General Discussion

General DiscussionSo my friends convinced me to play Dota...

So my friends convinced me to play Dota... in General Discussion

    So when LoL is down I'm think I'll try some dota. I was wondering which champion should I main? I like Jinx, Ahri, and Master Yi.

    PS I freaking hate Teemo!


      Don't try dota. Fucking shit game.

      King of Low Prio

        nobody here wants to play with league players


          Awwww, why not? I been playing some robot guy he seems fun.


            how did you win this game?


            Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

              I am sorry friends I must post image... can not resist... I have kept it calm for a few days.

              Tento komentář byl upraven

                I crashed, and I tried getting back into game but it wouldn't let me to include restarting steam, and my laptop. It doesn't show up as a game in my steam history though.

                Tento komentář byl upraven
                Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                  At least we don't charge you to play heros. All heros are free. How's that courier treating you?


                    Ahahah melody prepare, to get flamed, for that picture :3

                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                      What's wrong with that picture?

                      Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                        My community hates me because I like anime.


                          Isn't that manga? Just wondering, what is difference between that two?

                          Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                            manga = comic.
                            anime = video.

                            That's a screenshot from ep. 1, whenever the main character meets the second lead character.

                            King of Low Prio

                              anime is just animation which is basically like a cartoon

                              and manga is just the japanese comic book

                              In before the Japanese fanatics come and claim 'ANIME IS NOT A CARTOON ITS FOR MATURE ADULTS'

                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                No clue about those "champions" but they sound like carries so go try out the in-game filters and try to find your favorite. Remember to read their skills as well.

                                Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                  @ Sampson

                                  Satie hasn't been on for a few days I don't think he's gonna see this thread.

                                  @ Sam


                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                    lol @ people who waste time saying they don't want to play with league players. Why click on a thread that's obviously league related, much less respond to it. Also find it funny that they "sound" like carries even though absolutely no information was given. "Sounds" like someone knows a bit more about league than they let on.

                                    Some people have absolutely no life. I guess trolling the dota forums all day is more entertaining than facing that reality, at least.

                                    I recommend you try Drow Ranger, Sniper, and Clinkz. Go from there. After those 3 games, you'll have seen probably 20 different heroes so you'll have some idea which ones you want to try next.

                                    Tento komentář byl upraven
                                    Yeezy duz it

                                      Main Earth Spirit, he's the best. If you don't like him, try out Meepo or Invoker, they're so OP lol xd xd


                                        If you want to ensure you hate Dota and don't come back, I recommend 2001's picks.. :D

                                        Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                          Zeus is your standard AP carry. Go mid, Dominate.

                                          Don't listen to this rand^. Dota has several features league doesnt, IE Gold loss on death, Courier, and other things such as Micro. This isn't a Dota vs LoL discussion don't make it into one. It's not a league related thread, its just a Im new to dota thread.

                                          Yeah I know league, never played but I have to study what to dislike about a game before I can trash talk it.

                                          Dotabuff was created by people that started off making league forums (Something like that)


                                            Sorry my "rand" was just pointing out your argument essentially - ignore them. Followed by the answer to the OP's question. So I agreed with you. Sorry I didn't format it the way you liked.


                                              Sounds like carries to me too,
                                              never seen lol before


                                                Sure thing there chief.


                                                  dont play this game its fucking retarded

                                                  Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                    Pretty sure DeeJayRand is the only guy that thinks Dota & League players are buddy buddy or something.

                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                      Nah, most DotA players and most league players are the same from what I've seen - completely ignorant of the other game and presumptive of whatever makes their argument work.

                                                      I don't really give a fuck either way how much you guys like each other, but it doesn't hurt to tell someone others are just being assclowns so maybe they'll see it for themselves and not listen to what they have to say.


                                                        Cute image too. It's funny because if 2 of the games are more similar, it'd be DotA and HoN, but I'm going to go out on a limb and assume anyone with some common sense already knows that.

                                                        Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                          Oh k man.

                                                          Casual baby Shit.
                                                          Baby back to base button.
                                                          Shit for art style. So cartoonish.
                                                          8 active items? Lol...
                                                          Can only control two units...
                                                          Every new released hero is Op/Imba.
                                                          Free in game bonuses... (Easy mode)
                                                          Shit for voice acting...
                                                          No courier? What...?
                                                          No mana burn?
                                                          No denying?
                                                          No items dropped on death?
                                                          No tri-laning? (Team EG got banned for trying this in tournament. LOL)
                                                          Not allowed to break the meta.
                                                          No gold lost on death?
                                                          Riot bans you, if you break the meta.
                                                          Russians are banned from american tournaments? but other countries are allowed?
                                                          30$ Reskins...
                                                          This game is shit and not competitive.
                                                          Steals character archtypes from dota 2.
                                                          Horrible pick/ban system not for competitive play.
                                                          No buy back?
                                                          You can get banned for using ingame features.


