General Discussion

General DiscussionNever be 5k mmr my advice

Never be 5k mmr my advice in General Discussion

    Better be 2k or 3k or 7k but 5k never because if you are 5k you will get mider lvl 11 Od without most important spell skilled for his hero.

    This is how it looks! :

    No astral skilled, FUCKING JUST WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you can`t get this in 3k I m sure they won`t do stupid shit like this never ever

    Toto téma bylo upraveno
    Giff me Wingman


      Who needs Int on OD if you can have midas Keepo

      account buyer boys

      Tento komentář byl upraven

        OD probably thought the same when he saw your build w/o Spiders :horse:


          the difference is that it works


            Brood can actually be a good fighting hero with the passive slow and miss chance, not even talking about that dmg, movement speed inside webs and lifesteal. OD without int is trash, end of story.


              How is this related to mmr? I did this sometimes when I was 3k, and it won me games aswell. MMR is fucking irrelevant, and it just proves how dotabuff yet again consist of players incompatible to understand.

              Dota 2 pub games does win/loss does not lay in on players hands. No games are. All games are usually won by some certain player(s) making good moves early or later.


                bottom 500 TI5

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                    Mokujin U must be super stupid :)))))))))))))))))))) If you can`t understand that no Brood spiderlings is situational and I win with it like 60% + games so it works. And Od without astral can`t work in any situation in dota 2.

                    CAN'T WIN

                      never seen it on 3k, but what i see is first point on Q

                      CAN'T WIN

                        lost mana at 2 hits :D


                          I used to play 1 - 1 - 4 - 1 OD and i was a lot more successful than 0 - 4 - 4 - 1 OD...


                            Guess you could go carry on OD with Q and E and stats. Treads, Octarine Core, Moonshard... bkb here and there


                              can u stop the fucking 5k humblebrag threads

                              seriously u are terrible


                                yeah, its like you think 5k are supposed to be good, its annoying


                                  i remember when top people were like 5k flat or some shit, now its a joke


                                    i fapped to that skill build



                                      1000 GAMES PLAYED ON SLARK/BROOD... AND BARELY 5k

                                      think about that for a couple seconds before you post another stupid fucking topic


                                        Bogi thread to make everyone forget the years it took to reach 5k.

                                        Also, what's up with that random Mokujin flame? You could tell that was a mock reply from 2 Km away.

                                        ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                            I cant open this image nor on ipad neither on pc, lel

                                            on topic: the higher you get, the more common such situations become. Thats why some top players dislike rmm.

                                            Jesus Perez Ramirez

                                              what the horse


                                                Also about od - I like having 0-2-4-1 skillbuild by lvl7 and then get 1st point in orb on lvl8. Imo its way better than usual 0-4-4-1.



                                                  I was the bristle there and you were one of the most cancerous garbages ever

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                                                      Lincoln 844 Nice hero damage


                                                        KiTraK` U need to get a life, not even joking you are so sad with these non sense comments you are copy paste of a Blunt or a Wave worst kind of shit kid ever

                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                          You do know there are so many people buying mmr.
                                                          Like 3200 guy asks for 5k account. Ofc pubs are gonna be shit, wake up.

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                                                            Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                                              Doesn't matter if he levels Astral or not, the hero is still trash and your chance to win with it in your team is close to 0%.

                                                              Also he has a Midas and is level 11, you'd have lost no matter what. OD is not exactly and Early Game hero.

                                                              Tento komentář byl upraven
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                                                                  nice job OD nice job

                                                                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                    @that match Lincoln posted I cant imagine the face palm your team must have made when you all realized your up against undying/gyro team picks.


                                                                      or you get smaug in your team who thinks he's good od. oh wait he spams phoenix now :^)


                                                                        How bad is the account buying situation up in 5k?

                                                                        5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                                          i'd probably throw too if i saw bogidota on my team

                                                                          like i've muted so many low 5k shitters on us east over the past several months cuz they would just spam "4k trash" and then they find out everyone else is 5400-6000+ mmr on their team

                                                                          i mean it's one thing if ur actually playing well, while being lowest rated, but that never happens so i'm just going to assume they're just being apes

                                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven
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                                                                            5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                                              i run into account buyers/autistic boosted players pretty rarely, maybe like once every 10-15 games on my main account. just check their ranked matchmaking history and if it's lower than 47% then that's a pretty alarming indicator. even my friends who went on major loss streaks had > 50% in ranked once you average out the # of games over 3 months

                                                                              it's not as common as some people here want you to believe, do people actually think most dota players have a spare $80-$200 lying around and will buy an account without question? get fucking real

                                                                              5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                                                account buying is definitely more common on EU cuz all euros do is play dota all day long (and you can deduce this simply by virtue of the fact that almost all the players offering boosting/account selling services on epicnpc seem to be from europe ROFL) but yea, i don't see why it's such a big issue

                                                                                "i'm 4900-5100 mmr, why do i keep getting shitters with low 5k mmr who can't play dota" - bogi

                                                                                1-2 years later, when he hits 6k and 5000+ ranked matches while everyone who's half decent is 7k and the top players are 8k+

                                                                                "i'm 6k mmr, why do i keep getting shitters with low 6k mmr who can't play dota"

                                                                                Tento komentář byl upraven
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                                                                                  5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                                                    yea usually those aren't account buyers, they're just inflated trash who spammed broken heroes and for some reason decided to not play seriously when they were in your game. it's almost entirely luck based, if the guy with 1000 games on invoker decides to pick antimage and doesn't know optimal farming patterns you're going to lose

                                                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                      > Well played


                                                                                        they werent spamming those heroes, booster did.

                                                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                          Dude you are 4-5k for almost 2 years now. Maybe you should start looking for the problem in yourself?


                                                                                            ^if he could do that, he would have done it by now.


                                                                                              Sam Fuckin' Peckinpah Problem is I m not good enough for 6k yet? So what. Does it change a fact that 4800 guy in my team played like 2000 mmr? Will I carry that game if I was 8k mmr? No.


                                                                                                5k is not even a trench for a good player :)

                                                                                                highest solo mmr i reach was 4.5k, but at least i know i can't reach 5k

                                                                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                                  You can't possibly be getting guys like this every game. And your attitude doesn't look so helpful either.

                                                                                                  NextStep ®

                                                                                                    Do you know why? 5k today is the old 4k half a year ago.

                                                                                                    Being 5k isn't that difficult at all if you're slight above average.
                                                                                                    Hence, please do expect average play in your 5k bracket now.


                                                                                                      ^average mmr is somewhere between 2.5 and 3k at the moment. I dont expect people in 4-5kk bracket to play like them tbh.

                                                                                                      plz do

                                                                                                        more and more people play dota and that puts a lot of pressure on the higher brackets - more 3ks work hard to get into 4k and more and more 4ks work hard to get into 5ks. that is the mmr inflation. Smurfs and account buyers/boosting are not more but a sidenote.

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