General Discussion

General Discussionevery game is winnable

every game is winnable in General Discussion

    My page every game is actually winnable no whining allowed this page k


      does anyone else know that feel when you find a game and instantly realise that you don't actually want to play

      casual gamer

        if im not playing ranked i just abandon lmao


          i just discovered that i can still dodge with disconnect through console before everyone loads
          this would've saved me like 5 games in past week

          Tento komentář byl upraven

            What's the console command



              Potato Marshal

                You don't even need to use console commands, just leave the game before everybody connects


                  i like nullifier on arc but you can't really buy it sooner than like 5th item can you
                  also how tf do you play with windlace, you're out of slots constantly

                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                    i'm proud of myself
                    just dodged pl in my very next game


                      dont see anything too wrong with PL.

                      i once tried to dodge and i got an abandon

                      Potato Marshal

                        Hate the concept of PL, he's either unstoppable or shit depending on the heroes he's up against.


                            dont see anything too wrong with PL.

                            i once tried to dodge and i got an abandon

                            Hate the concept of PL, he's either unstoppable or shit depending on the heroes he's up against.

                            not suprised by either of these comments from given individuals


                              man i sure do love teammates who randomly spampinging me when 5 people disappeared from hg push, trying to hunt me down

                              so i have to focus on not accidentally pressing force/blink just based on a sudden sound


                                k ive met so many ruiners lately lol



                                  these offlane creep aggro memes are getting out of hand


                                    thats what i do on axe

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      any time someone picks mirana i just wanna quit the game, this hero is SO USELESS


                                        shame that you can't see teamchat from dotabuff

                                        Potato Marshal

                                          When someone on the enemy team has their Twitch channel as their name, and you beat them, then watch him rage at his own teammates in teamchat.



                                            won a 4v5 game where our mid dced and abandoned at like level 4

                                            teammates were all positive and despite fighting against a doom making it 3v5 in fights we managed to win


                                              how did you come to that itembuild


                                                Winnable game: me as the cancermancer. We are down 2.5 lanes of rax. Just one melee left. 30,000 K networth behind. our heroic tree is healing it. After having a shit shit shit early game , our invoker finally starts to do shit during our teamfights. We win, one after another after another. get 1 rax, get two , then they try and GG push, we kill em all, they bb. we push, we kill some, some of us BB and then we kill the rest.

                                                Heavy heavy flame ensues. I use the best taunt and start dropping banana's

                                                commend that tree, clutch ults to stop luna after she bkb's and then rooting her after with guise during her satantic

                                                heres the game


                                                  b o i



                                                    i won as meteor hammer mk ama


                                                      why are none of my ranked games going past 35 minutes?


                                                        what's the deal with kaya dagon tinker?

                                                        the obvious problems this build has somehow don't seem as bad as they used to be


                                                          or maybe it's just because i'm being placed in fucking high skill games half of the time for some reason

                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                            EVERY GAME IS WINNABLE
                                                            ALMOST EVERY GAME IS WINNABLE*

                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                              what's the deal with kaya dagon tinker?
                                                              Just kaya dagon tinker is dogshit, u need cast range. Aether dagon tinker > kaya tinker. You get kaya if u can end the game with kaya dagon5 and aether, for me it works like 60% of the time. If u can see from far away it wont be a short game then just skip kaya. If u get kaya anyway then it is the first item to swap out since aether >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kaya


                                                                maybe i'm overrating the decreased manacost on kaya

                                                                yeah, playing without lens is quite awful but deleting people with dagon is pretty fun
                                                                but then i get stuck, the game turns around and i suddenly need hex agh lens which is another ~11k gold



                                                                  just get hex lol
                                                                  if u dont get aghs between 20 - 30 min, just dont get it

                                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                    sometimes aghs in the lategame is fine imo, since its so good at hg defense
                                                                    and it works better when bkbs get low

                                                                    btw i had a turbo game where our pos 1 mirana had 500 gpm
                                                                    IN TURBO

                                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                      very interesting piece of information

                                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                        arin go stream


                                                                          im at home, can't

                                                                          will stream tomorrow sir

                                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                            How the fuck do you even play so many games a day? A week or 2 ago i played like 14 and after 8 or 9 my hands felt completely numb and i was mentally fucking exhausted.


                                                                              whenever i feel like not playing next game, i just watch some interview with one of my favorite pro-players, remind myself what i want to achieve and i'm good to go again

                                                                              also hatred towards myself and every single person playing dota helps


                                                                                ok, playing against lycan is impossible from mid position - there's 0 heroes that counter him from that lane

                                                                                if your team has no idea what they're doing (always) then you can just go afk in fountain unless he's 0-6 by 10 mins
                                                                                then it's only 80% chance to lose instead of 99

                                                                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                  sf lol


                                                                                    what does sf do against a 5 man memepush when you have two items


                                                                                      behavior score: normal
                                                                                      hello valve?

                                                                                      casual gamer

                                                                                        not for long


                                                                                          you're right
                                                                                          i'm done with this game


                                                                                            no courier, no wards
                                                                                            jungle veno from min 0
                                                                                            pudge casually feeding
                                                                                            shaker casually feeding
                                                                                            meanwhile bara charging mid constantly so i need to go jungle
                                                                                            shaker sells items, buys shadow amulet
                                                                                            like 3 mins later i follow him and buy amulet because game is completely unplayable at this point, leaving base = death

                                                                                            i didn't talk with my team anyhow except what you can see in all chat.


                                                                                              alright im making a reddit post

                                                                                              chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                                d o t a


                                                                                                  at this point i unironically think that valve just gave up in favor of majority player base (= gopniks) and just lets these animals whatever they want

                                                                                                  maybe typing 20 lines of random cyrillic bullshit before every game will give me immunity