't say certainly, but I didn't notice that he was significantly changed in the last couple of years, so most likely he is hopelessly outdated and weak in December 2022.


                                        Sven ? Carry thats so bad , that he is picked for 1/4 of his skills and shard. Pa , riki ,wk .. all got new abilityes and buffs , so i think its time for sven to become a playabe carry , not a warcry spam support.


                                          Sven ? Carry thats so bad , that he is picked for 1/4 of his skills and shard. Pa , riki ,wk .. all got new abilityes and buffs , so i think its time for sven to become a playabe carry , not a warcry spam support.

                                          Privjet, my name Gamburger

                                            100 % agree. QOP is my most played hero and since Im old and stubborn, I still mostly play her, when I queue mid. Lately its not been a joy. The author is completely right that QOP offers 0 utility anymore and almost no damage. Losing utility like old Aghs and scream fear hurt her, but what killed her where the general and manacost nerfs on dagger and scream. Now you get some very underwhelming spells for a lot of mana, which always makes me buy at least 5 clarity in the early to mid game. Also her E is one of the very few one dimensional spells left - a flat nuke with in a very limited area. Since 7.32 Ive been losing 700 MMR due to this. ICEFROG PLS GIEF QOP SCREAM FEAR AND OLD AGHS BACK!


                                              My idea: Ink swell should be able to target enemy heroes as well as ally heroes, but It should have a different effect when targeting an enemy; such as causes the enemy heroes in the AOE have lowered magic resistance for the duration of the swell build up and then roots enemies when the swell pops. Combos nicely with his other abilities, but of course the trade off is the risk of enemies being able to dispel it or splitting up.

                                              The range also just needs a small buff, like the article says, it just currently requires way too much coordination to get the spell off properly in a pub game with randoms.







                                                    Tarog Skwela Undangi Nang...

                                                      Maybe, Pos4 QoP? Agree, QoP is such a one dimensional hero compared to other midlaners which provides utilities during teamfight specially in late game where most skill dependent heroes lose their spike. Come late game she is just a glass cannon.

                                                      Jensen-0 serotonina

                                                        I loved me some good old grimstroke mid.


                                                          I agree with QoP: she has no timings and her lane isn't strong anymore.

                                                          We should all remember that Alchemist players still exist, though. That hero hasn't been relevant since TI9

                                                          Kiss my Arrow

                                                            I agree about the QoP, it was very much lowered. I passed 5 levels of the Aghanims Labyrinth for QoP with the talent that she has in Aghanim, and dreamed of being added to the Dota, but not in this form. Now Queen is, in fact, the counterpick of the only one hero - Meepo, but he is also usually taken to the eraser, and his Aghanim saves him from the Aghanim of QoP. She needs to strengthen the Aghanims Scepter and strengthen or change the shard, it is possible to make another talent from the Labyrinth instead of the current fragment - a trace from the Sonic Wave.

                                                            Mode: Ghoul

                                                              Feel like pugna and kunkka in the midlane are in a tight spot too