General Discussion

General DiscussionSo my friends convinced me to play Dota...

So my friends convinced me to play Dota... in General Discussion

    ok i just found something, melody you plagerising

    basically lol player's defense

    >inb4 casual baby ****
    >inb4 baby back to base button
    >inb4 **** art style (those black lines around every model are amazing)
    >inb4 8 active items
    >inb4 you can only control two units max
    >inb4 every new released hero is overpowered
    >inb4 riot has to throw money at tournaments because the game isn't competitive and nobody wants to sponsor tournaments
    >inb4 free in game bonus' (masteries, runes and summoner skills
    >inb4 **** voice acting (2 minutes of voice acting is plenty)
    >inb4 no courier
    >inb4 no manaburn
    >inb4 no denying
    >inb4 no items dropped on death (i.e rapier)
    >inb4 no trilanes (eg got banned for that troll **** after dominating the game)
    >inb4 not allowed to break the meta
    >inb4 no gold lost on death
    >inb4 riot bans you if you break the meta
    >inb4 russians are banned from american tournaments
    >inb4 brazilians
    >inb4 $30 reskins
    >inb4 not competitive
    >inb4 steals characters from dota
    >inb4 no buyback
    >inb4 you can get banned for using an ingame feature (randoming)
    >inb4 horrible ban/pick system that isn't made for competitive games
    >inb4 no runes
    >inb4 "tanky dps"
    >inb4 owned by ****s
    >inb4 limited unit control
    >inb4 no side shops
    >inb4 no secret shops
    >inb4 no body-blocking
    >inb4 no stop attack
    >inb4 overpowered turrets
    >inb4 barracks respawning
    >inb4 the base defends you instead of the champion defending the base

    very convincing, no?


      LoL sucks.



        Good luck, games much harder so just go with it and get better at it, don't play invoker, meepo, visage , windrunner , pudge and ushc.....if you want some fun at low level games and yourself are not that experienced play zeus ...i spammed zeus when i started playing Dota itself lol cause i was just that bad...well im still bad lol


          (eg got banned for that troll **** after dominating the game)

          Quick maffs

            I like cartoons whats the problem ? but i dont like animes

            btw guys you really need to say so much stupid shit only because the guy comes from league ? Well i guess if you are only capable of saying stupid shits in every other ocasion why would you do otherwise in this thread right ?


              ^we dont need more immigrants


                No one even called LoL stupid shit, let alone that player, and you just called us stupid shit

                1. ad hominem
                2. why are you playing dota


                  Why everytime someone says LoL in a Dota forum people get mad!!?!?!?


                    Cthulhu type of hero would be void i guess.


                      Anyone have a source on eg being banned? or is just some rumor...I'm having a hell of a time trying to google it...


                        As someone who played league in dota 2 servers downtime i suggest these heroes

                        Gyro: similar to jinx
                        Phoenix: kinda like ahri
                        Jugg or ember spirit: like master yi

                        Hf :)

                        Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                          I used to have links to it but not anymore I'd have to find it again. There was an article released recent where Riot was refusing to let players who play LoL play in tournaments if they played dota as well. Something about twitch tv as well.


                          Riot banned trilanes because they didnt want their game to be similar to dota. Even though Ashe = Drow and 9001 other heros. League is a casual version of dota.

                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                            try meepo


                              even though LoL has 5 heroes and 3 lanes and 2 towers and barracks "inhibitors" and ranged/melee/siege creeps and an ancient and items to get by last hitting and a jungle and a river and wards and hero skills taken from dota, they ban trilaning because it is too similar

                              Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                I didin't plagiarize lol I posted that forever ago on D2jsp forums.

                                #24 May 9 2013 08:16am
                                Some d2jsp link


                                  and my name is jk


                                    Hai guys I play Heroes of the Storm but I'm thinking of trying out Doto. I play Uther: he best hero. who shall I pick on this game?


                                      Hai guys I play Call of Duty but I'm thinking of trying out Doto. I shoot people. who shall I pick on this game?

                                      I liek sniper! becauws in cawl of the duty i alwayz 360 noscoep trickshawt and quikscoep as snipr so i theenk i will try the sniepr champion! bye guis! i will go no scope noobs! bye
                                      #fazeclan #420 #optik


                                        I don't normally post on forums but I felt I should squash some bullshit.

                                        "Baby back to base button." - Why in the world would returning to base without paying gold be considered childish to you?

                                        "8 active items?" - God forbid they count on their champions' kits instead of equipping the same old homogenized "zoom forward," "make someone else zoom forward," "pop someone up," "turn someone in to a fluffy critter."

