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General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion

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    Tento komentář byl upraven



        i wonder how long will it take for blink to be bought on like every hero

        Nah, I'd win

          when it gives stats or reduce cooldown


            can someone check if it's watchable and tell me on steam

            disgusting weebs

              if it's watchable

              besides the fact its dmc it's perfectly watchable


                oi m8


                  holy shit can computer mice manufacturers come to some kind of agreement regarding m4 and m5 buttons?

                  everytime i switch mouse, these two are swapped for some reason




                        lmao sakura spirit was a gift i swear


                          check out page 1 if you don't believe me

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            Normie meme


                              Jay the Bird



                                  i got sakura spirit gifted as well

                                  hast dus vom boss bekommen?



                                    Nah, I'd win

                                      would you guys be interested in a outlast stream?

                                      Nah, I'd win



                                          Stellen Sie dar, wie antizyklische Fiskalpolitik nach Keynes zum Ausgleich der konjunkturellen Wachstumsschwankungen beitragen soll.

                                          Beschreiben Sie, wie sich die im Zielkatalog des Stabilitäts- und Wachstumsgesetztes enthaltenen gesamtwirtschaftlichen Größen idealtypisch in den Phasen des Konjunkturzyklus verändern.

                                          Beschreiben die den idealtypischen Verlauf deines Konjunkturzyklus unter Verwendung der zentralen Zielgrößen Wachstum, Preisniveaustabilität und hoher Beschäftigungsstand.

                                          Stellen Sie ein integrationstheoretisches Konzept für den europäischen Einigungsprozess dar.

                                          Stellen Sie zwei Merkmale, Antriebskräfte und Indikatoren der ökonomischen Globalisierung dar.

                                          Stellen sie drei Ziele der UNO nach der UN-Charta und zwei Handlungsmöglichkeiten des UN-Sicherheitsrats zur Friedenssicherung dar.

                                          Stellen Sie ein Leitbild zur europäischen Integration dar.

                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                            Only with cam no KappaPride



                                              disgusting weebs

                                                get 114 heroes FREE


                                                  Anybody know how long a body needs to be buried in a relatively muddy creek for it to be unrecognizable? Let's say fully buried horizontally on the bed with 3-feet of water and a foot of soil above it. By unrecognizable I mean prints can't be identified fast or the body becomes too decomposed to visually identify at first glance.

                                                  Nah, I'd win

                                                    where did you hide the corpse


                                                      Asking for a friend.


                                                        how do visuals matter, im pretty sure police got other ways to identify a corpse


                                                          Let's say it's a pretty big city and there are a lot of missing persons cases monthly, mostly people who run away from home or the occasional wanted thief. Random corpses aren't too out of place because the country is going on an all-out war against drug abusers/pushers. But the body in question is a bit well known. The visuals matter so that they won't be able to ID him immediately just by skimming through filed reports, and hopefully the paperwork will keep them busy for a while.


                                                            post it on 4chan with photos of the corpse and ull get legit advice

                                                            disgusting weebs

                                                              from the neckbeards whos toughest crime was not paying for a bus ride? yea right


                                                                you have to remove the teeth, afterwards the body will decompoze in 3-6 weeks, depending on the bacterial level.


                                                                  Friend said he can't, been a week since the guy has been reported missing and police have started searching. Friend apparently has already been interviewed and coming back for photos in the creek would be too risky because although the location of the creek is pretty quiet and barren, the way there requires passing through two little towns. First time friend went there he rode his 4x4 but he said he can't use it now because his dad is holding the keys at the moment.


                                                                    Can't do anything to speed up the decomposition process now, all my friend needs is a rough estimate on the time he has before shit hits the fan. I'd help him myself but I don't know how this shit works


                                                                      3 - 6 weeks as I said.
                                                                      but the teeth will be a dead giveaway if your country has obligatory dental records. Or if the dead person has a dental history.


                                                                        lmao wtf did ur friend do with that guy anyway

                                                                        im pretty sure his life is done


                                                                          Definitely has a dental history. Would digging up the corpse stink bad? Bad enough to draw attention I mean. Distance of the said creek and the nearest town is about 350~ metres if you follow the path, but in a straight line it's probably 200~ meters or so. The creek is also downwind of the town, but I'm not sure with the summer winds if that can change anything.

                                                                          Edit: Not sure about technical terms but the wind goes to the town first before the creek, last time I checked

                                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                            Research purposes and let's leave it at that, yeah? ;)


                                                                              depends on how many weeks/motnhs/years the corpse has been lying there, one way or another i doubt htat it will smell too hard

                                                                              its pretty disgusting anyway and i dont know why he didn't place the corpse elsewhere right away, i think if i murdered someone i'd drive to the other side of the world to drop the corpse


                                                                                A week since the supposed time of death and following immediately was the time of burial.

                                                                                Who said anything about murder? It's just a question


                                                                                  what reason would u have to hide someone that died naturally



                                                                                      what if you switch the dead persons credentials with yours, and your friends writes a suicide letter


                                                                                        what is this, the 4th time shittyfluted toxic is posted?

                                                                                        Jay the Bird

                                                                                          Lmao this convo tho



                                                                                              Hmm okay. One last question. When would be the time of the day or night that the air is at its most tame? The creek has 1 hill to the left relative to position of the town and the creek, about 150~ meters away. Another hill to the right under the same circumstance but much farther like 500~ meters. The area is covered in dense vegetation but along the path of the town into the creek there are a few bamboo huts here and there but no one really visits that much., closest one is 100~ meter near. Place is near a province, and let's say the country is near the equator with a timezone completely opposite to that of the US.

                                                                                              Edit: Forgot to add that around the bamboo huts there's about an acre of cleared ground. I think someone tried their hand at farming/cutting up wood/raising livestock but have since abandoned the area from the looks of it.

                                                                                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                                hello ure talking about a guy who died a week ago it won't smell for kilometres

                                                                                                one way or another id suggest u to keep ur head out of this shit (if it is not you that comitted the crime)


                                                                                                  Что говорить, друзья.
                                                                                                  Много стран, но Россия одна.
                                                                                                  Будем помнить, что мы - дети великой страны.
                                                                                                  Да, жизнь тяжела, но свет укрепит сердца.
                                                                                                  Вместе - мы сила!
                                                                                                  С Новым Годом, Россия!

                                                                                                  Разговоры стихают, светлеют глаза.
                                                                                                  Новогодняя полночь входит в дома.
                                                                                                  Новогодние ёлки огнями горят.
                                                                                                  С Новым Годом, Россия!
                                                                                                  С Новым Годом, друзья!

                                                                                                  Огни новогодней ёлки, сделают жизнь светлее.
                                                                                                  Сделают наши сердца, радостнее, теплее.
                                                                                                  Давайте поднимем бокалы, за мир на нашей земле.
                                                                                                  За удачу во всех делах, за счастье в каждой семье.

                                                                                                  Разговоры стихают, светлеют глаза.
                                                                                                  Новогодняя полночь входит в дома.
                                                                                                  Новогодние ёлки огнями горят.
                                                                                                  С Новым Годом, Россия!
                                                                                                  С Новым Годом, друзья!

                                                                                                  С Новым Годом, друзья!

