General Discussion

General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    ^u skipped me! :O

    Cry more

      @bad intentions. my bad when i posted my comment it filled up with others lmao. erm....i dont know what to say about yours doe. Like i said, i''m only 1.8k and started dota like two years ago. never even heard of dota 1 before. As for your last game..god damn such riki much wow , life cancer, ebola invis :D . I guess riki is a viable hero to raise mmr even in Very High Skill :D Very nice item choice, really diggin that AC


        @PC, I do believe that is one would call a stomp. You had second highest kill participation which is good.


          stock well looks you owned your lane as cm along with sven leading to a stomp of sorts. Thats one tanky cm.


            got rly big on leshrac but couldnt carry through. good kda good dmg but too many death (trading kills favors the weaker player!)
            retarded teammates like tusk need explanation how to itemize obviously, make sure u advise him as he builds that shit up or flame him after.

            Player 124137522

              0-0-0 on drow ability draft didn't even enter the game. the match previous before that was your rubick game, so I guess i will refer to that match as your previous one.

              14 assists, but wasn't really that "impactful" (not even a word) I guess. In other words, be in more fights with your team since as a support it's not all about warding and sh*t like that, but also you have to participate in fights everywhere around the map and set up kills etc. You just sorta stayed in the game warding and what not, might consider being more impactful as a support, and be relevant in the game for as long as possible. Need more game impact that's all I would say about that rubick game of yours. But a win is a win so, good job.

              Tento komentář byl upraven

                Bane game, great itemization bad skill build, vs 4 heavy right clickers + OD, on paper, enfeeble shouldve been maxed over nightmare, obviously Dota is more complex than "this or that" which is to say Im not gonna speculate as to how the game wouldve turned out with max enfeeble but with that being said, fucking shitstain gyrocopter ,you had higher gpm and xpm and one last thing Idk where the fuck your and beastmasters blink daggers are, fantastic vs OD ult and OD aghs ult, and kiting those 3 melee, but I guess thats unranked for you.


                  Oh man, that must be suck to play. Your Lina is feeding so hard (abandon maybe ?). If only your Lina play that game, maybe things would go better. The Techies on enemy team is not so good (or maybe your team is so good to dodge his mine)


                    that must have sucked, terrible AM, average PA, terrible chen. but looks like you didn't do super well yourself either. you guys just look hopelessly outmatched.

                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                      @Minerva That Lina was planted by the Techies on my team, Techies is boosting MMR so he obviously isn't actually 4.5k

                      Player 124137522

                        @jigmo yeah bro that gyro was dogshit. Kept feeding and shit, so I stopped supporting the shitstain and also yeah been playing unranked for the past 2 months (only played like 2-3 rank games during that period) because I couldn't stand ranked anymore with shitstains dragging me down. Dota 2 is such a cancer right now tbh, but I still play it for some reason...

                        Thanks for the great advice man, will consider using it whenever I decide to play ranked or some shit.

                        EDIT: SKIP ME.

                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                          farm could be better, flawless :D , looks like you and pl carried against those nobs, not much to say.


                            fast farm & nice hero damage, gg


                              easy game which u nearly turned on yourself by not ending it soon.
                              congrats on winning actually


                                Well, yeah. The early game is terrible. However, at some point we move as a team and able to take two set rax while keeping our third tower intact. You can see the spike around 47:00 mark. However, after that looks like we're overextend too much, leading to our lost.

                                Anyway, skip me. I don't have any new game yet.

                                Don Pierro

                                  wasn't a fun game for a disruptor... shouldve probably prioritized buying glimmer instead of arcanes or drums when its going so bad


                                    ^ proof that people don't pay proper attention to reading and simple wanna say what they wanna say :)

                                    For your late game, obviously a tough game. You must have helped the team a lot with your support items. Their Spectre sucked.
                                    Also please at least read previous comment before commenting ^_^

                                    Purple Ranger


                                      [Overall] From what i see, your lost games are lack of late game potential as your team are doing well in the early to mid game but failed badly at late game.
                                      Try to push and ends early that could snowball before the enemy's core become unstoppable.

                                      [Last Match] Spoken by Solace.

                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                        Its quite OK game as a BS. I think you could die less there but look's like it's hard because ur support (Omni) didn't participate in many teamfight, maybe he's busy farming for his agh. It's also an irony because you heal people more than him.

                                        Tento komentář byl upraven
                                        Player 124137522

                                          Nice win on crystal maiden. Solo support how fun. If only I had supports that were willing to sacrifice themselves like that. Good job nonetheless.


