General Discussion

General Discussionclimb to 3k from 2k

climb to 3k from 2k in General Discussion
Bobby knuckles

    ^ Did I ever say people should follow my way of playing AM? I just stated that AM is one of the best if not THE BEST hero to stomp your way out of lower 2k.

    IMO its the best hero to climb mmr in 2k, allows you to flash farm and split push, 2 things 2ks don't know how to deal with apparently.

    Also you have 68% win rate What the fuck are you talking about?

    On a side note what kind of loser tries to pose as a 6k player with lower 2k ? I for a sec thought it was the real CUTNPASTE and was wondering where his blue star went

    Tento komentář byl upraven

      nice i just have 20%wr on AM


        Everyone knows me here so I doubt people will actually far for it anyway
        I did it for the memes and got too lazy to change it back


          What i was trying to say is that people shouldn't just read the discussion and try to copy our hero choices 100% since the meta doesn't exist in 2k


            i tried it in a lobby, 11-12 min radiance + pms + quelling + talon + treads

            you don't need soulring if you just buy some clarities.

            i used realistic farming patterns for a midlane, with unrealistic patterns i could see this being done sub 10 min.

            when i come back i'll test a different pattern to see if it makes it better by using ancients instead of normal standard camps.

            Tento komentář byl upraven

              haha my best radiance time is 18m

              Bobby knuckles

                allows you to flash farm and split push, 2 things 2ks don't know how to deal with apparently.

                I'm almost 3k and on my way here I saw the patterns I'm just stating them out to him because he asked for them I didn't even mention AM until he said this :
                i have 57% winrate on anti mage and 567 average mmr, maybe i should spam him?

                I never said HE MUST FOLLOW what I say to get 3k. I'm just stating this is how I did it, take it or leave it. My comments are pretty fucking clear. I'm spamming tinker right now with 100% wr in higher 2k, did I recommend him to start playing tinker?

                Tento komentář byl upraven
                Bobby knuckles

                  Turns out my average timing of radiance on Alchemist is 13 mins and iirc I make midas before radiance in most of my games. But looking back at these games now I think I'm dragging them out too far since I have games where I lost with 10 and 11 mins radiance.

                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                    Im not a arc warden player but i think you need to farm midgame. You goal should be mjonir pike midas before 30min


                      What i notice from you that you have a solid laning phase unlike me. I bet your laning phase skill is like 4ks but i think your midgame skill is not that gud. Or you rarely play but your skill are actually around 3-4k


                        What kind of 2ks do you play with. On Dubai server, more often than not, you'll be up against a support who'll be buying wards all game(if you're not, chances are you'll have one on your team depending on luck) and any attempt to split push will be met with instant tps.


                          Cookie , pms+treads+quelling+talon+rads in 11-12mins is just impossible.


                            pms treads quell talon at 12 mins? best i can do is 15 mins


                              what should i do mid game as arc warden? i usually just teleport to teamfights with my double and use the real arc to farm lane


                                ofc it's possible, i just did it.

                                you just suck shit at farming patterns.

                                @jon jones do you go for straight brown boots> radi or do you build actual items before.

                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                  @Jon Jones i meant 567 average gpm not mmr sorry for confusing you


                                    You have 255 lh in your last game i dont know what but you must be not farming that hard


                                      mid game as arc warden, you just farm as fast as possible.

                                      get like 800+ gpm


                                        @fx yep not that hard


                                          567 avg gpm as AM is horrendously bad
                                          I would say 700 is the norm and even then it's not that good
                                          If you want to spam AM polish your farming pattern, do the 600LH 30 min challenge


                                            @cookie can you tell me some good farming patterns?


