General Discussion

General DiscussionGOAL: 60% WIN RATE

GOAL: 60% WIN RATE in General Discussion

    Hi guys,

    I'm really fucking pissed with how this matchmaking goes.
    I was above 50-53% win% about 3 days ago and Valve suddenly decided to put me on a losing slump.
    Have only won couple of games for the past 3 days and I have been paired with noobs.

    I'm looking for players who have the same goal as me: 60% WIN RATE.
    If you're on SEA server. Add me: BlackXargon



      the question is.. was it really valve that made u lost? 8D

      Bob Marley

        Idk, it is so weird. Everyone got like 50% winrate, lol.
        In LoL you can have 75% or even 25%.


          my goal is 66%

          shitty yoshimitsu player

            You play with Merlini? That's pretty cool. Only if I had some decent friends to play with.

            Maria Alejandra Roa Garcia

              Lol, u played only 100 games. and you have 47.54% winrate. WTF about 60% u talking about.. sounds like shit

              Maria Alejandra Roa Garcia

                murs - ur goal is 83% :)


                  hey murs, I'm quite curious as to how you got 83%..

                  anyhow, got a good set of games over the weekend and was able to break the losing slump..

                  one thing I learned, never play "pure support".. this is not like CM game or anything..

                  also, the most critical part is the "laning phase".. since you wouldn't know who you'll be teaming up with.. just stick this in my mind, I can only control what I have control over..


                    Get friends, team up, pwn bitches, pwn avrg bitches, pwn better bitches.
                    go tournamets, enjoy winning and forget about the %.


                      +1, it might be a gd idea
                      murs, go brag some where else pls, and i am more interested with ur other account, which active atm, the one with 1600+ games and a somehow normal 66+% winrate(for gd players)..

                      ∞ regen

                        murs, I order you to teach me.

                        On topic again: Valve didn't put you in a losing streak, and bad teammates have nothing to do with your w/l. You deserve to be there, stop making excuses. You won't ever get to 60%, unless somebody carries you, as long as you are making excuses for your lack of ability. Good luck, sir.


                          damn i thought 66% was good :(


                            lol my goal is anything more than 50%,
                            idk much about some winrate, just want to have some fun with friends.





                                yea whatever :D


                                  I have 50% win ratio and have played like 1400 games. I mainly play support. I find it hard to play with someone who says they are going to carry then end up failing after I buy countless wards all game and try my best to support them.

                                  I wish I could reach like 55% wins. I think it may be hard since I have played a plethora of games already. I am up for supporting good carries. Add me if you want to rock a lane together. (CM,Jugg, Axe Warlock etc.) I can play most supports decently.

                                  In Yo Face!!!

                                    u wanna rock together? @Fangs


                                      Yes, that sounds great


                                        IDK why people give murs so much credit. He plays on US East, arguably the easiest D2 server at the moment. Try SEA and see if that win rate stays up.

                                        Edit: OP, you shouldn't be below 50% when you haven't even hit 100 wins. Clearly you need to buck up quite a bit.

                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                          Sigma, try playing with me and you'll know that I'm an above average player.

                                          As I have said, my initial strategy was to have last pick so I can fit it with the team and be able to counter pick the opposing team as well. Clearly, that strat doesn't work because most of the time, I get to play with noobs who dont know how to play carry but still pick em.

                                          For the past week, I try avoiding picking pure support heroes when i'm not with a friend.


                                            Everyone thinks they're above average, it's called self-bias. If you really are as good as you say, the I guess the only reason you're performing poorly is because you've been partying with poor players? IMHO, matchmaking is most broken for 3-4 man stacks (due to the difficulty in filling the remaining slots on the team). Whenever I'm on a losing streak, I head for the solo queue and it shoots right back up.


                                              If you understood how my posts went from "pure madness" to "realization" on how to pick my heroes and overall game approach, then you'll know better.

                                              But apparently, you're still stuck with my initial post.

                                              The realizations I had doesn't change the fact that if you let noobs play carry or be very relevant on the overall success of the game, then you'd really be in deep sh*t.

                                              One post was absolutely correct saying something about you should be able to "carry" the team and not let someone "carry" you.

                                              To me now, it's not about picking a "carry" hero.. it's about picking a hero who could "carry" a team be it as a support, ganker, initiator, semi-carry, or carry role.


                                                Well said >,<'


                                                  I'm not stuck at your first post, I'm merely pointing out that matchmaking isn't as broken for solo queues as it is for parties. If you find yourself losing here, then clearly you're not much of a player to being with. The most important "realization" you can have is that you're not necessarily the best player on the team (one which sadly, you haven't come to terms with yet). Picking to complement a lineup is only part of the endgame, you need teamwork to achieve it, something that cannot be achieved with you looking down on your teammates. Based on your reply alone, I can deduce that you're the kind of person who rages at pubs who don't play to your style.

                                                  P.S. When I started this account, I won my first 10 games. You on the other hand lost 7 out of your first 10. To claim that you're good to begin with is utter bullshit. Accept who you are and move on, you'll be a pro in no time!

                                                  ∞ regen

                                                    Sigma, your point about the first 10 games is rubbish. I lost most of my early games and now I'm playing in very high skill and have a better win rate than you do. People improve, or at least they should. I know I did.

                                                    BlackXargon, accept that you are bellow average and stop making excuses for yourself. The sooner you do, the sooner you can really improve.


                                                      maybe he chose "beginner" at start so he played with "noobs" :P

                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                        @Infinite Regen win rates drop as you play more games. My win rate at about the number of games you played was close to 59%. Do your homework on the nature of the matchmaking system employed before posting, thanks.