                                        "Can only control two units..." - This is a MOBA we're talking about; go play an RTS. You'll be happier.

                                        "Every new released hero is Op/Imba." - Absolute rubbish. Only a few of the last dozen or so releases have been decried as OP. One got nerfed almost instantly and a few others were revealed to be easily outplayed once people got used to the new mechanics.

                                        "Free in game bonuses... (Easy mode)" - What are you even talking about?
                                        "Shit for voice acting..." - "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
                                        "No courier? What...?" - We talked about this. Besides, the map is smaller.

                                        "No mana burn? No denying? No items dropped on death?" - Not sure why mana burn is considered a primary selling feature of DOTA and a major detractor of LoL, but I'll just smile and nod.
                                        Denying does happen in League: It's far easier to shove a wave in to the enemy tower to deny, and hitting power spikes causes denying through zoning.

                                        "No tri-laning? (Team EG got banned for trying this in tournament. LOL)" - Cite your reference please. In other news, nobody has ever given me an explanation I'm satisfied with on why you would want to 3 lane DOTA instead of other options.

                                        "Not allowed to break the meta." - A surprisingly fair judgement considering everything else you've said. Meta is difficult to break.

                                        "Riot bans you, if you break the meta." - Cite your references. It's been proven to everyone's satisfaction on the player behaviour forums that playing against the meta does not suffer a ban.

                                        "Russians are banned from american tournaments? but other countries are allowed?" - I have never heard this before. If true (references?) I would wonder if there's a legislative reason for it. In other news, I hear nothing but complaints from DOTA players about their Ruski brethren, so...

                                        "30$ Reskins..." - No. There's two premium skins for $22.75 which thematically change the champion aesthetics, provide new particle effects, voice overs, sounds, and so on. 14 skins are $12, which give most of the features of the $20 variety but are missing one or two components. The remaining hundreds are a few dollars a piece.

                                        "Steals character archtypes from dota 2." - Some of the people who made DOTA went on to make League. Why wouldn't they use their own ideas. Jesus christ, you entitled piece of shit. You're nitpicking over nothing. So what if Juggernaut's R is aesthetically and functionally the same as Yasuo's? They were designed years apart from one another and share absolutely no other similarities.

                                        "No buy back?" - Who cares? Stop dying or don't be surprised when your nexus gets whomped.

                                        "You can get banned for using ingame features." - care to elaborate, and references please.

                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                          1. why are you on a dota forum

                                          2. thank you for using the highly emotive noun "bullshit", it is very informative of your attitude

                                          free back to base means you will lose out on minimal farm buy going back whenever you want and there is no skill involved with using a courier as well as tactics such as sniping the courier. it's also much more skilful and prepared to use a tp to get home because of your game knowledge of the enemy having no interrupts rather than hoping they didn't find you in the bush

                                          less active items means less skill required with regards to items and minimises the experimentation and item manipulation that could be done, which means a funner experience

                                          you don't have to play meepo. but not giving a player the option to play meepo or chen or visage is limiting variability thus making the game less appealing and fun and lowering the skill ceiling

                                          new heroes are nerfed a lot, but idk lol heroes so

                                          runes and summoner spells. gives unfair advantage to those who pay/grind.

                                          dota has a lot more voice acting and animate portrait. and also specific rival lines. which means it has more lore and gets the player more invested in the characters

                                          courier adds skill to the game. a lot. who buys, who flies, is it gonna die, go home to collect items? how to share courier, when to speed boost, bottlecrowing

                                          ah, yes. mana burn in a long list of things must be a major reason. mana burn adds skill to the game by adding another way to defeat your opponents other than stun/silence/burst damage etc.

                                          you do know that lowered experience is a part of denying? and the fact dota can push into the tower too, and last hitting under tower is considered a skill that need to be mastered by carry players?

                                          items dropped on death add more depth. who do you give the gem? the carry who has to forgo his tp or the support who can die easily? do you buy divine rapier to win? etc.

                                          not sure about EG, ask melody.

                                          basically, reskins cost money. people prefer free cosmetics if available.

                                          we are entitled pieces of shit! wow! i am deeply shaken by your wisdom. so what if the characters are the same as dota? uh, it's repetitive and not as fun? nitpicking over nothing? um okay if you say so?

                                          buy back adds skill to the game and makes you weigh a heavy decision as to whether you should defend your barracks or lose a shit ton of gold (usually the former), but also tests your decision making as to whether your team can defend your barracks

                                          honestly, league is just easier and simpler than dota with less skill required to perform. i'm still tipped off the fact that other people can use heroes I can't, though, which is unfair gameplay. and fairness is a large attraction of multiplayer games.

