General Discussion

General Discussionthe tiers of carry

the tiers of carry in General Discussion

    t1: luna, jugg,
    t2 : slark, od, pa, mirana, etc
    t3: lycan, tb, visage
    t4: naga, ember
    t5: mk, ns etc
    Meta carry(what pro team will 1st pick carry this patch)

    Toto téma bylo upraveno
    Riguma Borusu


      a part of me just died


        xd hes still great vs non aoe teamfight. Hes as post 4 us good too for disableing people


          Visage more like T3. I guess,


            i dunno actually because now comes a new patch and seems like jugg and luna still powerful as ever. btw when arcana jugg comes out


              ok ill update that visage to t3 carry btw you can have your own opinion and make it


                Necrophos is tier 1, lycan was tier 1 but post nerfs I'm not sure. Naga is garbo more like tier 100 right now, anything that needs to hit creeps for a significant length of time is dead.

                Tento komentář byl upraven

                  Visage should be tier 0

                  L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                    Is AM seriously not even tier 5 anymore? Not even worth a situational consideration?


                      am agh is a very good buff. hes quite good before agh too


                        antimage in 2016 lol


                          Do u mean tier 1 in pure late game carry potential, or how good the hero is in general, as a carry. Cuz lycan falls off, visage falls off, and pa falls off. Given equal farm even luna falls off, she just functions like alch where she just gets so much more gold that she can use it to choke the enemy and starve them of farm till she just muscles thru them to the ancient. If somehow a jugg managed to stall thru the mid game and get the same amount of farm eventually jugg will overpower luna once they are 6 slotted (or i guess 9 slotted or something?)


                            tier 1 by true carry potential. like ls in early 6.88 is tier 1 carry. od in 6.86 and something like that


                              OD is tier 0 in 6.86 lul


                                so? and one more question what is the most powerful hero at super late game 50-60 min with game at neutral state

                                Tento komentář byl upraven
                                Freya 69

                                  Hyper carry potential wise is Dusa, Troll, Tiny, CK, Naga and Spectre. Meta wise is closer to what people are talking about I think. Luna true carry potential is abysmal; she has 2 magical nukes, 1 farming skill and 1 actual man fight skill. She doesn't stand a chance against a Troll with the same amount of farm in nearly any late game situation, but she fits drafts better because she's a better team fighter all around and she comes online faster. I could prolly bring Gyro into this, but everyone would laugh, so I won't. But its there! He can still hyper out carry nearly any hero on this list!

                                  And that's a good question. When is Jugs arcana coming out??


                                    imo, ck is the strongest 6 slotted carry

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      How does luna fall off? We're not talking 1v1 here. Her ult can do 1500 dmg to a single target unless you hold onto bkbs or 3300 dmg to a whole team. That doesn't fall off late especially when bkbs are down to 5s. And glaive increases her dps by 272% if it finishes all bounces and it wrecks buildings. Jug has blade dance for 35% increase. Not even close. Jug has his own utlity with ward and his ult scales incredibly well into late game, but only reason he could possibly 1v1 luna is cus luna isn't a 1v1 hero and he'd get basher.

                                      But you need qualifiers here, are you asking who's the best carry to play currently or who carries hardest or who is best 1v1 or what? Cus all of that matters. Like others said lycan is a beast but dramatically falls off later. Sven hits a mid game window where he's a force but gets kited to shit late and sucks. Drow pushes super hard early game, kinda stutters mid game, then gets aghs and mjollnir and wrecks your push late. Sniper starts super slow but late game good luck getting any t3s off him. So everyone has different strengths.


                                        i am not laughing at gyro if you said it. if valve buff him a bit he will back into the meta, but he will replace luna or he will become great late game luna. But the meta is early so luna is very good now


                                          Glaives may be a lot of dmg increase but its unreliable, and it doesnt do anything in a 1v1. And assuming pure late game prowess, ck is the strongest but only if they dont have aoe heroes like sven. Even against sven once u get double skadi and an ac u just melt him anyway. Dusa is also high up there as she has immense control over certain heroes but kinda sucks in a 1v1. Similar (but not nearly as bad) is spec who late game kills both supports with an ulti and has nuts teamfight. Jugg due to his rlly low BAT and again how he just instagibs supports with omnislash. It does depend on the situation tho.


                                            Gyro does similar things to dusa and shit where he does a lot of aoe physical and aoe magical, but he cant farm the items to get him in a position to outcarry anyone. He actually farms jungle slower than ck now i think. And he needs a lot of mana (rocket barrage) to do so.


                                              i would picked spec for the greatest late game hero though. in liike 45 min you have rad manta diff heart butterfly then you can kill any supp that arent 3 manning. you can even kill them in base with kunkka + spec combo. Dusa is pretty shit right now because of early game fights. but for the overall carry potential who have the best one?


                                                In a lategame scenario where the gyro has say rapier > BoT lvl 2 > aghs (yes aghs he lacks single target dmg) > skadi/satanic > butterfly > crits/mkb > bkb(backpacked) > moonshard (consumed), the gyro will shrek almost anyone. But he cant farm that kinda networth, and he isnt as strong as ck at fighting early for his advantage either.


