I'm watching SingSings solo que atm where he even met Tucker, so 2 6.5k players on their team and i cant believe how stupid their picks actually are. They leave Sing (PL) solo to Timber and Omni duo offlane, while they have no support, only useless roaming pudge and techies :D So Bogi, if you think 5k is trash, go and watch this... it will drive you insane Kappa
OD is so trash right now
I mean i know i am a bad player but fuck i lost a lane to lina with OD, fucking range of astral is a joke.
I'm watching SingSings solo que atm where he even met Tucker, so 2 6.5k players on their team and i cant believe how stupid their picks actually are. They leave Sing (PL) solo to Timber and Omni duo offlane, while they have no support, only useless roaming pudge and techies :D So Bogi, if you think 5k is trash, go and watch this... it will drive you insane Kappa