                                          what about competitive pick/ban system? dota's captain's mode is a lot more strategic than 1-2-2-2-2-1. what about units with collision size? body blocking? what about having a turn rate? terrain elevation? aegis and cheese? other shops? ability to control jungle creeps? stacking jungle creeps/pulling lane creeps? juking with trees?

                                          in dota, each single hero is unique. in lol, champions are much more similar. variety is good etc.


                                            yiran speaks the truth in every single letter of this^

                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                              @ Yiran well spoken!


                                                Well tried Meepo like other suggestion, not a fan I have trouble with him even in bots.

                                                Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                  Thank you Yiran, if you didn't I was going too.


                                                    Meh, guys don't be fanatics. FYI, LoL has ton of features Dota doesn't has. LoL isn't easier than Dota. It's different, that's all.
                                                    Most of these lines starts with "I don't play LoL, but I have an opinion about it!" which is bulllshit.


                                                      I've played a few games of LoL, and I do have access to the databse, so I do know what I'm talking about. I've never said it was worse than Dota, but it is definitely easier because it requires less prerequisite knowledge (e.g. of active items – I remember the first time getting a bkb in my face and was like wtf) and less mechanical skill (e.g. managing of courier/other units, denying), as well as all the numerous other reasons listed.

                                                      If you want to say that it isn't easier, please give examples of an area of LoL that is more difficult and complex than Dota. The only thing I can think of is LoL Runes but those give an unfair advantage to those who pay/grind. Don't call bullshit without anything to support that view. Using emotive language such as "fanatics" and "bullshits" make it less likely for Dota players to empathise with you as well, so try to avoid that.

                                                      Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                        How is that even an argument? It's not like we're bashing LoL without reason or bashing in general. The things stated are facts. The game is more simplistic. Dota is more complex with more shit to manage and more knowledge required, therefore harder.


                                                          Actually, I'm not trying to be "emotive" at all. Sry, if I made you misunderstand.

                                                          Well, It's not like I really want to be in this holywar, but...

                                                          1. There's no "unfair advantage" in competitive LoL, 'cause there's one great limitation there - to play ranked, you need to be max level, which usually means you already have full set of runes. So, they are not an advantage, but a customisation. And there's also no problems with masteries/summoner's spells.
                                                          95% of Dota 2 players spend their free time bitching about their teammates being noobs on omg 5k mmr. Well, there's no such thing in LoL Ranked. Players may be terrible, but they are not noobs by any means. Not that bad, right?
                                                          2. LoL, actually has it's lore, friends and enemies, specific quotes and a ton of references.
                                                          3. Dota sure has more "complexity", but I won't be so sure about "difficulty". LoL is much more fast paced than Dota. I think most of LoL players could say something like "wtf with this 5 seconds stun, is this game for mentally disabled people, who need this much time to get shit done?" about Magnus' ulti.
                                                          As another example, there's a champion named Kayle (mah favorite girl there) whos ulti makes target invincible for 2~3 seconds - that's one of most fight turning skills in the game. And lets look at Abaddon's ulti. 3~5 seconds, autocast through disables, autoheal. Sure requires more skill to use efficiently.
                                                          Look at all these "omg dem pro hooks" and "omg dem pro arrows" on Youtube. Srsly, if you people like skillshots so much, you should go play LoL, there are skillshots on like half of the cast (if not more).

                                                          Yes, there are less active items in LoL, but you should take in account, that every champion has 6 active skills - only few heroes can actually compete with that in Dota.
                                                          Yes, there are no deny mechanics, but there are same rules for winning a lane. You can't simply deny and lasthit better than an opponent, you must force him either out of exp range or back to base.
                                                          Yes, there is no courier (which is panacea) and side shops, so there's much more weight on players mind about should he/she abandon lane for shopping or stay and farm/harass an opponent.
                                                          Yes, there is no gold lost on death, but at the same time there also much fewer ways of escaping.
                                                          Yes, there's no buyback, but, hey, you did want your big punishment for a death, didn't you?
                                                          4. You can't really say that LoL is a rip-off of Dota, when its creator is one who shaped Dota into what it is now. Ice Frog is just a part of Dota's history, you know.
                                                          5. LoL has goddamn RIOT that fixes things. Plz.
                                                          6. And they explain goddamn changes.
                                                          7. And they talk to peoples on forums.
                                                          8. They even answer stupid questions like "how should I pronounce Kayle?"

                                                          And this could go on like forever. And I also can make a giant list of things where Dota is better than LoL. That's why I call such things a "bullshit". It's not an insult, it's a fact. Everyone, and I do mean EVERYONE who complains about LoL (and about Dota on the other side) are not complaining about game is bad/easy/anime. Everyone is complaining about it being different.
                                                          It's a good thing for games in the same genre to be different, isn't it? Thanks God, not every FPS is Call of Duty.