                                              Alright i misunderstoond, point taken Jon


                                                Finding out the farming pattern on your own > copy pasting
                                                So that you'll get the mindset and why x farming pattern is more efficient


                                                  here you go:

                                                  easy ones:

                                                  1. 10 min- no creeps missed (82+ lasthits minimum)
                                                  2. 10 min- 80 lh/40 deny safelane, creeps can't enter either team's tower. if they do you reset
                                                  3. 10 min- 100 LH safelane
                                                  4. 30 min- 600 LH
                                                  5. less than 15 min- end the game(destroy enemy ancient)

                                                  advanced ones:

                                                  1. 11 min- 130 LH
                                                  2. 30 min- 800 LH
                                                  3. 10 min- 100 CS+(LH+DN counts) as morphling -> lvl 1 strenght morph and never level anything again, turn it on and don't turn it off. buy a set of tangoes and a wraith band, you'll constantly have only 25~ damage.
                                                  4. less than 10 min- end the game(destroy enemy ancient)

                                                  all are done in lobby games, no bots 1v0

                                                  do all of them at least 5 times and you'll have farming patterns close to mine or better if you're a tryhard.

                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                  Bobby knuckles

                                                    quelling -> healing salve ->faire fire -> bottle -> boots -> midas -> radiance at 13 mins(also I carry tp if that counts)

                                                    If I skip midas I get it in 10 mins.


                                                      that's a very bad build, i'd never get midas or bottle on alchemist.

                                                      soulring is good enough if you have to, but clarities will do the job.

                                                      the rest is fine, if you were to add in an armlet it'd be a proper build

                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                          miss 5 cs forgot to stack lol


                                                            Lul 95 CS I got more with juggernaut

                                                            casual gamer

                                                              just get a sages mask on alch guys come on

                                                              casual gamer

                                                                maybe ill try some i love this shit but havent done it since 688


                                                                  Why don't you try snowball carries like Slark? I think he can still rekt people in that bracket.

                                                                  Early Items: PT, Aquila and Magic stick or Raindrops

                                                                  Core Items: SB onto SEdge, Skadi and Abyssal

                                                                  Situational Items: Moonshard after SB(only if 4 or all of your enemies are very squishy), Midas(if you are having a really easy lane),
                                                                  BKB(if you can't handle the clashes and needs more survivablity and spell immunity),
                                                                  Orchid(if you want to silence those heroes that have esccapes for skills)
                                                                  and other Situational items that you want to fit your teams current sittuation.


                                                                    i have 67% win rate with slark, i don't pick him because bs is picked often in 2k bracket


                                                                      BS in 2k are incompetent as fuck
                                                                      I've been on multiple ocassions where a BS ruptured me (AM) and tries to solo 1v1 and dies, or I tp back home multiple times from his gank and he does nothing to adapt to it

                                                                      pluto baby

                                                                        i climbed from 1.8k to 3k by spamming invo and meepo and ofcourse learning other heroes too.


                                                                          Then use Slark don't be afraid with that BS just don't forget to bring tp, it was fun playing Slark on that bracket.


                                                                            @Рыба в пруду. how long did it took you to learn meepo? im interested in him but i can't really do blink poof


                                                                              @bws i miss 5 cs so that should be 99 and i farm jungle creep which worth more than normal and it is the realistically as possible challange


                                                                                realistically as possible challange

                                                                                It was done by eating the enemies' medium camp next to their secret shop back in 7.01 so yea
                                                                                But realistically you can still eat the easy camp next to your safelane


                                                                                  It's not much of a problem on AM but I think you might miss 1 or 2 lane creep cs with jugg because you have to walk up back to the lane instead of blinking


                                                                                    I've been playing AM with fighting more than I used to, it's more effective if you feel like you need to make your own space


                                                                                      spam slark ez rekt in 2k games


                                                                                        just wondering how much gpm should i aim as am?


                                                                                          700 on games where you get trashed
                                                                                          Probably 750+ is the norm


                                                                                            I think aiming for
                                                                                            High gpm as am is nice way to benchmark how the hero should farm. But I prefer making sure u have at least 7k td every game as am.


                                                                                              Otherwise why do u pick the hero?


                                                                                                in 2k mmr? i wouldn't drop below 900 even in a losing game while tryharding


                                                                                                  900? my best is 800 gpm on am

                                                                                                  edit: also sometimes i get 1k gpm on alche, maybe i should spam him instead?

                                                                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                                    It's not about gpm, in 2k you either get carried, carry the game, have a feeder or you're the feeder(unintentionally still counts)

                                                                                                    Bobby knuckles


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