                                                  Ok now what will valve do to make gyro great again? what did he lacks? farming? like we can buff his flack cannon to get extra 50-60 damage to farm creep(reverse of ember 2nd skill), and make rocket barrage magic to pure to farm neutral fast?


                                                    Gyro has a huge hole in the mid game that can be covered by buffing his farming potential or early game spells


                                                      For pure lategame prowess I'll go with CK or spectre, and in the past I would say void but rip cancertrack


                                                        Jugg lategame is not that good
                                                        A healing ward and a free BKB for tower hitting isn't going to compete with ranged cleaves, BKB piercing disables, or some ghost running around with 5k HP shitting out pure damage or reflects damage


                                                          Jugg late game just hits soooo hard. Like there are almost no heroes who can manfight a jugg late game, cept ck, and maybe a farmed ass troll.


                                                            His BAT is rlly low, and he has a crit which has the greatest over increase of dmg among all crits i believe. He goes manta and his illusions crit too. Plus omnislash with hits in between that? Its just an insane amount of dmg.


                                                              People should remember jugg is squishy as fuck
                                                              Sven can manfight jugg 1v1 50/50 for sure


                                                                Well maybe 60/40 in favor of jugg
                                                                I always tend to forget sven is kiteable as fuck

                                                                M U R D E R

                                                                  imo, ck is the strongest 6 slotted carry

                                                                  Inb4 level 25 Lion AOE mana drain, rip phantasms, rip CK.


                                                                    rip lol. lion mid counter ck lul. So now carry will buy tomes of knowledge for themself?


                                                                      well gyro kill spec and ck in rapier though. Since his cleave are infinite.


                                                                        2k trash opinion
                                                                        t1 - jug, troll, mesusa, sniper
                                                                        t2 - pa, arc, od, morph, luna, spectre, ck, naga, tiny
                                                                        t3 - drow ranger,mirana, slark, tb, sven(even if sven >luna in late 1v1 like am >morhp), am, mk
                                                                        t4 - lifefstealer, legion (new talents etc), void, sf, weaver, riki(yea it happens), gyro

                                                                        early/mid game
                                                                        t1 - luna, slark,mk, drow, ursa,
                                                                        t2 - od, tiny, mirana, sf, timber, huskar, jug
                                                                        t3 - pa, bloodseeker, lifestealer, sven, arc
                                                                        t4 - tb, alch, meepo, ck

                                                                        t1 - sniper, pa, morph, arc, od
                                                                        t2 - luna, spectre, tiny, tb, timber( if he counts as carry), jug, mk
                                                                        t3 - sf, weaver, sven, templar assasin, ursa
                                                                        t4 - ck, mirana, medusa, slark, troll, alch


                                                                          All u do with ck then is just smoke and kill lion with one pull. Aoe mana drain is good, but with shadow blade u can jump him and kill him.


                                                                            CK SB NotLikeThis


                                                                              am should still be up there


                                                                                No sven wudnt beat a 6 slotted jugg. He gets tanky with skadi, cud even go satanic and pop it then ulti for full heal (kinda niche but i like the concept). Sven doesnt deal with evasion well, so butterfly fucks him. If he bloodthorns u spin or bkb, and sven going mkb over crits or a survivability item is good for you. Jugg's mjollnir cuts thru armor, and all he has to do (in a pure 1v1 which never REALLY happens but whatever) is omni slash u and get in a shit ton of attacks in between slashes with mjollnir butterfly and low BAT. U can even diffusa warcry, then omnislash.


                                                                                  Hey u have to jump lion or lose all illusions and ck doesnt wanna go blink. Silver dmedge gives nice stats too.

                                                                                  Freya 69

                                                                                    SE is now perfectly fine for CK since even the raw attack speed is translated to illusion dps.


                                                                                      yeah and se particularly counter PA which is very popular

                                                                                      lm ao

                                                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                          SB is not an optimal item to get on CK
                                                                                          But yea SE is a decent choice against PA with BKB, bloodthorn seems better tho (lul who buys purging items anyway)


                                                                                            for ganking potential without ult se is good


                                                                                              Isn't it "I see Slark (or anyone who is obviously going for SE), I go Manta"? If it is possible ofc. Because if there is PA in one team, she's usually the best and the most obvious target for breaking...


                                                                                                Im saying sb > se for initiation on a hero who wud normally counter u so u can burst them before they can do anything. Also destroys spectre.


                                                                                                  Tier 1 - Spectre


                                                                                                  Yeah that's it. Everyone else comes after. CK comes close tho, and the old void and cancer lancer a step behind

                                                                                                  Ryan Gosling Fan

                                                                                                    Spectre is trash just yesterday i rekt a spectre in 1v1 multiple times as sniper.


                                                                                                      spec lul spec


                                                                                                        ^^thats cuz ur trash mate. dont blame it on the hero

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