                                                          PS And I do prefer Dota most of the time.

                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                          Miku Fan

                                                            Boys, this is my LoL profile... I played it for a while after getting DotA 2, to see why a lot of people think it is so good... From my experience it was a lot easier than DotA 2. I am pretty sure I only lost like 4-5 5v5 games, and maybe 1 3v3. If anyone knows any other site to look at my stats for LoL share it please, this site doesn't tell me how many games I lost. I played Garen a lot, he reminded me of Jugg with his spinny shit.



                                                              You know, Lion and Lina's ult, or a max lvl Dagon can go more dmg than the threshold to autocast Borrowed time, and AA's ult denies the healing, as well as Axe's Culling Blade still instakilling. In addition, the new Aghs ult makes it a team cooldown.


                                                                We weren't talking about competitive LoL. We're talking about the fact that if we want to try LoL we could have a disadvantage against other people simply because we've played less games or spent no money on it, and not becomes of game experience.

                                                                95% of Dota players bitch about noobs? Your point? LoL has a better environment? Everything I've read from the Internet and heard from LoL friends are that both are equally disturbing in environment.

                                                                LoL has lore. But it's specifically said that each LoL game is a "mock war" to settle disputes, which seems somewhat unrealistic, but also is bad worldbuilding for most people. You are more invested in a battle that is more concerning the "fate of the world" than an artificial constructed battle. Also, what I was referring to was the fact that heroes have rival lines (other than Invoker and Wisp and Phoenix and a few others) to each other when they kill each other or simply meet each other as allies. For instance, Kotl called Spectre a beautiful lady once which was really funny. Outside of that, Dota has more specific lines such as when you die, last hit, deny, cast a specific spell, etc.

                                                                Longer stuns make the game harder, not easier… the game is more intense and you need to have better map awareness. You later contradict yourself by saying that there are much fewer ways of escaping in LoL. Harsher CC with more escapes in Dota means less margin of error for BOTH parties if they want to successfully kill or live, not the other way around. Short-lasting stuns and 0.5 second silences as well as a hundreds-seconds cooldown force staff means you can make mistakes and not get punished, which is identical to "no gold loss on death".

                                                                We don't want a big punishment for a death. We want more variability and strategies. In LoL, you make sure you don't die to the carry too much. In Dota, you have to make sure of that, AND you could gank the enemy carry to make them lose gold.

                                                                You can't just compare one spell's difficulty. Pudge's hooks can hit allies and Blitzcrank's can't. And Abaddon's ulti is not what he is picked for in competitive, and Omniknight can make people virtually invincible with his skills as well. Overall Dota "skills" require more skill because of the active ability items (which you need to check throughout the game by some form of scouting or simply bothering to click on the enemy hero instead of seeing in the loading screens which summoner spells they have) as well as more variety in skill points with stats available.

                                                                I'm not sure but I believe that Dota probably has more skillshots, given the nature of the few champions I have seen in LoL.

                                                                If Dota has the same rules for winning lanes as LoL in terms of zoning and harassing, it still has MORE in the name of denying and pulling and doublewaving (for mid) for rune. More available strategies is better.

                                                                Courier adds more skill. You have the LoL options of going to base or continuing harassing or going to the side shop (which you sometimes can't) and you can kill the courier/your mid might be bottlecrowing/is it flown? etc. etc. etc.

                                                                No one called LoL a "rip-off". But Dota came first and undeniably LoL takes a huge amount of Dota mechanics as its basis, let alone identical skills.

                                                                Riot's more responsive than Valve about name pronounciation? Okay? Good for you?

                                                                If you are calling something "bullshit" it's probably not a fact. Otherwise you wouldn't need to use the word bullshit.

                                                                Please do go on forever. You've contradicted yourself a few times in this post; I believe there would be more. Please do elaborate on body blocking, terrain elevation, droppable items, stacking camps, trees, etc.


                                                                  Ah man, I hate such discussions, really. Tell me, what the point of our talk, if you did not got even "bullshit"? Look at what you wrote. Are you really think you are pointing at advantages? No, you're not. You're not fine with differences in both games, and you base your opinion on this, thinking that's right.
                                                                  I said long time CC make game less intence, you said opposite. What should I do? Should I repeat myself? Why? To read you repeating yourself later?

                                                                  OK. I'll correct stuff you've got wrong and we stop it, right?