                                                          @WiT.HiN_T that would be the most likely case. ELO hell is well, hell.


                                                            u shld play with ur 4 friends always to get a good win ratio ....if u win 6-7 matches continuously u will lose 5 thats sure....u either go in high priority when u win so u lose couple also...srry for bad english :P


                                                              that's interesting you say that cartographer

                                                              i've been experimenting a bit lately and playing quite a few games on europe (both east and west) and i have to say the skill level of very high europe games is lower than it is for useast games

                                                              and it goes without saying that useast is harder than uswest due to many of the stacks queueing on east

                                                              i'd love to play on sea, but my pings there are inbetween 250-400 and unlike europe i simply can't play with that kinda shet


                                                                but from what i can tell sea>use>europe west>us west>europe east


                                                                  lol stop lieing everyone knows emericans cant play sh1t


                                                                    the matchmaking in dota 2 is very inconsistent from my experience so far.
                                                                    sometimes i'll get games where my team mates are terrible and the opponents are obvious veterans.
                                                                    sometimes i'll get teamed with 4 good players vs. noobs when i que alone.
                                                                    sometimes, i'll get teamed with 4 good players and get raped by semi-pro full parties.
                                                                    it's rare to get a match where everyone is on the same level.


                                                                      Vaikiss`742. => here we go. why did you delete me? seems like you can't even assume yourself.


                                                                        I played 2 games with OP today, and I can confidently say that I was right in my initial assessment. Good luck improving mate!


                                                                          i played with above poster and he's nothing but an average player.


                                                                            Don't rage on me, you got shelling from every other member on the team in both games. Clearly the rest of the world is at fault.


                                                                              first game that was for sure. but 2nd game? nope.. you saw me farming on top and raged on me when you died. check replay, when i spawn, you were all the way at the mid and creeps were pushing top. so sad to say, you blame others for your death.


                                                                                @murs SEA pubs are like the most anti-throw ppl lmao, unless pinoys.

                                                                                @TS & cart, go 1v1 sf mid and come back.


                                                                                  Feel free to believe what you want. As I said in my 2nd post, you're going nowhere until you realize your level. Unlike you, I made no claim to being anything but average.

                                                                                  My opinion is based on what I saw in both games.

                                                                                  In the first one, you fed mid and proceeded to go into an all-out flame-fest with the Visage who wanted to take over your lane. In retaliation, you moved to his lane and left mid unattended. This is in addition to you playing DK at 1 level of Dragon's Blood until late game (which was probably the main reason you lost the lane in the first place).

                                                                                  In the second game, you spent most of your time farming, only to keep dying and have only a BKB and blademail by 50 minutes. Sure, I may have died much more than you, but I provided the courier and continuous warding, and was actively ganking with Ursa. To add to that, your "tactic" for war includes a stun, a Blink Strike, and running back. If you don't believe me, check the replay.

                                                                                  Overall, you spent most of both games going around on your own, and losing all your farm because of unnecessary deaths. Add this to the fact that you were last pick in both games, and you still picked a carry in both although there were already other carries. This alone shows that you lied in your 1st post - either you don't really pick to complement the team, or you have no idea whatsoever on what the complementing heroes should be.

                                                                                  P.S. I'll not be responding to any further arguments from you. Whether or not you choose to take the above as constructive criticism is entirely up to you. Cheers!

                                                                                  ∞ regen

                                                                                    Sigma, you don't understand matchmaking. What you say about getting closer to 50% is true, but what you don't understand is that the number of games you have won above lose won't shrink away so much. Like at 100 games, if I have 60 wins and 40 loses, when I play 1000 games then, while my winrate will be closer to 50, I'd likely have 30 wins or 40 wins higher than loses. Your point isn't valid, much like your point about first 10 games. The bottom line is that I play at a higher skill than you do, and am better at the game than you are, despite you having more games. Much like murs plays at a higher skill level and is better at the game than we are. Have a nice day :)

                                                                                    ∞ regen

                                                                                      Sigma, just checked. At 400 games played, you were negative at 199-201. Grats, you are a bald faced liar. Its funny, because you could win every game after 400 till you are at the 482 games I'm at and still be below your claim of 59%. Scrub.

                                                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                        Funny thread is funny.

                                                                                        packet canceled

                                                                                          That's a lot of rubbish I just read from sigma | * rofl

                                                                                          Darth Vader

                                                                                            How do you check win rates from the past? I can't find the option on Dotabuff.

                                                                                            Biggest Nipples

                                                                                              @people asking murs.

                                                                                              He played with friends.


                                                                                                i wish i had friends


                                                                                                  this's beyond me.


                                                                                                    50% is proof that MM works. You have any less and you suck more than anyone else, you have much more and you are generally speaking good player.
                                                                                                    People who aro a) good players b) join in stable group of high skill players generally have more than 50% because at any given time MM can't find suitable opponents.
                                                                                                    Or you just pick wisp 1000x, become pwner and win 90% (to my best knowledge highest winrate goes to some wisp player).

                                                                                                    ∞ regen

                                                                                                      @v1n0d Checked by going through match history. It takes about 2 minutes to go through 400 matches. Its a bit tedious, but it isn't that bad. Much quicker than trying to explain to dumbasses that they are wrong.

                                                                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                                                      Biggest Nipples

                                                                                                        @murs you queue with at least one friend in the games I've checked. Not sure if you were trying to be funny or trying to make people think that you are better than you really are?