General Discussion

General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion

    @LaughingStock - Thanks for taking the time to review, you're right that is a lot to comprehend :D

    I'll try to take it all on board. I definitely agree, my spell order priority and use of edict in particular are both areas to improve in.. What I'm doing is enough to stomp in 3k autism most of the time, but I don't want to be stuck in this bracket, and want to improve asap..

    @Bad Intentions - Good bounty pick, made tree's life hell. Linkens was a must-have on bounty this game to avoid storm, shackles and sb.. I would have done the same. The dagon was also Ok as your team seemed to be lacking a bit of burst damage.. I don't normally like dagon on bounty but hey, whatever works!

    A waifu a day keeps socie...

      Skilling: Getting lightning level 1 is situational at most and should be replaced with stun instead. Getting ult level 11 is bad and should max edict first before putting any additional skill point into ult.

      - Died too many times.
      - Skadi on Lesh = lol
      - Game went late so I don't know but get an euls in there.


        @Weaboo - Cool Lina game, you did well to mid against lesh and dominated the game, wp.. SilverEdge doe with a bounty and SilverEdge Slark on your team = lol

        Yeah and I really only went skadi to tank myself up a little, and it was already fairly late in the game at that stage (Euls meh).. I have won last 6 or 7 games as Lesh (as one should) so a troll build if anything..

        Riguma Borusu

          Filthy, filthy lesh picker :D

          Your itemization seems fine for the idea you've had but it seems you've died too many times (for a bloodstone wielder, that is), when did you get octarine? Personally, I'd go for heart against zeus since he can spam tons of damage and kill you globally if you're really low so the regen component really helps. More survival means more bloodstone charges which means a greater effective mana pool. Also, now that I look at the skill build, it really looks odd and ineffective, I'd get lvl 1 in stun and max edict to chew up on those towers with lighting leveled casually.

          Also, I probably would've got euls vs those heroes as well, you need to be able to dodge that snowball if needed. But I haven't watched the game so I don't really know what you were up to. All in all, you won despite the huge lategame disadvantage although it seems slark was the star of the show much more than you were.

          Tento komentář byl upraven
          KGBlue Lives Matter

            Good supporting though it looks liek dire threw ahrd with that triple daed ember instead of BKB vs an Invoker for chrst sakes.

            Tento komentář byl upraven
            [F]unky Panda

              Shame didn't win though. Octarine was good but for these match, hex/linken would be nice.


                Damn andrade, I'd call that a bloody fight to the finish. Looks like you guys took some fights well towards the end, just couldn't quite finish it.

                My guess is you lost a big team fight towards the end that led to the gg push


                  Drow and Huskar led to a pubstomp... But seriously Gyro with two boots???


                    @BigJoe Clear pubstomp, the double mek on the other team... lol


                      the throw, jesus christ

                      I think that some survivability item (ghost scepter/eul/glimmer/force) would be better than going blink agh


                        Very high skill stomp :)

                        KILL THE TECHIE!!!

                        Seriously well played Wraith King

                        lm ao

                          A quick stomp, nice.
                          But your performance is almost mediocre compared to Windrunner's and Silencer's.
                          And we are talking about the most cancerous hero ever made.
                          You need some improvement bra, who knows? Mb you coulld actually get to HS


                            That's a HUGE turnaround... It got reversed in the last phase and I am sure Templar Assassin had something to do with it ;)

                            BTW. That was my first ever BS game... I am graduating from being a noob to something to work on

                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                              Not bad, actually good if you really are new to dota and its your bs game. Anyway nice and ez 30 m game, you had a good team with probably a smurf or two (not even going to talk about lion maelstrom and sb). Still you did your thing fine, nice build and kda. Keep up the good work and u'll get out of normal bracket quickly.


                                Pretty decent for a semi-support brew, is what im guessing, you helped your team buy getting aura items.
                                I don't play brew so I can't really say too much about the skill build.
                                To be honest, as a semi-support brew, you did well.


                                  @Actual why didnt you level Overwhelming Odds until the end I don't get it.


                                    Not much to say other than ask you why you didn't build Crimson Guard that game.


                                      @Bigjoe ya I was paying support due to the heroes we randomed, and the two boots is because I bought back at the very end and bought BoT to get back in. Game ended like 35 seconds later


                                        @Peter : Stompage by you. Interesting build. Why did u go diffusal?

                                        since laughing stock was already laughed upon 1



                                          I swear to god, I have no clue how you won that game. Good job I guess


                                            ^ u should watch replay :) we were losing, there were wards everywhere but we got the last 2 fights and turned it around.

                                            Next person , comment on LuckyNo11


                                              @Noctis Difussal is my go to item on most carries I play. 35 Agility at level 2 and 10 Intelligence + Mana Drain. It's also not a unique attack modifier, which means it works with Mask of Madness, which in Jugg's case results in a really strong ultimate.


                                                @Peter looks like your team Fed Riki and it was too much to overcome. Having 500 gpm and an even kd ratio in that situation is pretty good.


                                                  @Ludwig That Axe was the killer, though. For some reason he was constantly farming the jungle/ancients. Then he bought Crimson guard against a team that is predominantly magic damage.