                                            Something insightful


                                              Templar Assassin carried the game beautifully


                                                Idk how you won against a Storm and a PL, but then again, you had deso Jugg and Blink Tiny. Nice item pick ups from all of you. Both teams have the same number of Hero damage, so i am guessing you won a team fight and decided to gg.

                                                Gawr Gura

                                                  ah the comeback cancer lancer is real. good staying elusive even while the enemy was ahead in the first half of the game.

                                                  yung griphook

                                                    completely outplayed the 5-carry lineup. That's about all im qualified to say about that #2kmmrforlife


                                                      Mekanism would gave stronger 5man push for fast finish.

                                                      pura pura

                                                        solo supp, gj against this 1k dogsh^trider


                                                          Your team line-up was superior. Not sure why troll didn't go silver edge instead of you. Also Magnus ember is dirty :P

                                                          Player 124137522

                                                            Party games ayy lmao. Anyway pretty much a co-ordinated win, seeing as though you've been playing party games quite a few times and you seem to have a great synergised team. You're probably the utility/offlane player in the team and you've done a great job. Kudos, keep up the good work.


                                                              You managed to win as Storm against a Silencer with refresher. OP hero or not, that is just impressive.


                                                                Used the space created by team to farm up decent items and push, no way for them to get back into that game


                                                                  Pretty OK for Mirana. Things would go better if your team more coordinated. I mean look, both CM and Pudge have urn, but looks like they never used it. CM going for carry build which i think stalled your item progression. Oh and also, why the hell AM has brown boots when he has red boots ?


                                                                    i hate arcane boots on disruptor
                                                                    also no 1-1-1 build @ level 3 is FailFish


                                                                      You did pretty good bby gurl, personally i dont usually think a TA needs an extra point in traps until about level 14 and 16 but its all personal preference.



                                                                        Really ? But i think it's important to get Arcane because he tend to have mana issue early on.

                                                                        As for the build, i'm laning with BS so i think giving 2 point in Glimpse would help him set the bloodrite.

                                                                        PS : skip me. Don't have new game yet.

                                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                          @Wubbie: Great stomp. Draggy game though.

                                                                          Your recent matches seem to be all stomps. Why are you still in normal skills?



                                                                            Solid performance dealing with the Solo top Slark, everything ok buildwise, good pick with the halberd vs windranger, nice hero damage, well, really well played spirit breaker.


                                                                              GJ there for being online as Spectre quite fast. 30k + hero damage is really scary.
                                                                              However, i wonder who buy the support stuff in this match ? Disruptor and Lion is really rich considering their GPM.
                                                                              That Disruptor even got refresher D:


                                                                                Minerva, they both were buying lots of wards and sentries.

                                                                                The reason they got those items is because we got megas and returned to the fountain, so they got time to spent the gold of 6 racks we destroyed.

                                                                                PS: The next comment should be about Minerva's last match and not mine. Thanks

                                                                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                  @ Minerva

                                                                                  You out-leveled almost your entire team as WW. Way to go.


                                                                                    @crystal maiden, just from your name alone i know i'd love our profile xD
                                                                                    I'm a cm fan too haha~ also great support player :D
                                                                                    winning most of ur AP matches that's pretty chill

                                                                                    I've nothing super insightful to say honestly ~ Maybe random more often to practice your other heroes besides the top supps you play.
                                                                                    Also you dont buy much Euls huh? Also offering is great if late game for your team that is.

                                                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                      @VOSSS : Oh, okay that makes sense. Nice job there as a team

                                                                                      @Crystal Maiden : I don't know how could that happen. I just split-pushing and then suddenly my lvl skyrocketed :x

                                                                                      @vv : Wow, that must be suck for the enemy team. If Invoker didn't abandon, things might be different. Anyway, good job there for getting Ursa his level.

                                                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                        your team carried you.ez win


                                                                                          @arcuxus, well we had a similar game LoL
                                                                                          Think you shouldn't have gone second crit.. happened to my kunkka.. Way too greedy, dat bkb came way too late :/


                                                                                            vv --

                                                                                            You're an opponent's worst nightmare, a highly-active Silencer player. Your attack speed was ridiculous. What's more impressive, is how you were involved in over 75% of your team's fights.

                                                                                            Well done.

                                                                                            Gawr Gura

                                                                                              tried and tested CK build that maybe forced the abandon? xD


                                                                                                @ tidehunter -- Puck was mid and got a couple early kills on QOP....then I camped him, and got a couple more. Then after two team fights, we pulled ahead, and QOP bailed. Good guess!


                                                                                                  @tidehunter seems like u did very good by taking bait/all spells onto you with innitiating teamfight. the aghs i guess just to have fun. or more option to fuck ppl around XD