                                                          >Melody is derailing thread now.

                                                          [Edit, these are just my opinions. No offense was intended.]

                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                            When did I ever claim League was "just as good as DotA" or "had the same features as DotA" or anything else that the above diatribe would have been debunking? All I ever said was don't come in a League related thread and bash league. It literally makes no sense. I actually agree with a lot of the flaws League has. That's why I play more DotA these days, and haven't played league in a few months. (You can check lolking if you really care, same user name.)

                                                            I just realized you and Sampson are butt pals. No wonder you came after me so hard, because I've ripped him a new one with simple logic in a couple threads in the past. Sorry to interrupt you guys time together with logic and truth. I'm out, don't worry about hearing from me again. I answered the guy's question with my suggestions for first pick heroes. Back to your regularly scheduled Bromancing.

                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                              did EG really get banned for running a trilane LOL


                                                                Dota2 player and League player walk into a bar
                                                                Dota2 player says "Dota is a superior game to LOL in every way"
                                                                League player couldn't deny it

                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                  'because I've ripped him a new one with simple logic in a couple threads in the past'

                                                                  post one thread where this happened......

                                                                  Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                                    @ WaveAlt,

                                                                    It was considered breaking the meta at the time, yea they got banned.

                                                                    Sugar Show

                                                                      Try to play Cthulhuphant best doto heroe.

                                                                      Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                                        LOL WAT^ I am sitting here trying to figure out what character that is.


                                                                          Anyway I played another game with an APC girl with that random spin. She seems fun to play, being able to blink and have bunch of Aoe Damage spells.

                                                                          ☛ ƊƦ.ӍѺƝֆƬ€Ʀ

                                                                            PLEASEEEEEEE stay in LOL. here u lose money when u die , u dont have infinite tp's and we have something called denies xD , its a hard game forget about it :p . jk bro enjoy the REAL DEAL . start with drow sniper axe and dragon knight if ur new, after one year when u master these i will tell u tier 2 heroes


                                                                              "Sorry to interrupt you guys time together with logic and truth."

                                                                              where is your logic and truth

                                                                              @Melody more

                                                                              No turn rate so carries must be ranged or get kited
                                                                              bushes… compared to elevation
                                                                              you put wards to teleport to
                                                                              insane mana regen for spells 4eva
                                                                              1-1-2 jungle rigid meta
                                                                              no micro, stable jungle
                                                                              no roshan
                                                                              respawning barracks?
                                                                              no bkb so ap wrecks you unless
                                                                              and banning you for trilaning but you said that

                                                                              kanye went to uni

                                                                                Idk if LoL is less good as a competitive game? It's super-balanced, I thought they kept the game fresh by changing items, not heroes (cough, champions). But yeah, seems like it's too balanced and not much fun, for me anyway.


                                                                                  If you are still reading this thread. Don't listen to the people telling you to play Drow Ranger, Sniper or Clinkz, you'll just get yelled in games...well, Sniper has been made even more noob friendly lately, but not Drow, she has been made to need some positioning skills to play now and Clinkz can be tricky to pull off.

                                                                                  In my opinion, Viper is the most fool proof hero of all
                                                                                  High damage output, tanky, can win most lanes with ease and only has 2 active skills which even almost never give him mana problems. The only thing he lacks is a hard disable, but that's what teammates are for.


                                                                                    I dunno if no one noticed.. This isn't a lol vs dota2 flame fest thread. This guy just wants some tips to start playing dota.


                                                                                      Jinx is similar to Gyrocopter.
                                                                                      Ahri = Storm Spirit? Not sure.
                                                                                      Master Yi = Juggernaut or Ember Spirit.

                                                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                        Wow Melody, what you said about the EG getting banned for trilaning in League of Dota 0.5 and Riot being strict on the meta stuff... I just... LMAO How pathetic can those guys be. Riot seems worse then the actual League community.


                                                                                          plz dont play dota, we dont need more lolscrubs here


                                                                                            u have chosen ur side now stick to it we dont need your kind here :)


                                                                                              Why did Riot ban trilanes?

                                                                                              Was it impossible to stop or something?


                                                                                                ave love me pls



                                                                                                    ^that was dedicated for me.


                                                                                                      where did I flame

                                                                                                      basically just read the differences and understand that these things are difference. for instance, worry about terrain elevation and trees instead of brushes. learn to deny. don't spam spells. get used to the longer stun/more hardcore abilities (e.g. teemo vs riki/any other invis…)

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!