                                                  Edit: Your last game... woah, that was a stomp. I'll just take the second to last one. Aghs on support Venge, I assume? How come? I would've gone for a Glimmer Cape, I think. You had good farm for a support anyway, so I suppose it was affordable.

                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                  Bad Intentions

                                                    Tough loss. Good no. of last hits. Not so sure bout ur item choice. Try to get standard items next time.


                                                      1st time I see someone play venomancer that much (top 3) and nice win rate too.

                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                        ^pretty nice overall stats for a sk play, you've farmed up all your core items and contributed to the fights, plus a nice sheepstick to go with it. Your hero damage is solid and judging from your skill build it looks like you were jungling. Didn't get behind, soaked up a ton of exp from creeps and kills, etc.

                                                        黑鬼 [我不好]

                                                          Everyone on your team did well all around. You seemed to have acted as PoS 5 which is fine and dandy. gg


                                                            Holy fuck your team was uncarriable as Earth Spirit. Huskar and PA must have brain damage to have CS that low in 40 minutes. I feel sorry for you.

                                                            Only critique for you is that you had a pretty high amount of deaths as well.
                                                            Keep it up, don't get discouraged by retarded carries too much, happens.


                                                              AM rape game. opposition didnt try to stop his free farm or try to win early.


                                                                dat techies picker.
                                                                game was hard as i see
                                                                you guys got gem, but they won anyways
                                                                lifestealer pt skadi blinku dagga >New Meta
                                                                necrophos is shit
                                                                oh, and #GO GO TEAM AGHANIM



                                                                  Like how did u even lost that game w/20k gold advantage and playing against 2? Oh right they picked bloodfuckingseeker. That's why.

                                                                  Maybe if your am wasnt a piece of shit maybe you would have won. Still, nice plays. 34 assist on a fucking hero that everybody ignores is allways good.


                                                                    @Gunoum17 ty m8, i was fucking salty after that game. AM was really bad, yeah, but we've lost this match after QoP dc and leave (i guess he had some troubles with internet connection)
                                                                    so without QoP we had no control against Bloodseeker. I said "don't sell QoP's items i'll do control". And i did. We won one teamfight, second... And then AM does buyback ffs (-4 Radiant and -2 Dire) i don't know what he was thinking about - fast push or what? Anyways, they just got Bloodseeker and won


                                                                      Noice GPM m8, fairly good KDA. Buying Silver was smart but MOM vs heroes like those? U go ballz m8. The match itself was really intense.

                                                                      黑鬼 [我不好]

                                                                        2nd most deaths, but highest hero damage overall and that fucking OD, holy shit.

                                                                        Mos Likely

                                                                          Highest hero dmg ebola, bl on the lost. seems like they had a good start and your team couldn't recover.


                                                                            > Space created for AM to hit towers freely

                                                                            I assume the SK jungled from the start and left Dazzle to try and solo zone out a Timber. That + slardar's skill build being stupid made for an easy offlane.

                                                                              Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

                                                                                i had aghs, but I had to sell it in order to buy refresher so I could resummon the bear otherwise we would have lost right there. we still lost like 2 mins later though.


                                                                                  nice hero damage :D

                                                                                  im guessing le balanced fire lady and red racecar man killed everyone before you could even do anything. plus I think giving ur allies chilling touch adds to their hero damage, not yours, and you maxed it.


                                                                                    Lone Druid playe !!! WTF this is some relic !

                                                                                    On the other hand, the game describes how much buff the hero needs, since you had all the tools you should get, however it seems u have got destroyed by ST and Techies

                                                                                    Very nice game tho !


                                                                                      @ LA LA LA Good PA overall. Nice detail going for a wand laning against Tide, not many ppl in the 2/3k bracket even acknowledge the item exists.


                                                                                        ^ AGHANIMS............. REALLY

                                                                                        otherwise without watching replay not much to say.


                                                                                          @MARLAN Yeah pretty much messing around with the wraith thingy after we turned it around.

                                                                                          Pretty solid Abbadon, good item choices... dat huskar with 3 items poor dude lol.


                                                                                            @Wizzard well i am only 1.5-2k atm...kinda digging out of the trench :)

                                                                                            Your last game had to be a lucky win, tho thumbs up for the AGHs on WK solid considering gyro is so fucking farmed...however as mentioned w/out replay its all guesses....seems like Necro did all the heavy lifting on your team


                                                                                              Too many deaths for a hero like slark, lower-than-overage farm, yet the second biggest XPM in that game. Sniper literally carried your team with MOM vs PA, Lich and Veno. I hope you played with your friends cause for a solo game, you played poorly.


                                                                                                Nice stats for CM, seems like to stayed near your teammates and played well. I don't know why SB got 2 armlets though.
                                                                                                the invoker fed, while win carried it seems


                                                                                                  Pretty good game of Tiny, nice hero and tower dmg. You got to fix your farm tho if you wanna climb in mmr :)

                                                                                                  Pale Mannie

                                                                                                    Youre overfarmed
                                                                                                    The amount of lasthits is beyond my imagination
                                                                                                    Dire had almost a comeback
                                                                                                    That meepo is literally 1k and buys diffusal lvl2. But it seems really good on him

                                                                                                    Enemies didnt gave up until the last breathe

                                                                                                    Well played