^^yo dude wanna come to my city I have a lure and Im bout to use it wanna catch some ez pokemons? I also want to fly with that private jet of urs I heard its pretty cool.
:D fucking doghit smile of fucking dogshit player just gonna go to urban dick-tionary and add a "dogshit" word here and an explanation "1.aFfect" just so everybody know how fucking DOGSHIT u are
it's way better than the standard glittering shit
oh a new page guess i'll use it to promote my meme
Im 2 lazy 2 turn on muh peecee but i would show how a gangsta theme looks like LUL
upgrade to spyware*
Bruh theres not a single ''affect'' on db that has a star only ''aFeect'' and with 2 f's it looks like that person gives to many fucks 4Head TriHard
Spyware fucking LUL I'm sure MS cares about everyones porn collection and dick pics
ye easy money
notice how i also spelled meka's name wrong and he's doesn't give a fuk unlike u lil bitch
^^yo dude wanna come to my city I have a lure and Im bout to use it wanna catch some ez pokemons? I also want to fly with that private jet of urs I heard its pretty cool.
Cuz ur a dogshit fucking player u cant even read my name LUL fuckin 2k plebs go to skool SoBayed
i already said i did it on purpose because u are triggered when ur name is spelled wrong
literally 1k mmr @ reading LUL
:D ye I knew dat, but still
:D fucking doghit smile of fucking dogshit player just gonna go to urban dick-tionary and add a "dogshit" word here and an explanation "1.aFfect" just so everybody know how fucking DOGSHIT u are
K meanwhile I'll go get a haircut see ya later starless LUL
man actually i need a haircut too it's been ages since i last went to the barber
Ye same
No way I'd let that old fool near my head.
is it okay to check JUSTGIRLYTHINGS blogs as a guy?
well when u watch stuff like that if helps u understand girls and be a better bf and increases your chance to find a girl
^use it as an excuse for being a faг
yes that video helped me a lot
5:19 wearing a belt, justgirlythigns
hidden pool
U used to call me on my cell phone
late night when you need my love
how do u change the size of hero icons?
at this point im no longer sure that afeect and afeed is the same person
mouse wheel when you're editing the grid (customize grid in bottom right)
Did anyone ever notice that global elite in cs go is Same like 4500 mmr in dota?
Everyone whos not global elite is big big noob.
Arin their both completely different ppl
nvm carried my trash team to victory they were SO FUCKiNG BAD
LUL arin being retarded as always xD
That TA score tho 888
yeah i was 1/5 mid and that guy still couldnt carry seemsgood fucking dogshit got carried by SD
i love that cocky 20 min "GOOD GAME" spam before they know that they'll lose LUL
man farming magikarps is a bitch
best there is
When will we receive the trust of benefactor shit since we alrdy surpass last year prize pool
aFight PogChamp
im not a feeder PogChamp
He learned when he trash talks me I will rek him in l4d2 with a tank
golden EE card we fukin won
i dont understand most of these
how is this funny
+5% Deaths
ez fantasy points for fEEd-sama
+20% roshan kills PogChamp