                                                                  1. You will not simply believe me when I say there's no advantage you can get with cash, won't you? Then what the whole point of this?
                                                                  There are IP and RP. With cash you can buy only RP, which used for unlocking champions, skins, extra mastery pages (to save your precious time) and various boosters. Boosters, on their turn can affect IP and XP gain, but guess what - MM will put you only with people ~equal level with you. +/- 1~2 I say. Use boosters - go fight another people with higher level, simple, right?
                                                                  Until level 20 runes have effect close to nothing (and no one buys them). After level 20 you can buy them yourself, If you didn't bough every champion like crazy. But I think guy with IP boost will be the one who buys champions.
                                                                  So, if out of worst situations possible you're faced. Worst. Possible. Situation! (that's MLP reference, don't think about it) And actualy end up facing some retard, who spent ton of money just to have latest runes somewhere at level 10, which will give him like 2~4% boost in power, I think that will not affect your precious game experience too much. Duh, given he's a retard you're sure to pwn him with your mad doto skillz in this ez noob game, aren't you, Rambo?! Sorry, stupidness is my only weakness, so it pisses me off.
                                                                  2. 95% of people are idiots. Think of it whatever way you want.
                                                                  3. Don't bring up lore in the actual game. If you do, then LoL's lore is much more adequate, 'cause Dota's one is bullshit (yes, again) where immortal avatar of primal Chaos gets murdered by a dwarf with a riffle.
                                                                  You said Dota has more lore. It has not, period.
                                                                  You said there are specific lines only in Dota. You are wrong.
                                                                  4. I'm not going to repeat myself about goddamn stuns. Srsly.
                                                                  5. I did never contradict myself. LoL's CCs give you enough time to do all the same stuff you do in Dota. At the same time, LoL's analogue of Windwalk lasts tremendous one second and LoL's analogue of blinkdagger has range of like ~300 WC3 units.
                                                                  This makes wombo-combos (surprise! They are there) much harder to execute and also makes any sort of initiation much more risky.
                                                                  6. Nope, you're wrong. Lost time in tavern already big deal in LoL. And, duh, you can always waste one of your summoners spells for Revive spell. Is this strategic enough for you?
                                                                  7. You sure can compare them.
                                                                  8. Your beliefs are lies.
                                                                  9. I will be rude now. If you're clicking on enemies only to see their active items, you're doing it so fucking wrong. Seriosly. Aside from the fact that the very existence of active items in LoL makes them a threat, there are many passive items that require your attention. And that's pretty much the same in Dota.
                                                                  10. Nope, when this "more" makes other options neglectable in most cases.
                                                                  11. Courier adds more buttons. Buttons=/=skill. You sure got dat LoL's option, that you can use anytime... Sometime... More than once... In five games... I hope you'll not.
                                                                  12. Someone sure called.
                                                                  13. RIOT fixez. You obviously don't get it, so don't try.
                                                                  14. No, I never call something a "bullshit" without a good damn reason. Nope, there's no ways around this word. Well, actually there are, but I afraid most of people here would not understand Russian analogues. Dem feels, did you got 'em? You did not.
                                                                  15. I told you - all and every of your beliefs are lies. I did never contradict myself. You're just being a fanatic. That's not a rude word, actually, don't be offended. It perfectly displays your (and many others') unwilingness to actually think about possibility of you being wrong in judging one game by measures of another game.
                                                                  I can go the exactly same way and ask: "what about runes customisation, masteries, brushes, dropable buffs, Ability Power, Cooldown reduction, unique mana mechanics?"
                                                                  Let me guess - runes are for donators, masteries are for grinders, brushes are for idiots, buffs are pitiful runes rip-off, AP if ruining my pubs with every support going carry, touching cooldown is a heresy thus can't be allowed therefore - balanced, and mana mechanics will not affect this noob ez game in any way other than cosmetics. Am I right?

                                                                  I'm not saying that LoL is better than Dota. I like Dota more, at least now. But I'm saying you and majority of DOTO (sic) players judge a game you don't know a thing about. These "few champions" you saw and words of other people are utterly and completely nothing, until you try it yourself. And I don't mean try like: "lets see what kind of shit this shitty donated clone of dota for ez noobs is". And don't say you don't have such attitude, you do have it. If you try it like a whole new game, you'll probably see what it really is, not being busy crying "WHY CAN'T I DENY?! WHY DON'T CREEPS STAHP WHEN I BLOCKING THEM?! OHMAIGUD SUCH AND EZ NUB GAYM". That are not cons and pros. That are differences.

                                                                  Let us stop. I will say this again: LoL and Dota are different games. You can't ask one game to be another's clone. You wouldn't say "where's my Retribution Paladin?!", playing Lineage II, would you?

                                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!